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10.5.2015 Sunday SCOOPday. Bigs, Hots, KOs, Satelites, SCOOPs... 10.5.2015 Sunday SCOOPday. Bigs, Hots, KOs, Satelites, SCOOPs...

05-06-2015 , 12:11 PM

I have bought many pieces here and sold some packages with profit and no issues.
I play on Stars as Odggin. Im playing on my own.
Have supernova on stars, have no problems with multitabling, but still i will keep normal amount of tables... around 12 max.

I hope you will be interested.

Here are my MTTs results:


-I will play some tournaments on my own.
-I reserve right to skip any tournament due to hard field, table space or keeping focus on finals.
-All skipped/canceled tournaments and unused rebuys will be refunded with MU
-All bounties/KOs/progressive KOs go towards package.
-I can little latereg any tournament. Slow rebuys and 1R1A im registering few minutes before end of latereg. Im pretty comfortable with this.
-I will make a rail thread (will add the link on the bottom of the thread before session).
-Search will be ON during whole session.
-If we win a seat in one of the satellites, we will be playing the target-tournament, in most cases we will be directly transferred there anyway. A possible second win is treated as a cash-prize. If we win a seat in a tournament we already play, it is treated as a cash-prize.
-I dont want be unlocked, this picures are not much old. I have personal reasons for this...
-If i dont recieve money before i start session you are not in.
-Money will be shipped ASAP after session ends. If we ship enorma pengar it can take longer due to transfer limits.

Last scores:
3. place in 27 Progressive SKO turbo for 2k - still not in graf picture - sold here
2. place in 27 NLHE turbo KO for 3,6k - still not in graf - sold here
4. place in The Big 11 for 4k - still not in graf, sold here
1. place in 11 holdem turbo for 2k - still not in graf, sold here

CET/Tournament/GTD/Funds - info

15:00 27 Progressive ko 6max 27
15:30 16,50 holdem 8max 16,50
15:30 27 Holdem turbo ko 8K GTD 27
16:30 The Hot 33 30K GTD 33
16:30 NLHE 8,80+r 15K GTD 40,80
16:45 NLHE 11 4K GTD 11
16:45 NLHE 21 Super KO 17,5K GTD 21
17:00 NLHE 27 turbo KO 4K GTD 27
17:30 NLHE 8,80 1R1A 12K GTD 24,80
17:30 NLHE 13,50 KO 10K GTD 13,50
18:00 The Big 22 50K GTD 22
18:15 27 Prog. superKO turbo 35K GTD 27
18:30 The Hot 11 turbo 35K GTD 11
19:00 NLHE 22 12K GTD 22
19:15 NLHE 11 5K GTD 11
19:30 The Hot 16,50 turbo 50K GTD 16,50
19:45 22 progressive super KO 6max 22
20:00 The Big 11 65K GTD 11
20:30 NLHE 13,50 KO 12K GTD 13,50
21:00 The Big 55 80K GTD 55
21:30 3,30+R 2x turbo 33,30
21:30 NLHE 27 KO turbo 30K GTD 27
22:15 NLHE 11 4K GTD 11
22:30 NLHE 16,50 turbo 20K GTD 16,50
22:30 27 Progressive superKO 30K GTD 27
23:15 27 progressive superKO 6max 27
23:30 NLHE 13,50 KO 5K GTD 13,50
23:45 NLHE 11 turbo 12,5K GTD 11
0:00 NLHE 27 KO turbo 20K GTD 27
0:30 The Hot 44 40K GTD 44

14:00 109 SCOOP-1-M Kick off 109
16:35 27 deadline sat to SCOOP-2-M 27
17:00 27 SCOOP-2-L progressive KO 27
17:00 215 SCOOP-2-M progressive KO 215
19:30 11 Sunday Storm 11
20:05 27 deadline sat to SCOOP-3-M 27
20:15 82 deadline sat to SCOOP-3-M 82
20:30 27 SCOOP-3-L 27
20:30 215 SCOOP-3-M 215
21:30 The Hot 55 55
22:35 7,50 deadline sat to SCOOP-4-M 7,5
22:45 27 deadline sat to SCOOP-4-M 27
23:00 109 SCOOP-4-M turbo 109

17:15 11 Sat to Big 109 deep turbo 11
17:40 11 Sat to Big 109 turbo 11
18:13 8,25 Sat to Hot 75 deep turbo 8,25
19:18 8,25 Sat to Hot 75 turbo 8,25
19:50 11 Sat to Big 55 turbo 11
19:53 16,50 Sat to Hot 75 turbo 16,50
20:39 11 Sat to Hot 55 turbo 11
20:54 11 Sat to Hot 55 turbo 11
23:53 8,80 Sat to Hot 44 turbo 8,80

Tourneys 689,90
Specials 938,50
Satelites 96,80

1725,20 * 1,13 MU = 1950 (MU 1,130301)

I want to sell at least 50% to run this package.
Selling 55 - 60% max.

1% 19,50
3% 58,50
5% 97,50
10% 195
20% 390

You can send it on pokerstars to Odggin (CR, avatar with mr.Tsoukalos)

10% Mintberry
3% prashag
3% donkey
20% AsjBaaaf

I preffer to take reserves now and send thru weekend.

At least 24% AVAILABLE, maybe more, i dont have confirmed reserves for SCOOP sunday. Please listed guys confirm...

There is possible (and i hope i will be) skipping some tournaments from normal schedule because of SCOOPs, obv skipping from lowest value...
Will be starting with latereg Kick off around 15:00 CET
10.5.2015 Sunday SCOOPday. Bigs, Hots, KOs, Satelites, SCOOPs... Quote
05-06-2015 , 12:14 PM
Confirm 10%, but no rollover needed

I will send this share myself either saturday afternoon or sunday morning before you start
10.5.2015 Sunday SCOOPday. Bigs, Hots, KOs, Satelites, SCOOPs... Quote
05-06-2015 , 12:15 PM
Will take 5% if you can accept PP.
10.5.2015 Sunday SCOOPday. Bigs, Hots, KOs, Satelites, SCOOPs... Quote
05-06-2015 , 12:18 PM
Originally Posted by MintberryC
Confirm 10%, but no rollover needed

I will send this share myself either saturday afternoon or sunday morning before you start
ok, rogger that. Thanks man.

Originally Posted by Spurredon
Will take 5% if you can accept PP.
I cant, sorry. PS only, FTP possible...
10.5.2015 Sunday SCOOPday. Bigs, Hots, KOs, Satelites, SCOOPs... Quote
05-06-2015 , 12:20 PM
can i reserve rest? Depending on how my other %%% are going? ( will confirm or cancel saturdaymorning, or before)
10.5.2015 Sunday SCOOPday. Bigs, Hots, KOs, Satelites, SCOOPs... Quote
05-06-2015 , 12:23 PM
ill take 1% if there is no problem please, confirm me so I can send the cash immediatly.
10.5.2015 Sunday SCOOPday. Bigs, Hots, KOs, Satelites, SCOOPs... Quote
05-06-2015 , 12:25 PM
sent 20%, u can send back if its too much. glgl
10.5.2015 Sunday SCOOPday. Bigs, Hots, KOs, Satelites, SCOOPs... Quote
05-06-2015 , 12:42 PM
Originally Posted by balabala
can i reserve rest? Depending on how my other %%% are going? ( will confirm or cancel saturdaymorning, or before)

For sure, Thanks vm man. I will little wait for confirm/cancel pieces from listed guys and i will let you know how much it is. And if you will want cancel it, lmk asap please...

Originally Posted by PokerWells
ill take 1% if there is no problem please, confirm me so I can send the cash immediatly.
Feeling terrible to tell you sold out again man... But there is chance something will be opened. You are on WL and i will sort final numbers at friday/saturday

Originally Posted by omaha4rollz
sent 20%, u can send back if its too much. glgl
have reserved rest from bala, but there is still possible something opens. rec from you, i will keep it for while to see if there will be some place...
Lmk please if you will want to send it back before i figure who have what...

SOLD OUT - ALL % reserved

1% pokerwells
20% omaha
10.5.2015 Sunday SCOOPday. Bigs, Hots, KOs, Satelites, SCOOPs... Quote
05-06-2015 , 12:54 PM
I meant rest(24 left) and i dont mind if Pokerwells takes 1%.

So can you reserve 23%?

10.5.2015 Sunday SCOOPday. Bigs, Hots, KOs, Satelites, SCOOPs... Quote
05-06-2015 , 01:10 PM
confirm 20, thnx
10.5.2015 Sunday SCOOPday. Bigs, Hots, KOs, Satelites, SCOOPs... Quote
05-06-2015 , 01:29 PM
Originally Posted by balabala
I meant rest(24 left) and i dont mind if Pokerwells takes 1%.

So can you reserve 23%?

aha ok. So reserving 23%

Originally Posted by Asjbaaaf
confirm 20, thnx
Ok, Thanks.

Originally Posted by PokerWells
ill take 1% if there is no problem please, confirm me so I can send the cash immediatly.
Now you can be in... Send to sunday please.


10 % mint
20% Asj
23% Bala
1% Pokerwells


3% donkey
3% prashag

20% omaha - I will send it back to you, looks like sold out. But still you are on WL and i will let you know if somebody cancel share and you will get time to send...

10.5.2015 Sunday SCOOPday. Bigs, Hots, KOs, Satelites, SCOOPs... Quote
05-08-2015 , 08:18 PM
Putting this one up with updates...

10 % mint - confirmed
20% Asj - confirmed
23% Bala - rec
1% Pokerwells - rec
3% donkey - confirmed
3% prashag

20% omaha


Make sure you sent until Sunday please...
10.5.2015 Sunday SCOOPday. Bigs, Hots, KOs, Satelites, SCOOPs... Quote
05-08-2015 , 08:24 PM
Originally Posted by odGin
Putting this one up with updates...

10 % mint - confirmed
20% Asj - confirmed
23% Bala - rec
1% Pokerwells - rec
3% donkey - confirmed
3% prashag

20% omaha


Make sure you sent until Sunday please...
Whats "REC"? I already sent those 19,50 for my %.
10.5.2015 Sunday SCOOPday. Bigs, Hots, KOs, Satelites, SCOOPs... Quote
05-08-2015 , 08:47 PM
:-) rec mean received... (i hope)

I have it received from you already... Thanks
10.5.2015 Sunday SCOOPday. Bigs, Hots, KOs, Satelites, SCOOPs... Quote
05-08-2015 , 09:18 PM
3% sent PS. DONKEY08811
10.5.2015 Sunday SCOOPday. Bigs, Hots, KOs, Satelites, SCOOPs... Quote
05-08-2015 , 10:50 PM
sent gl !
10.5.2015 Sunday SCOOPday. Bigs, Hots, KOs, Satelites, SCOOPs... Quote
05-09-2015 , 08:26 AM
Thanks guys...

10 % mint - confirmed
20% Asj - rec
23% Bala - rec
1% Pokerwells - rec
3% donkey - rec
3% prashag

20% omaha


Make sure you sent until Sunday please...
10.5.2015 Sunday SCOOPday. Bigs, Hots, KOs, Satelites, SCOOPs... Quote
05-09-2015 , 08:59 AM
Would like to drop my piece here.
10.5.2015 Sunday SCOOPday. Bigs, Hots, KOs, Satelites, SCOOPs... Quote
05-09-2015 , 10:35 AM
can I get 1 or 2% pls?
10.5.2015 Sunday SCOOPday. Bigs, Hots, KOs, Satelites, SCOOPs... Quote
05-09-2015 , 11:04 AM
Have sent 2% as am offline now till tmrw if you can take great ....else pls ship worries.....GL
10.5.2015 Sunday SCOOPday. Bigs, Hots, KOs, Satelites, SCOOPs... Quote
05-09-2015 , 01:52 PM

10 % mint - rec
20% Asj - rec
23% Bala - rec
1% Pokerwells - rec
3% donkey - rec


Originally Posted by NoPointBluffing
Have sent 2% as am offline now till tmrw if you can take great ....else pls ship worries.....GL
Ok rec, i will wait for reply from omaha as first on WL and i will let you know...
10.5.2015 Sunday SCOOPday. Bigs, Hots, KOs, Satelites, SCOOPs... Quote
05-09-2015 , 07:05 PM
Cancel my 1% please, Poker wells - PS
10.5.2015 Sunday SCOOPday. Bigs, Hots, KOs, Satelites, SCOOPs... Quote
05-09-2015 , 11:45 PM
Originally Posted by PokerWells
Cancel my 1% please, Poker wells - PS
Forget that, I will keep that %, good luck today!
10.5.2015 Sunday SCOOPday. Bigs, Hots, KOs, Satelites, SCOOPs... Quote
05-10-2015 , 06:36 AM

10 % mint
20% Asj
23% Bala
1% Pokerwells
3% donkey
3% omaha

Originally Posted by NoPointBluffing
Have sent 2% as am offline now till tmrw if you can take great ....else pls ship worries.....GL
Sorry. must send it back... Thanks for interest...

Originally Posted by PokerWells
Forget that, I will keep that %, good luck today!
ok. Thanks.
10.5.2015 Sunday SCOOPday. Bigs, Hots, KOs, Satelites, SCOOPs... Quote
05-10-2015 , 06:43 AM
Sent back to nopoint...


10.5.2015 Sunday SCOOPday. Bigs, Hots, KOs, Satelites, SCOOPs... Quote
