Big Sunday Action (90% ROI/99.99% OPR/TLB Winner Action). 20k+ Profit for 2+2 Investors!
Join Date: Jul 2007
Posts: 9,399
Hey OnlyCard, I sent it for sure. I can PM you a screenshot of my transaction history if needed.
"This is an automated message sent from Full Tilt Poker.
Your Player ID: Rissah
Receiving Player ID: BallsMahony
Date and Time: 2011-04-03 12:51:39
Transfer Number: 080638AE
Amount: $68.00 (USD)
- Hide quoted text -
This transfer has been approved. The funds are immediately available to the receiving player.
Good Luck!"
Join Date: Jun 2008
Posts: 4,647
received. Sorry I was away for the weekend and emails weren't coming into my phone.
Thank you.