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Survivor: South Pacific Survivor: South Pacific
View Poll Results: WHO U GOT
46 30.26%
69 45.39%
37 24.34%

09-28-2011 , 09:36 PM
Originally Posted by Bitchface
Albert doesn't get any confessionals shown because he's probably not a trash-talking jerk. Are they going to show him just give some boring logical reasoning about something or show Brandon crying talking about good and evil?
Agreed and I said something similar earlier. He probably speaks in a long winded fashion where everything is carefully articulated. I imagine his answers to questions to be very in depth and they can only squeeze in so much with this many people left in the game. No one gives a **** about that when you got bitches crying and crazies out there.

Out post merge seems likely. Drawing thin would be the proper term.
Survivor: South Pacific Quote
09-28-2011 , 09:37 PM
Originally Posted by K.O.S.
I can't remember an episode with less suspense. What a snoozer.

Confessionals are so overrated ITT. Why would one random, short confessional mean anything? Like, if they had shown Albert saying after the challenge, "I'm glad we pulled through. This is a strong team!" I don't see how that would suddenly make him a possible winner just because they jammed in a meaningless confessional.

Serious question: did Natalie White have any confessionals in the first ~5 episodes? She was barely even seen until the merge.
I agree with the general. Confessionals are overrated. With the Brandon drama it makes sense to focus on that. With all that said I would love some albert confessionals.
Survivor: South Pacific Quote
09-28-2011 , 09:40 PM
Someone said Tina didn't have a confessional in the first episode. Looking at the edit right now isnt as important as it is once they merge. If albert still doesn't get any conffesionalsonce a merge happens if he makes it, than worry imo
Survivor: South Pacific Quote
09-28-2011 , 09:43 PM
I'm not saying it's a good sign that Albert hasn't had a confessional, but I think people massively overrate the editing in terms of "meeting quotas" or whatever. There is no rule that says winners need to be moderately visible early on or need X confessionals in the first three episodes. Now, if Albert had gone 7-8 episodes without one (a la Purple Kelly), I'd agree with you, but three episodes in a returning player season where Lil Hantz is giving the editors hourly trainwrecks? Sorry, I just don't buy the fact that Albert is drawing dead because of that. Hell, even Coach isn't getting a ton of screen time, and we're talking about ****ing COACH WADE, camera whore extraordinaire.

Survivor editors realize that people analyze the **** out of these episodes, so they might occasionally throw in a curveball. And if, for example, Coach wins this season, they can't just edit him as some under-the-radar guy pre-merge. The editors will create a story based on the information they're given, and if Albert isn't giving them great confessionals, I highly doubt they feel the need to crowbar them in just to keep him moderately visible. If they want to make him visible, they have plenty of time to do it.
Survivor: South Pacific Quote
09-28-2011 , 09:57 PM
Yeah my number one beef with this season is not enough COACH. Everything the guy says is gold. The show should be like 17 minutes of Coach talking, the 10 minutes of challenges, 9 minutes of tribal, and 9 minutes of camp stuff.
Survivor: South Pacific Quote
09-28-2011 , 10:48 PM
Coach didn't get much screen time until the dragon slayer name was born. I am hoping he plays well like he did this episode. He might have a chance to win unless his alliance turns on him. I would still like to see coach realize when someone is trying to get rid if him so he can pull another dragon skater blindside.

That was always fantastic TV and would show coach has some learned the game a little bit
Survivor: South Pacific Quote
09-28-2011 , 10:49 PM
Not to mention RI is an AIDS air time hog
Survivor: South Pacific Quote
09-28-2011 , 11:03 PM
The previews pretty much spoiled what tribe wins the next immunity challenge.
Survivor: South Pacific Quote
09-28-2011 , 11:14 PM
regarding the preview:


What deal could Jim and Cochran possibly come up with? Seems like a preview-bluff imo. Seems likely Jim was just going along with it when talking to Cochran and then not following through / sticking with his 5.
Survivor: South Pacific Quote
09-28-2011 , 11:19 PM
Originally Posted by BillNye
regarding the preview:


What deal could Jim and Cochran possibly come up with? Seems like a preview-bluff imo. Seems likely Jim was just going along with it when talking to Cochran and then not following through / sticking with his 5.
One possible deal they could come up with: ozzy's idol is outed. Jim/Cochran decide to split the vote to flush ozzy's idol. Seems pretty simple. Probably still a preview-bluff.
Survivor: South Pacific Quote
09-28-2011 , 11:42 PM
Originally Posted by VTChess
I think I misevaluated Rick tremendously, I had him ranked 16th in the pre-season. I assumed he would be the older country man that would just be crazy and wouldn't connect with anybody. I had him pictured like "Chicken" from China. But then he got several confessionals in the first episode for no apparent reason, he became part of the CRABS alliance, and he exhibited a great deal of strength in the first immunity challenge, which will make his tribe want to keep him around. He seems to connect well with his tribe and is pretty much laying low amidst all the drama, all the while staying a part of the majority alliance. Once he makes the merge, as Gary Wise pointed out last week, he will have several alpha males shielding him like Albert and possibly Coach, both of which should be much bigger targets.
Well, I agree with the incorrect evaluation. I did the same thing. He's in a much better spot than we originally thought. However, while your alpha male shield theory is solid, I still find his lack of a story line to be a deterrent from going all gung ho on his chances of winning. I might be willing to bump him up the depth chart, but I still don't like his chances of winning...due to lack of edit instead of being old. I would anticipate that the problem he will have somewhere down the line is that he isn't solidly 'in' with anyone. It helps to have a good position in a sub-group of the majority alliance. I doubt he has that.

Also, I don't think you can rank Coach and Brandon so far apart, VT. I agree Coach should be ranked higher than Brandon, but I think having Coach at 1 and Brandon at 15 does not account for the damage to Coach's position which I would anticipate might be caused by his close alliance with Brandon. OR, if Coach really is in such a good position to merit the #1 ranking, it probably helps Brandon's position. Until Coach cuts Brandon loose, those two are going to affect each other's equity for good or ill...imo.
Survivor: South Pacific Quote
09-28-2011 , 11:51 PM
Originally Posted by Conz
"Papa Bear" somehow gets gayer everytime he speaks
How about when he runs? LOL at Elyse calling that sprinting. Picture him chasing a criminal. Criminal might get a side cramp from laughing so hard while he is running away.

ninja edit: And props to Cochran for being offended that he was being targeted before Semhar and Papa Bear. Justified imo.
Survivor: South Pacific Quote
09-29-2011 , 12:36 AM
Originally Posted by acesholdup
This episode has convinced me that I'm very glad I have no clear idea what they're actually talking about when they say "spoken word". I wish I didn't even have a vague idea after hearing whatever that was.
Semhar is doing spoken word out of context there. Its not our cup of tea, but my friend dragged me to one of these, it was an auditorium of ppl cheering and a bunch of poets, and let me jus say it was A+
Survivor: South Pacific Quote
09-29-2011 , 12:38 AM
Originally Posted by Conz
bunch of really mad young black girls, that what i think it is... but im ignorant so who knows.
this is way off
Survivor: South Pacific Quote
09-29-2011 , 01:10 AM
so is it pretty clear Ozzie told his five he had the idol? Why else no back-up plan ensuring cochrane gets two votes, even if there is only a 5% chance Pappy bear actually found it?
Survivor: South Pacific Quote
09-29-2011 , 01:13 AM
Originally Posted by acesholdup
This episode has convinced me that I'm very glad I have no clear idea what they're actually talking about when they say "spoken word". I wish I didn't even have a vague idea after hearing whatever that was.
Watch dog he bite...kill my landlord, kill my landlord..
Survivor: South Pacific Quote
09-29-2011 , 01:28 AM
Originally Posted by ArcticKnight
so is it pretty clear Ozzie told his five he had the idol? Why else no back-up plan ensuring cochrane gets two votes, even if there is only a 5% chance Pappy bear actually found it?
That was weird. Either he told them, or he knew neither Dawn or Cochran wouldn't vote with Papa Bear. It pretty much has to be the first one.
Survivor: South Pacific Quote
09-29-2011 , 02:18 AM
Originally Posted by Clovis8
He is reaching Chet levels rapidly.
I dunno. I'm not sure Chet would've even been physically capable of making it across the bridge.

Originally Posted by slanche
also, it's a strategic fail to put Cochran even on the wheel!
I was debating whether it'd be better to have Cochran running or on the wheel and figured that his tribe must have come to the conclusion that he lacked the nimbleness required to run the course.

Originally Posted by Soncy
How about when he runs? LOL at Elyse calling that sprinting. Picture him chasing a criminal. Criminal might get a side cramp from laughing so hard while he is running away.

ninja edit: And props to Cochran for being offended that he was being targeted before Semhar and Papa Bear. Justified imo.
Yeah, who doesn't move their arms when they run? Reminded me of Chicken George from BB.
Survivor: South Pacific Quote
09-29-2011 , 02:40 AM
RI has ruined survivor so much. 10 minutes on this anticlimactic bull**** again. It doesn't even feel like survivor. You seized the moment my ass. When people were voted out they felt betrayed/blindsided/devastated knowing they missed a chance to win a million dorrars. That was such a big part of the show watching them walk away (Big Tom in all-stars comes to mind). Instead we get this crap every week. I don't want to hear bitter people whine and try to ruin other people's games. For what reason? Shut up Kristina. You had your chance and Coach Benjamin Wade beat your ass. I don't care about your personal story and how miserable your life is. This isn't oprah it's survivor. When your fire's gone, so are you. Give us a 20 second confessional and see you at the reunion. Especially for early boots. You were so bad that out of a bunch of 20 people you were voted out 1st. Do you think anyone cares to see you come back?

Also I'm not sure if I'm alone on this but after season 10 or 11 somewhere around there, survivor for me became really boring/predictable up until China when it picked up again. Then they had a really good stretch of seasons (with the exception of Gabon) with the show reaching its climax with HvV. I feel after that survivor has gone downhill way faster than before. The last 2 seasons were two of the worst ever, the bringing back old players is basically recycling the same old material, we've seen every scenario and every character play before, editors trying way to much to create suspense when there is clearly not any, and basically I'm afraid Survivor is becoming stale again. Out of the new people Coachran is the only one I can root for but he is basically a Rob C alike. Sure we can't have super villains who blindside people left and right and spit on them after they are gone but they spoiled us and when a show reaches it's climax there's no turning back. Maybe a couple of years from not we'll be debating whether survivor should have ended at that x specific season.
Survivor: South Pacific Quote
09-29-2011 , 05:04 AM
So wish I had taken Coach in the pick em. He is going to win.

Last edited by MaltMilkShake; 09-29-2011 at 05:14 AM. Reason: spelling
Survivor: South Pacific Quote
09-29-2011 , 05:40 AM
I'm not quite there, yet.
At this point I cannot see who COACH can beat in a FTC.
Assuming we get a Upolu-only final, maybe he can beat Edna who even might not wanna win with every fibre in her heart and is happy just to be in the final?
He obviously could beat Brandon but I don't see him getting there.

Well, the game is still in the early phase, stranger things have happened, I'm not discounting him.
Survivor: South Pacific Quote
09-29-2011 , 07:24 AM
Again, you guys underestimate how much of a jury threat Coach is. People like him, and if he can make it to the end without having to backstab people then I think he'll be able to win against almost anyone.
Survivor: South Pacific Quote
09-29-2011 , 07:30 AM
Originally Posted by SavageTilt
Again, you guys underestimate how much of a jury threat Coach is. People like him, and if he can make it to the end without having to backstab people then I think he'll be able to win against almost anyone.

People don't realize Coach was a jury threat even in the Tocantins - which is why Stephen voted him out. People just remember his craziness because of his edit and assume he was a goat.

Also I think Brandon is going to go far. There's just no way we would learn so much about his character, or that he would get some much air time if he didn't. I also think the people on the Upolu tribe in general will go farther than those on Savaii.
Survivor: South Pacific Quote
09-29-2011 , 07:49 AM
And I don't have the time to discuss til the weekend, but I've been reading some of the many posts I've missed and ftr Heidik played the greatest first time game ever, and the greatest game ever. The great thing about Heidik's game was that no one knew how much control he had. He is an UTR leader whereas Boston Rob is an OTT leader. Obviously in Survivor you want to be an UTR leader. Jenna and Heidi were fully aware of how much control Cesternino - and if they were more savvy players they would not have burned bridges with Christy & Butch earlier and they would have swayed them to their side. Helen and Ted would've done that. To say Heidik only won or was so dominant because of his cast is just ignorant. To convince intelligent people the way Heidik did with a million dollars on the line is a lot harder than people realize.

The only person who didn't have a working relationship with everyone in Thailand was Brian. Because he didn't need to. Because on a jury of seven you only need four votes to win. You don't get paid by the vote. Jake, Jan, and Ted have all said in interviews that they would vote for Brian over Clay regardless of racist comments, regardless of Clay's antics over what Jake said at Tribal. Helen said she would have voted for Brian as long as he apologized - which he did. Her vote was going to be determined by what Brian said at FTC, not what Clay said or could have said.

I would even go so far as to say that assuring yourself more votes than you need to win is a strategical mistake because then other people don't want to go up against you in the F2/F3. Like how Jenna didn't want to go up against Cesternino.

Last edited by MaltMilkShake; 09-29-2011 at 07:55 AM. Reason: grammar
Survivor: South Pacific Quote
09-29-2011 , 11:01 AM
Originally Posted by 425kid
That was weird. Either he told them, or he knew neither Dawn or Cochran wouldn't vote with Papa Bear. It pretty much has to be the first one.
Jim voted for Cockran in case Mark had the idol so obviously he didn't know Ozzy had it.
Survivor: South Pacific Quote
