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benny8580 tuesday grind (90K profit lifetime, good mix of high value and some "majors") benny8580 tuesday grind (90K profit lifetime, good mix of high value and some "majors")

10-20-2014 , 09:32 AM
Hi all,

I'm ben (benny8580 on most sites) from Switzerland. Been up to #4 in Switzerland this year, now #8 due to being back to an "actual job" since 2 months ago, but I'm off this week and ready to grind it out, putting in good volume and good mtts. I made around 90K online lifetime and 360K on pocketfives. I've had a few close calls lately (17th FTOPS 6 max, 18th bigger 109$, 20 something in sunday million) and a bunch of smaller final tables/wins (won 54KO on stars, typhoon 6 max on 888, early fiddy on ftp, etc. etc.). Check out my sharkscope group sn, I'm benny8580 there (same on pocketfives if you wanna check it out). I already sold a few times here and never had anybody complain about me (I always pay pretty fast and a few people on here could surely vauch for me if needed).

Here's the program I will play tomorrow (I will also play some other games on the side, but most focus will be on this schedule):

15:00 26 KO 4K
16:00 26 5k
18:00 109 benjamin
18:00 26 10K
19:00 55 7.5K
20:00 129 15K
21:00 162 15K
21:00 26 10K

15:00 33 5K 500 cap
16:00 75 big 75 5K
16:30 33 hot 33 35K
16:30 55 7.5K
18:15 31 11$1R1A
18:15 27 PSKO
18:30 11 Hot 11 35K
18:45 54 KO 20K
19:00 22 10K
19:00 109 Big 109 100K
19:15 25 Hyper 12.5K
19:45 44 Turbo 16K
20:00 27.5 3K 360 cap
20:15 62 22$ 1R1A 15K
20:30 75 Hot 75 50K
21:00 55 Big 55 90K

16:40 66 breeze 7K
17:30 25 2.5K
18:20 35 turbo 1.5K
19:30 55 monsoon 10K
20:05 109 lightning 6max 5K
20:35 110 55$ 2nd chance 5K
21:15 109 tornado 8K

19:00 25.6 20e 6-m 6k
19:30 64 50e 6-m 4K
20:15 25.6 20e 20K
20:30 64 50e 5K

Total 1985.7$ MTTS played 35
MU 1.133101677 ABI 56.73428571
Grand total 2250$

1% 22.50
5% 112.50
10%= 225$

Willing to sell up to 60% and will play if 45% is sold. I think this is a very nice schedule with a few nice binking potential and a bunch of good value mtts. Send your $$ @benny8580 either on stars, ftp or 888 (just add your screen name here when you send it please so it's easier for me).

GL to us,

Take care,

benny8580 tuesday grind (90K profit lifetime, good mix of high value and some "majors") Quote
10-20-2014 , 09:49 AM
15% please. $337.50 sent from LiquidSw0rd on stars. gl
benny8580 tuesday grind (90K profit lifetime, good mix of high value and some "majors") Quote
10-20-2014 , 11:35 AM
1% sent on FTP from lenail.
benny8580 tuesday grind (90K profit lifetime, good mix of high value and some "majors") Quote
10-20-2014 , 11:36 AM
10%, sending 225 from WalmartCNXN on Stars
benny8580 tuesday grind (90K profit lifetime, good mix of high value and some "majors") Quote
10-20-2014 , 11:50 AM
Originally Posted by WALMARTcnxn
10%, sending 225 from WalmartCNXN on Stars
Received thank you
benny8580 tuesday grind (90K profit lifetime, good mix of high value and some "majors") Quote
10-20-2014 , 11:50 AM
Originally Posted by LiquidSw0rd
15% please. $337.50 sent from LiquidSw0rd on stars. gl
Received, thanks
benny8580 tuesday grind (90K profit lifetime, good mix of high value and some "majors") Quote
10-20-2014 , 11:51 AM
Originally Posted by lenail
1% sent on FTP from lenail.
Thanks mate, got it!
benny8580 tuesday grind (90K profit lifetime, good mix of high value and some "majors") Quote
10-20-2014 , 11:52 AM
26% sold, 19% before playing and 34% still open.
benny8580 tuesday grind (90K profit lifetime, good mix of high value and some "majors") Quote
10-20-2014 , 11:59 AM
Is paypal an option? US player here...
benny8580 tuesday grind (90K profit lifetime, good mix of high value and some "majors") Quote
10-20-2014 , 12:00 PM
3% plz will send later on today
benny8580 tuesday grind (90K profit lifetime, good mix of high value and some "majors") Quote
10-20-2014 , 12:11 PM
Originally Posted by spimp13
Is paypal an option? US player here...
sorry buddy i don't have paypal... I have skrill though, if that's ever an option. Let me know and take care
benny8580 tuesday grind (90K profit lifetime, good mix of high value and some "majors") Quote
10-20-2014 , 12:13 PM
Originally Posted by U shove i call
3% plz will send later on today
Ok cool, I'll confirm as soon as i get the moneysss.
benny8580 tuesday grind (90K profit lifetime, good mix of high value and some "majors") Quote
10-20-2014 , 12:15 PM
29% sold (or booked), 16% till I play and 31% still open.
benny8580 tuesday grind (90K profit lifetime, good mix of high value and some "majors") Quote
10-20-2014 , 12:59 PM
Originally Posted by U shove i call
3% plz will send later on today
Sent from katxxxxxxxxx

benny8580 tuesday grind (90K profit lifetime, good mix of high value and some "majors") Quote
10-20-2014 , 01:11 PM

datsixonetwo on stars
benny8580 tuesday grind (90K profit lifetime, good mix of high value and some "majors") Quote
10-20-2014 , 01:16 PM
1 % brbFishin on Stars
benny8580 tuesday grind (90K profit lifetime, good mix of high value and some "majors") Quote
10-20-2014 , 04:37 PM
Originally Posted by PlentyOfFish
1 % brbFishin on Stars
Received thank you
benny8580 tuesday grind (90K profit lifetime, good mix of high value and some "majors") Quote
10-20-2014 , 04:38 PM
Originally Posted by datsixonetwo

datsixonetwo on stars
Received, thanks
benny8580 tuesday grind (90K profit lifetime, good mix of high value and some "majors") Quote
10-20-2014 , 04:38 PM
Originally Posted by U shove i call
Sent from katxxxxxxxxx

Have it too, thank you
benny8580 tuesday grind (90K profit lifetime, good mix of high value and some "majors") Quote
10-20-2014 , 04:40 PM
32% sold, 13% till play is on and 28% still open.
benny8580 tuesday grind (90K profit lifetime, good mix of high value and some "majors") Quote
10-20-2014 , 05:37 PM
23% sold to private investors. We're sold out! Thanks all and will update all numbers tomorrow morning and put up a rail thread. Starting to play at 3pm cet. GL us!
benny8580 tuesday grind (90K profit lifetime, good mix of high value and some "majors") Quote
10-20-2014 , 06:05 PM
Originally Posted by benny8
23% sold to private investors. We're sold out! Thanks all and will update all numbers tomorrow morning and put up a rail thread. Starting to play at 3pm cet. GL us!
Meant 28% sorry.
benny8580 tuesday grind (90K profit lifetime, good mix of high value and some "majors") Quote
10-20-2014 , 06:13 PM
good luck!
benny8580 tuesday grind (90K profit lifetime, good mix of high value and some "majors") Quote
10-21-2014 , 07:48 AM
Just realised i screwed up with the 129$ which is monday only (i made my schedule yesterday), would i be ok for you guys if i played the 109 turbo instead, plus the 26$ 2.5K (which makes it 135$) or should i refund?
benny8580 tuesday grind (90K profit lifetime, good mix of high value and some "majors") Quote
