Hi guys,
Selling a long MTT package for tomorrow.
Will sell a large percentage to remain disciplined with my bankroll
Sold many packages here before with no problems.
The last 2 packages I sold have been profitable.
All time MTT graph:
tournament package:
1100 - $16.50 big
1100 - $11 prog ko
1130 - $4.40 bounty builder
1145 - $2.20 deepstack
1205 - $7.50 hyper 6max
1210 - $5.50 freezout
1215 - $16.50 hot turbo
1230 - $1.10+r ($7.10)
1310 - $2.20 prog ko 4max
1315 - $4.40 hot turbo
1330 - $16.50 zoom
1330 - $7.50 bounty builder
1335 - $2.20 6max
1340 - $3.30 freezout
1400 - $4.40 big
1405 - $11 hyper 6max
1420 - $5.50 prog ko 6max
1430 - $16.50 bounty builder
1440 - $3.30 6max
1445 - $5.50 turbo
1505 - $2.20 hyper 6max
1510 - $11 zoom prog ko 6max
1600 - $2.20+R ($14.20)
1600 - $7.50 big
1615 - $3.30 freezout
1615 - $5.50 hot turbo
1630 - $2.20 bounty builder
1635 - $3.30 hyper 6max
1645 - $7.50 bounty builder
1700 - $3.30 big
1705 - $2.20 hyper 6max
1715 - $2.20 turbo
1720 - $7.50 freezout
1730 - $11 bounty builder
1735 - $1.10+R ($7.10)
1740 - $5.50 ko
1815 - $11 hot turbo
1825 - $7.50 hyper prog ko
1830 - $3.30 bounty builder
1835 - $5.50 hyper 6max
1900 - $11 big
1905 - $11 hyper 6max
1910 - $3.30 freezout
1915 - $2.20 hot turbo
1940 - $3.30 zoom
1945 - $11 freezout
2000 - $2.20 big
2005 - $5.50 hyper 6max
2015 - $3.30 hot turbo
2025 - $4.40 freezout
2030 - $7.50 bounty builder
2035 - $2.20 hyper 6max
2040 - $11 zoom
2045 - $7.50 freezout
2100 - $11 8max
2115 - $11 freezout
2130 - $2.20 bounty builder
2215 - $7.50 hot turbo
2245 - $2.20 zoom prog ko
2300 - $4.40 prog ko turbo
2305 - $2.20 hyper 6max
2340 - $5.50 zoom turbo
total = $407.20
1% = $4.07
5% = $20.36
10% = $40.72
All bounties won, rebuys unused or tournaments not played will be refunded.
please send money to claynuts on pokerstars,
thanks for the interest