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12-13-2010 , 11:24 PM
Also, I watched season 7 late and finished it in a few days, so I didn't catch up on the blogging, etc, but I've noticed again that people are questioning angelo's intentions, i.e. can I trust him, etc? Where does this come from? Or did I miss something from S7? Thanks.
Top Chef All-Stars :) Quote
12-14-2010 , 12:09 AM
Originally Posted by Suigin406
Also, I watched season 7 late and finished it in a few days, so I didn't catch up on the blogging, etc, but I've noticed again that people are questioning angelo's intentions, i.e. can I trust him, etc? Where does this come from? Or did I miss something from S7? Thanks.
He told some chefs to do certain things and when they did, they got kicked off. So a lot of people don't trust him. I think it's more paranoia than anything.
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12-14-2010 , 10:04 AM
Oh ok, I should have clarified my post. I remember it happening a lot in S7 (which I guess I didn't mention), but since it carried over to this season, I was unsure why it was continuing or the origin. I think I remember people getting kicked off, but that seems to be petty. Dunno, it seems to get so much attention that it was weird; I too figure it's just paranoia.

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12-14-2010 , 06:38 PM
best line in top chef history?

I haven't watched for the entire duration, but my guess is mike v's "its really up to the egg at this point"

anyone got one better?
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12-14-2010 , 07:39 PM
Dave in season 1 (to Tiffani):

"I'm not your bitch, bitch"
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12-14-2010 , 07:55 PM
I think people don't trust Angelo because he comes off as a totally insecure, utterly fake dude.

He talks in a never ending series of self congratulatory cliches. Everything about him is terrible. And he does seem to have a lot of ideas about what other chefs should do that aren't very good. (I suspect that this is because despite apparently being a good chef- he's a really stupid person and not because he's sinister).
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12-15-2010 , 01:02 PM
I don't get the hate for Angelo. When someone else has a great dish, he's the first to admit it. Look at how many times people get bashed by other chefs when they win a challenge. He never really has anything bad to say about other people and when he's critical, there's logic to it.

Once that one black dude that Angelo hated was off the show, he's been fine. I don't think any of the "strong" personalities on this show are douchebags or anything. Even Marcel is harmless for the most part.
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12-15-2010 , 05:16 PM
I think Angelo is ok. I missed the first 2 or 3 seasons so watching the one with Marcel now is pretty fun. The chefs in that season looked pretty talented so far.
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12-15-2010 , 08:34 PM
just finished Marcel's season. Seems like a really talented chef, but I get why no one likes him now. He has no respect for anyone else in the kitchen. Kinda hard to be a "Top Chef" without a team to support you. And no, I don't think he's being sarcastic as much as a smart ass.
Top Chef All-Stars :) Quote
12-15-2010 , 11:51 PM
excellent. I'm a huge Dale fan, think he's been underrated, along with Antonia. I'm liking Tre quite a bit, too; never saw his season. Gotta say it, though: gooooooooo Blais

Last edited by gobbomom; 12-15-2010 at 11:52 PM. Reason: oh wow, 3 posts in a row.
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12-16-2010 , 12:05 AM
good episode, thought they nailed it with Dale T and Stephen going home... Tiffani Fs seemed ok just muddled so she was good same with Fabios.
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12-16-2010 , 12:12 AM
Lol @ tom cs led Zeppelin line
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12-16-2010 , 12:24 AM
What is this live show with amy sedaris and tom C?? Awesomeness! Tom should wear that googly eyed blindfold at all judges tables.
Top Chef All-Stars :) Quote
12-16-2010 , 03:35 AM
Originally Posted by vikvaughn
What is this live show with amy sedaris and tom C?? Awesomeness! Tom should wear that googly eyed blindfold at all judges tables.
Apparently it is filmed in a really cold room.
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12-16-2010 , 12:31 PM
That bacon and egg dish looked so awesome.
Top Chef All-Stars :) Quote
12-16-2010 , 01:03 PM
Originally Posted by cpitt398
That bacon and egg dish looked so awesome.
Are you referring to Dale's winning dish? (Did it have bacon?) Anyway his dish looked really awesome - go Dale! (Also I think he seems like a pretty cool dude when he's not going ballistic and punching the wall.)

Would've been very interesting to see Angelo compete in the Voltaggio season. Too bad he applied 1 year too late.

Glad to see Tre come back and kill it - that guy is very likeable and I hope he can push through to the finals. I'm basically rooting for (now that Jen is gone) Blais, Tre, Dale, in that order.

Jaime is horrible - does anyone actually like her? She's such a sulky annoying chick.

Gay Dale's dish was so cracked out - I mean wtf was all that? Looked really unappetizing. I never thought he was all that strong and had luckboxed his way deep into his season. Although he was a pretty amusing gay to watch on the series, so overall his presence will be missed.

Stephen, for all his ridiculous pomposity, was a very gracious loser and think he came off pretty well, all things considered (that he is annoyingly pompous).


Last edited by Aloysius; 12-16-2010 at 01:14 PM.
Top Chef All-Stars :) Quote
12-16-2010 , 01:47 PM
After watching the first 3 episodes, I think it is shaping up like this:


Richard. Even though he didn't win this week, Tom C. stated in his blog that he voted for Richard. The guy is really amazing.

Top Contenders:

Angelo--as with his season, consistently in the top.

Tre--really solid, bounced back nicely from salty-sauce. Potential seems really high, hopefully he can avoid the misstep this time.

Dale--watching his season, I thought his elimination was bs. Really good chef.

Marcel--nothing of note thus far, but feels like he should be in this category.

2nd Tier Contenders:

Tiffani F.--talented, falls just short of top tier.

Casey--looks good thus far this season, but can't stop thinking about her awful performance in season 3 finale

Mike I.--my darkhorse this season


Jamie--nice to see her recreate Ripert's dish well. Now, if she can do anything else, that would be nice. Enough with the soups and scallops.

Spike--not in the class of many chefs in this season. Rarely blows judges away.

Carla--don't think she has any real shot, but she did make the finals of her season, so she has luckbox potential

Antonia--see Carla

Fabio--see Carla and Antonia, although he is the longest shot left. He seems in over his head this season. Maybe he misses Stefan?
Top Chef All-Stars :) Quote
12-16-2010 , 01:50 PM
You forgot about Black Tiffany. (I think she has no shot.) If you put her in the "longshot" category I agree 100% with your rankings and with Mike I. as the darkhorse.

Top Chef All-Stars :) Quote
12-16-2010 , 01:51 PM
Jaime is horrible - does anyone actually like her? She's such a sulky annoying chick.
im amazed she doesnt get called out more. her i'm the **** personality drives me nuts.

im happy to see antionia shine as i remember her positively and expected as much from her. overall it was a good episode. wish they'd go through more NY restaurants. I'd bet le berandin would've been on the list had Jen not been competing this season.
Top Chef All-Stars :) Quote
12-16-2010 , 01:58 PM
Originally Posted by Aloysius
You forgot about Black Tiffany. (I think she has no shot.) If you put her in the "longshot" category I agree 100% with your rankings and with Mike I. as the darkhorse.

Right, I forgot to add her.

She is pretty good. Pretty good won't do it this season.
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12-16-2010 , 02:18 PM
team snotboogy is still in tact

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12-16-2010 , 02:26 PM
Originally Posted by SnotBoogy
team snotboogy is still in tact

That is a solid team.

Of course, of the 4 eliminations, emc and wez each got hit with 2, leaving them with only Spike and Jamie respectively. Not liking their chances.

Still think SJU has the best shot, on the back of having Blais, but it should be a good time.

Also, how the hell did Dale T. go last?
Top Chef All-Stars :) Quote
12-16-2010 , 02:27 PM
Originally Posted by gs3737
That is a solid team.

Of course, of the 4 eliminations, emc and wez each got hit with 2, leaving them with only Spike and Jamie respectively. Not liking their chances.

Still think SJU has the best shot, on the back of having Blais, but it should be a good time.

Also, how the hell did Dale T. go last?
chop? lol
Top Chef All-Stars :) Quote
12-16-2010 , 02:56 PM
Originally Posted by Aloysius
Are you referring to Dale's winning dish? (Did it have bacon?) Anyway his dish looked really awesome - go Dale! (Also I think he seems like a pretty cool dude when he's not going ballistic and punching the wall.)

It was pork belly right? If so, pork belly=bacon.

His dish was actually pretty similar to Jennifer's that got her kicked off. Pork Belly and Egg
Top Chef All-Stars :) Quote
12-16-2010 , 03:32 PM
Originally Posted by Aloysius
Jaime is horrible - does anyone actually like her? She's such a sulky annoying chick.
I actually think I'm becoming infatuated with her ... she's smoking hot

Biggest peevement so far is the constant quizzical looks the contestants give the judges when criticisms are being handed out. Really? 4 judges just stated why your dish sucked and you can't see any of it?

Also, Angelo taking every group congratulatory remark as a personal blue ribbon has me scheming against him like Mr. Burns.

A cooking challenge involving anything other than spaghetti and meatballs has Fabio moaning that he's out of his element and something or other about someone's Grandmother back in the Old World.

Tiffany, Tiffani, Carla and Fabio are my picks to go next, in no particular order. Tho why Fabio didn't get a complementary 3rd boot this episode is beyond me.
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