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2+2 Xmas Charity Tourney 2+2 Xmas Charity Tourney

11-24-2014 , 01:19 PM
approved, thanks all - need a couple more to test tomorrow nights game, dont have to play long just see if it works ok
2+2 Xmas Charity Tourney Quote
11-24-2014 , 08:02 PM
approval pls!!!
2+2 Xmas Charity Tourney Quote
11-24-2014 , 08:30 PM
getting a few now folks - latest lot approved

lets goooooooooooo
2+2 Xmas Charity Tourney Quote
11-24-2014 , 10:00 PM
test tomorrow nights game

will play.....just need the start time!!!
2+2 Xmas Charity Tourney Quote
11-24-2014 , 10:33 PM
applied, awaiting
2+2 Xmas Charity Tourney Quote
11-25-2014 , 04:18 PM
all approved - test game starts in 40 mins if anyone wants to check it out. Be just a quick in and out to make sure it works and try it on phone\tablet

Will need play money to reg
2+2 Xmas Charity Tourney Quote
11-25-2014 , 05:18 PM
All worked fine and worked on a tablet\phone - though presume if playing on phone\tablet you can only play so many tables..

Will do another update in next few days and finalise everything, charity, buyin, escrow etc etc
2+2 Xmas Charity Tourney Quote
11-26-2014 , 06:18 AM
ive got 524 play money is that enough and if not how do i get more , it says i can buy some but do people seriously buy play money?
2+2 Xmas Charity Tourney Quote
11-26-2014 , 07:25 AM
i have 60 k playmoney.i can try to send u some.
how do i do that?
2+2 Xmas Charity Tourney Quote
11-26-2014 , 07:27 AM
Originally Posted by lennygeeee
ive got 524 play money is that enough and if not how do i get more , it says i can buy some but do people seriously buy play money?
more than me then

they do but fook knows why
2+2 Xmas Charity Tourney Quote
11-26-2014 , 07:46 AM
Originally Posted by manndl
i have 60 k playmoney.i can try to send u some.
how do i do that?
I wanted to say the same, if sending is possible, I can stake as much players possible with my 15K...
2+2 Xmas Charity Tourney Quote
11-27-2014 , 09:13 AM
Right guys - ive done a spreadsheet with everyone that has said they will play so far.

The spreadsheet has the details of buyin and how much people want to donate to the charity (would suggest $5 as the charity donation but people can donate what they want)

Ive made this a play money KO tourney so we can have some bounty prizes which should add to the crack - these are on lfmagic, jdawg91 and manndl but we can change these if they dont want to do it.

As you can see the prizes are tickets which we would like the winner to play and split any profit from the tourney 50/50 with the charity - be a great boost if someone were to hit a big score.

Ive emailed jdawg91 to see if he is happy to hold the money and suggested that people send the money to me and i will forward on in chunks and update the spreadsheet so the majority of the work falls on me. (if anyone has any issue with this please say)

Please do not send any money or register till the money side is agreed.

I will pm everyone on the list and ask them to register and send the funds so i can keep a track of whats going.

Hapunkt - regards the charity suggestion you made (the 2+2 link) we arent going to be able to fit that in time as they need all the money by next week.

So if there are anymore charity suggestions please post - but we can firm up the charity nearer the time.

If anyone has any questions please post in here.
2+2 Xmas Charity Tourney Quote
11-27-2014 , 09:19 AM
How did i miss this thread..... count me in please
2+2 Xmas Charity Tourney Quote
11-27-2014 , 09:25 AM
sorry been afk for a few days, applied to join the home game, looking forward to this =)
2+2 Xmas Charity Tourney Quote
11-27-2014 , 09:26 AM
did the trial game go ok?
2+2 Xmas Charity Tourney Quote
11-27-2014 , 10:48 AM
Originally Posted by LFmagic
did the trial game go ok?
Yeah, everything worked well!
2+2 Xmas Charity Tourney Quote
11-27-2014 , 11:06 AM
good stuff <3
2+2 Xmas Charity Tourney Quote
11-27-2014 , 11:41 AM
sound pokerface and lfmagic (sorry I didnt add on skype but I cant reset my password for some reason)

jdawg cant look after the $$$$ for personal reason. any other suggestions??
2+2 Xmas Charity Tourney Quote
11-27-2014 , 11:59 AM
I'll support aswell - need your pp info though @yorkies

Oh yeah - how many playmoney is needed to play?
2+2 Xmas Charity Tourney Quote
11-27-2014 , 01:19 PM
ok sent 15$ to yorkie.
shame on u guys if i make it into the $$$.

but if i do it will all be for charity
2+2 Xmas Charity Tourney Quote
11-27-2014 , 01:23 PM
Yorkies, can you please PM your PayPal Info.
Our escrow for the money need to be someone who can do transfers of all kinds...
2+2 Xmas Charity Tourney Quote
11-27-2014 , 02:02 PM
online later tonight hopefully so will sort paypal out then.

defo need a volunter to hold the $$$$ asap please, id prefer this suggestion to come from someone else

2+2 Xmas Charity Tourney Quote
11-27-2014 , 02:04 PM
ehh why not yourself? Dont know if this was answered already, but I doubt you'll run away over $500 or whatever
2+2 Xmas Charity Tourney Quote
11-27-2014 , 02:06 PM
aguskb seems to take all sorts of payment options, so he could be an option...
2+2 Xmas Charity Tourney Quote
11-27-2014 , 02:14 PM
I really dont mind sorting the money as would be easier and 100% safe and im sure other people on here would vouch for me (sold and bought loads of packs on here with no issues ever)

whatever you guys decide is good with me
2+2 Xmas Charity Tourney Quote
