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The Walking Dead Season 6 The Walking Dead Season 6

04-04-2016 , 09:49 AM
Eenie, meenie, miney, that blowed.
The Walking Dead Season 6 Quote
04-04-2016 , 09:50 AM
the fact they had the cheesy effect of the blood dripping down the pov shot annoyed me more than the cliffhanger
The Walking Dead Season 6 Quote
04-04-2016 , 09:51 AM
Originally Posted by Halstad
When they ran into the walkers chained together and they said, "that's Daryl's" and "that's Michone's" wtf did they mean?
One of the walkers had two of Darryl's arrows lodged in it, another was dressed in something that apparently Michonne has worn and was adorned with a couple of her dreads. At least that"s what I thought.
The Walking Dead Season 6 Quote
04-04-2016 , 10:18 AM
That was the suckiest show that has ever sucked. Quite an accomplishment for a show that has sucked as much as this show has sucked. The suckage was the most suckage ever witnessed in the history of suckage.

The writers deserve an automatic bid into the suckage hall of fame.
The Walking Dead Season 6 Quote
04-04-2016 , 10:36 AM
I haven't read a TWD review since the GOAT Videogum Guy quit, but it's good to see it's getting bashed in mainstream media reviews as well now:
The Walking Dead Season 6 Quote
04-04-2016 , 11:34 AM
I liked all of it.

It was one of the best moments in the comic books, and I thought they converted it onto TV perfectly.

I reckon it will be Eugene. When he gave away the info to make the bullets and had that defining moment with Abraham I think his development and general use came to an end.

...And you haters are hilarious, seriously the stuff you say and nit pick about makes me proper LOL.
The Walking Dead Season 6 Quote
04-04-2016 , 11:44 AM
Grunch, that was absolute ****. They outdid themselves with this one. Went to reddit first and even redditors are ****ting on the episode, which means it was pretty ****ing bad.

Stole this post shamelessly from there, which is a mortal lock to happen.

Next season on the walking dead:

Episode 1: Gabriel and Spencer debate making a deal with Negan

Episode 2: We catch up with Morgan and Carol and learn about the people they are with

Episode 3: We get to see what Jesus is up to at the hilltop

Episode 4: Flashback showing Negan's origin

Episode 5: Part 2 of Negan's origin

Episode 6: Reveal who died
The Walking Dead Season 6 Quote
04-04-2016 , 11:47 AM
God damnit, I scrolled up and, noticed someone already shared that post.
The Walking Dead Season 6 Quote
04-04-2016 , 11:49 AM
Why they didn't show who died, in order of likelihood:

1. The writers are idiots
2. It was a minor character and would have pissed people off who expected a better ending
3. They are having difficulty re-signing several actors, so left it ambiguous because they literally don't know who to kill
The Walking Dead Season 6 Quote
04-04-2016 , 11:58 AM
Originally Posted by NLBiddy
I reckon it will be Eugene. When he gave away the info to make the bullets and had that defining moment with Abraham I think his development and general use came to an end
Great. I agree. So show it then. Did the scene simply not get ok'd by the ratings company or something? Its just absolutely bizarre that they wouldn't show the actual death. Take a page out of the books of other successful shows. Imagine the red wedding in GoT if they just show a camera overhead of the building and you can hear people dying inside and they cut to black. Give me a ****ing break
The Walking Dead Season 6 Quote
04-04-2016 , 12:11 PM
I thought the last episode was really good UNTIL Negan pops out of the RV, smiling like a game show host. Everyone is raving over the performance, I didn't like it.

So the last ~11 minutes sucked. Could have been so much better. Needed the payoff too. I wish there was a thread somewhere I could post what I would have done.

Anyway, on Talking Dead they said there were some clues on who got Lucille'd. No idea what those clues could be. Until I hear otherwise, I'm just assuming it's Glenn.
The Walking Dead Season 6 Quote
04-04-2016 , 12:37 PM
Originally Posted by Chrizza
It's just the tacky way they do everything, and being unable to directly transfer everything from the comics due to AMC isn't an excuse for that. It has been toned down compared to the comics, but there it just feels more natural and doesn't seem forced at all. Although you would probably hate the comics style as well, since it's still akin to violence porn.
I've read some of the comic, and while it is incredibly graphic, it is not violence porn. There's an aesthetic the comic is going for, while at the same time commenting on how violence changes how humans interact with one another.

I know the show is trying to do the same, but they just fail miserably at it.
The Walking Dead Season 6 Quote
04-04-2016 , 12:56 PM
Originally Posted by imjosh
Grunch, that was absolute ****. They outdid themselves with this one. Went to reddit first and even redditors are ****ting on the episode, which means it was pretty ****ing bad.
it leaked a few weeks ago. what's funny is people were like no that can't be real. that'd be terrible. lolol
The Walking Dead Season 6 Quote
04-04-2016 , 01:17 PM
brutal ep

still in for season 7
The Walking Dead Season 6 Quote
04-04-2016 , 01:28 PM
Originally Posted by imjosh
God damnit, I scrolled up and, noticed someone already shared that post.
its ok man, and i agree with the bolded below.

Originally Posted by imjosh
Grunch, that was absolute ****. They outdid themselves with this one. Went to reddit first and even redditors are ****ting on the episode, which means it was pretty ****ing bad.

Stole this post shamelessly from there, which is a mortal lock to happen.

It genuinly made me lol and facepalm over the fact its probably going to be 100% accurate.
The Walking Dead Season 6 Quote
04-04-2016 , 01:40 PM
Originally Posted by Chrizza
I haven't read a TWD review since the GOAT Videogum Guy quit, but it's good to see it's getting bashed in mainstream media reviews as well now:

Agree with a lot of this critics take
The Walking Dead Season 6 Quote
04-04-2016 , 02:14 PM
Incredibly tedious episode. They could have gotten the job done in a half-hour or less. Too many barricades, Carol and Morgan going nowhere and that Negan speech at the end seemed like it went on forever. And for what? We don't even know who got killed.

There was no payoff.
The Walking Dead Season 6 Quote
04-04-2016 , 02:16 PM
Come to think of it, I don't even really care who got killed.
The Walking Dead Season 6 Quote
04-04-2016 , 02:19 PM
terrible episode by far the weakest of the entire season....

i hope they killed off Michum-deodorant or whatever her lame-ass name is

also the writing for Carol is fkn terrible...does her character have split-personality disorder??

this crying emo fetal positioned wuss of a women???? this is the same Carol that scared that little sheltered kid so badly that it actually got his entire family killed??? pfft
The Walking Dead Season 6 Quote
04-04-2016 , 02:42 PM
Originally Posted by U shove i call
why does anyone in this thread watch it if you all hate it so much?

Just wondered.
I didn't hate the show until the last few episodes. My wife and I never missed an episode.

I never read comics or anything so I only base my enjoyment of the show on the writing, acting, storyline..etc.

But, things have gotten more and more ridiculous. For example, are we to believe that with a chain-gang of zombies tied across the road, and the road basically a valley at that point, that Rick isn't aware this is a set-up? Yet they pile out of the RV like lemmings.

The whole show this week was about supposedly smart "survivors" putting themselves in oddly vulnerable spots.

The clincher for me, though, was rick not sacrificing himself at the end.
(Let's forget the fact that the guy just didn't kill them all right there.) But when the guy is deciding whether your own kid is one of the ones who might get the head bashing, and you are the leader (the captain of the ship), then you need to volunteer to take it for the group.

You put yourself in a position of leadership and you have been brave the whole series, and now you are too cowardly to put yourself ahead of your own kid, let alone all your friends?

We are somehow expected to think this is consistent with the character development we have seen for 5 seasons??

I mean this is the type of show that, from the beginning, insults your intelligence if you let it. We all had to look by the "as if" moments and just enjoy the show. When you don't take it seriously, it is great TV.

But, they seem to want to address some serious ethical/moral/psychological matters that are core to the human condition and struggle for life, right versus wrong, sin, love, hate, etc. Yet they mix this in with the battle/confrontation scenes that are inane and cant be taken seriously.

The incongruency here in odd.

I am not going watch it and complain next year. I am just at a point where I cant enjoy it anymore. I fully understand others not feeling the same way. Just my POV is all.
The Walking Dead Season 6 Quote
04-04-2016 , 03:14 PM
Originally Posted by dozer
I thought the last episode was really good UNTIL Negan pops out of the RV, smiling like a game show host.
So you liked the boring driving around and nonsense Carol plot, but when a character came on the screen with actual charisma that is when it lost you?
The Walking Dead Season 6 Quote
04-04-2016 , 03:24 PM

Tedious is a perfect description.

So many roadblocks!
The Walking Dead Season 6 Quote
04-04-2016 , 03:41 PM
Originally Posted by Gaddy
So you liked the boring driving around and nonsense Carol plot, but when a character came on the screen with actual charisma that is when it lost you?
I actually, somehow, did like the driving around. I thought it was fairly intense. I liked the Saviors closing in on the gang. The tree trunk barricade, though, was admittedly ridiculous.

OK fine I didn't like the Carol stuff.

I suppose I a) pictured Negan differently, b) wanted Negan to be angrier and c) expected at least one sickening death.
The Walking Dead Season 6 Quote
04-04-2016 , 03:48 PM
Originally Posted by ArcticKnight
The whole show this week was about supposedly smart "survivors" putting themselves in oddly vulnerable spots.

The show has always been like that.
The Walking Dead Season 6 Quote
