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aniceboy LM sunday tiny aniceboy LM sunday tiny

07-03-2016 , 04:49 AM
Selling 55% for last min session - bought and sold many packs here without any issues.

Link to OPR:

selling 55%

16.50 Big 16.50
44 Marathon
22 BBuilder
27 Big 27


10% = 12.30 min
15% = 18.45

- May play a couple other tourneys on own - but not more than 4-6 tables
- All bounties/unused rebuys/unplayed tournys added to refunds with MU
- I reserve the right to late reg
- updates itt after session
- Send to aniceboy (India) to book

Last edited by NoPointBluffing; 07-03-2016 at 04:55 AM.
aniceboy LM sunday tiny Quote
07-03-2016 , 05:07 AM
10% please, 1230cents sent to aniceboy stars from hannyug stars, good luck!

aniceboy LM sunday tiny Quote
07-03-2016 , 05:40 AM
20, gl
aniceboy LM sunday tiny Quote
07-03-2016 , 06:18 AM
15% sent (vanEs2k11)
aniceboy LM sunday tiny Quote
07-03-2016 , 06:23 AM
^^^ thx...

Sold out

Will res last 10 remaining for k_2, will take it myself if not confirmed.

Starting in 40-50 mins, may replace big 16.50 by mega sat to Sunday WU
aniceboy LM sunday tiny Quote
07-03-2016 , 06:49 AM
Will take last 10% if you want.
aniceboy LM sunday tiny Quote
07-03-2016 , 06:59 AM
Originally Posted by Spurredon
Will take last 10% if you want.
that's fine if you want 10% - closing it here

starting now with the big 16.50

20 mfae
15 vanEs2k11
10 hannyug
10 spur (res)
aniceboy LM sunday tiny Quote
07-03-2016 , 07:02 AM
10% Sent (Keojimal).

aniceboy LM sunday tiny Quote
07-03-2016 , 07:11 AM
Mobile GL
aniceboy LM sunday tiny Quote
07-03-2016 , 07:22 AM
Originally Posted by K_2
Mobile GL
Think I might have taken your 10% mate. If you want you can send me for the 10 that I already paid or we can split it. I'm easy either way.
aniceboy LM sunday tiny Quote
07-03-2016 , 07:28 AM
Originally Posted by Spurredon
Think I might have taken your 10% mate. If you want you can send me for the 10 that I already paid or we can split it. I'm easy either way.
Nw, next time ,GL
aniceboy LM sunday tiny Quote
07-03-2016 , 10:54 AM
B16.50 - nice trap and we fell for it

BB 22
5 in KOs before losing a huge part of the stack in a 4 way allin AQ<AQ<TT<TT, can't remember having won against TT recently - and can't remember winning with them either in recent times
out AK vs KK

Big 27 - up and down - good spot almost triple up

Just ended 44 marathon with a speculative str8 vs flush draw and didn't get there

so we have just the 5$ to returns - sent out to all
aniceboy LM sunday tiny Quote
