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aniceboy wcoop16 + sides 3-11Sep aniceboy wcoop16 + sides 3-11Sep

08-30-2016 , 02:43 AM
Revised selling for wcoop + sides for first week - Sat 3rd Sep thru Sun 11th

Have had best scores of 16th, 8th, 30th in the last cpl WCOOPs and a 2nd in a 109 SCOOP. Have bought and sold many packs without any issues, let's hit a big one for us all with this one.

SS is unlocked and OPR:


218 2x109 Ev1 Phase - playing most probably 1U/1W or1U/Q if we can sell and start by Friday
215 Sunday WU 4th Sep
215 SM 4th Sep
215 PLO 6m Ev26 11th Sep
215 Sunday WU 11th Sep

+ 422 for SR/sats

1500 @ NO MU

1% - 15
2% - 30
5% - 75
10% 150

Selling 60-65%

- Playing all kind of sats - maybe some ME as well
- For sats I may choose to skip the seat and pay out as cash instead
- Pack at 0 MU however will take a profit-only cut of 8% for this pack only handled separately
- The pack will be for the mentioned events only or any other WCOOP event mentioned in rail,any prizes related to leaderboards/comps etc. are not included


Again ONLY for investors who have taken a % of the main pack above - can buy upto 2x your main pack %, cos I will be playing other mtts including some from the miniWCOOP and usual sat/sun grind so you have a piece of that as well, should we bink something on the side.

All tournys/sats on PS upto 55$ will be included in the 880 SR @ 1.136

1% = 10
2% = 20
4% = 40
10 = 100
20 = 200

For both packs
- All bounties/unused rebuys/unused reentries/unplayed tournys/sattys will be added to refunds
- May skip/late reg tournys as I see fit
- Rail with updates
- Send to aniceboy (India) to book - reserves good till Friday Night after which they open up
aniceboy wcoop16 + sides 3-11Sep Quote
08-30-2016 , 02:43 AM
We got sofar

1 Donkey *
1 whisky *
2 Xize *
5 K2
3 vaki

Side Pack
1 Donkey *
2 whisky *
2 Xize *
10 K2
6 vaki

* received
aniceboy wcoop16 + sides 3-11Sep Quote
08-30-2016 , 03:12 AM
Alright mate, upgrade mine to 4% on each and i'll send you back $50 later today when I get home from work
aniceboy wcoop16 + sides 3-11Sep Quote
08-30-2016 , 03:36 AM
Res 1% of both
aniceboy wcoop16 + sides 3-11Sep Quote
08-30-2016 , 03:43 AM
2 of both sent
aniceboy wcoop16 + sides 3-11Sep Quote
08-30-2016 , 04:16 AM
1% more of both packages sent ps. donkey08811
aniceboy wcoop16 + sides 3-11Sep Quote
08-30-2016 , 09:41 AM
2.5/5 sending now.
aniceboy wcoop16 + sides 3-11Sep Quote
08-30-2016 , 10:45 AM
Okey I sent 4% + 4% total now
aniceboy wcoop16 + sides 3-11Sep Quote
08-30-2016 , 06:20 PM
About 40/15 left
aniceboy wcoop16 + sides 3-11Sep Quote
08-30-2016 , 11:36 PM
2 Donkey *
1 whisky *
4 Xize *
1 Lucky *
2 kinky *
2.5 Fi5h *
5 K2
3 vaki

Side Pack
2 Donkey *
2 whisky *
4 Xize *
5 Fi5h *
2 kinky *
1 Lucky *
10 K2
6 vaki

* received
aniceboy wcoop16 + sides 3-11Sep Quote
08-31-2016 , 08:59 PM
Not sold enough guys, will be cancelling and putting up 2 smaller packs shortly.
aniceboy wcoop16 + sides 3-11Sep Quote
