Hi MP,
blufTTewe here, play as rihannAAA on stars.
Any investors not familiar with myself or MP history
<>click here<>
Since then I have successfully ran a good few packages
had a good few deep runs in large field mtts in past few weeks
Selling action to any MTT this week under $5
mainly playing things such as $5 cubed, $2+R (not turbo), 1k cap and similar
All Games will be updated here as played
Selling 75%
1% - $ 5,00
5% - $ 25,00
10% - $ 50,00
Payments to
rihannAAA (stars)
ChrisHendry (fulltilt)
Skrill - GBP only (PM for details)
Any questions or queries hit me
K2 - 15%
bluffyou - 10%
dolpn - 10%
pokerface296 - 5%
25% open