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Survivor S39: Island of the Idols Main Thread Survivor S39: Island of the Idols Main Thread

11-13-2019 , 11:18 PM
Elizabeth, Missy, and even Probst are getting destroyed on Twitter and deservedly so
Survivor S39: Island of the Idols Main Thread Quote
11-14-2019 , 01:00 AM
she's so smart, she went to harvard!

*goes home with 2 idols*
Survivor S39: Island of the Idols Main Thread Quote
11-14-2019 , 01:04 AM
some pretty despicable people on this season
Survivor S39: Island of the Idols Main Thread Quote
11-14-2019 , 01:38 AM

- Dan was prob a bit creepy
- You shouldn't have to be told multiple times to not touch someone if it clearly makes them uncomfortable
- But dan doens't deserve to potentially have his life ruined because he grabbed hair or touched someones toes
- if production thought dan crossed the line, they should yank him from the show. Either there is a game being played or it's not. If the game is being played, then it should not be used as proxy HR for survivors production.
- elizabeth and missy lied.
- which is why "believe women" is a dumb phrase. Believe facts, evaluate evidence, evaluate someones overall trustworthiness and motivations. Be fair to all people.
- Jamal drinks a gallon of woke flavored kool aid each morning before breakfast
- men have mirror neurons, same as all humans, and the ability to rationalize and empathize, and are allowed to be part of these conversations.
Survivor S39: Island of the Idols Main Thread Quote
11-14-2019 , 02:02 AM
Woke Survivor sucks
Survivor S39: Island of the Idols Main Thread Quote
11-14-2019 , 02:04 AM
Ugh. Won’t be able to watch until tomorrow but the stench online is unavoidable. Before this Elizabeth and kellie were my two faves.

Cancel the season and give Janet the money. Certain others get nothing and should be ostracized from surivivor family. No exit press. No reunion show.
Survivor S39: Island of the Idols Main Thread Quote
11-14-2019 , 02:12 AM

I have not yet watched tonight's episode.

I have been wanting to post this for the past week so I'm sorry I'm just now getting around to it. But after watching last week's episode again, I have come to decide that Kellee's move last week is absolutely, downright awful for several reasons.

First off, there is no reason for her to save Dean. Yeah yeah, she likes him and they have a bond. How does that fit in to the rest of her game? Does she not have enough allies on her own tribe, which HAS THE MAJORITY? Is she really willing to risk blowing up her own game and killing the trust that everyone in her tribe has in her to save one person?

As if that alone wasn't reason enough, she's also using her own idol that NO ONE knows about to pull the move off.

But the WORST part of the move is bringing in Noura, for 4 distinct reasons:

1. Noura the most untrustworthy, unstable loudmouth we've seen in several seasons

2. Kellee is already placing ALL of her trust in Dean by giving him her idol, telling him who to vote for, and not turning around and blowing up her game. If she doesn't trust him enough to follow through on that and thinks that there's a chance he'll vote for her (the entire purpose of having Noura vote for Jack) then she shouldn't be making the move in the first place.

3. If Dean does backstab her and vote for her, and Noura votes for Jack, then there will be a 1-1 tie and a revote between her and Jack. She herself said Jack is one of the nicest, most likable people there. Going up against him in a revote is ****ing ridiculously dumb. Does she really think the tribe is going to keep her over him?

4. By bringing in Noura, she lets it be known that Dean had at least one co-conspirator. If she is going to do this anyway, she'd might as well not bring in Noura at all and vote for Jack, so that at least Noura is one less variable in the future.

Finally, Jack was a level one, super loyal ally. If she should have targeted ANYONE, it should have been Jamal, whom several people on her tribe would have been ok to see go. Jack was the worst person to target, not only for how the tribe is going to react, but also he would have been an easy person to manipulate and have on her side going forward.

Kellee had been playing one of the best games all season but honestly, this is a straight up horrendous play, and 100% a combination of FPS and an emotional play to keep an ally that she doesn't need.


I just watched the first sequence of the new ep, where Noura immediately blows up Kellee's game. lolwow I honestly don't know who is the bigger idiot between Noura and Kellee.
Survivor S39: Island of the Idols Main Thread Quote
11-14-2019 , 02:22 AM
Originally Posted by Punker

I have a lot of respect for Janet and fully sympathized with how bad she felt - she accepted the consequences of being the one to speak up, and then all the people she tried to help vanished.

I also don't know how Dan can claim it's not real when the producers took him aside for a special extra warning. I suspect he regrets ever coming on the show now.

Agree with all of the above

1st, Dan.. Stop touching other people. It is not hard.

2nd, Probst should have just got to the real issue and then moved on.

That this is a serious subject and some of the young women used it trivially as a tool to get ahead in the game. All while hurting Janet personally and maybe Dan as well. How about talking about the fact that few things cross a line in Survivor, but the position other players got Janet in might be a line that was crossed. And then just let them get back to the game. End of discussion.

Anyway, congrats Probst and CBS for acting like you own the high ground...You ruined the tribal for your own 20 minute "pat on the back moment. " Probst and CBS are really no better than the women who trivialized the issue it by playing Janet like a fool.

Probst getting agro on Dan reminded me of Dr. Phil lambasting some helpless fool who found himself on TV with no counterargument. Probst may have thought he came off like a strong advocate for women, but to me he just seemed like a bully kicking Dan while he was down.

And Dan, once again, stop touching people.
Survivor S39: Island of the Idols Main Thread Quote
11-14-2019 , 02:39 AM
Wow, glad I missed Woke Probst. CBS taking the high ground is comical. Keep in mind that this is the network that Les Moonves built. Women have been getting harassed left and right at that network for years. I'm talking about real sexual harassment, not "he touched my toes" harassment.
Survivor S39: Island of the Idols Main Thread Quote
11-14-2019 , 03:07 AM
Right after merge before they even started talking about Dan's handsyness, I noticed him lying on the ground and it sure looked as if he reached over and put his hand on a female's calf. The fact that he does this type of thing and doesn't even appear to realize it, baffles me a bit. Kellee should not have to tell him multiple times to stop touching her. Even that scene where he stuck his hand in her hair, she expressed that she didn't like it and moved quickly away. And his response was to continue following her, saying his hands are clean. How can he be that oblivious?

It seemed clear to me, Kellee had a legit claim to her annoyance. However, she was not so annoyed that she wanted to vote him out when she thought keeping him around benefited her game. Which is fine, but it also devalues the self-righteousness a bit.

Liz and Missy on the other hand totally used the situation as a lever in the game. At least Liz was very up front about it, I guess. It's Survivor, so have at it if you think that's the way to go, but essentially, they not only filed complaints against Dan that they later retracted, but they orchestrated the vote out of the person who did have a legit complaint. Seems a bit scummier than the usual Survivor fare.

I think Janet convinced herself she was making a noble sacrifice because she didn't particularly want to vote Dan out, and she felt better about it if she was 'doing it for the benefit of the other girls'. She wasn't keen on voting him out until her main ally, Jamal, told her it was the thing to do. And he wasn't doing it for the girls. He said, I gotta get Dan before Dan gets me. I think there was a least a little bit of Janet subconsciously lying to herself about her own motivations. However, I think she was sincere enough about it that Aaron's eyeroll was misplaced.
Survivor S39: Island of the Idols Main Thread Quote
11-14-2019 , 03:13 AM
Originally Posted by housenuts
Noura, due to some Kellee deception, which may blow up Kellee's play
It did not take long for Noura to reveal Kellee told her to vote that way.

The MeToo episode was a bit much. My new icon is of Noura molesting herself.
Survivor S39: Island of the Idols Main Thread Quote
11-14-2019 , 03:15 AM
Clovis, how many times did you jerk it to that episode. line set at 3.5 - I will take the soft overs.

Jamal with so many virtue signalling points and still got voted out. looool


and on a serious note. Dan was too handsy and creepy. A wife, kids and a kick-ass company doesnt save you from that.
Survivor S39: Island of the Idols Main Thread Quote
11-14-2019 , 03:27 AM
Originally Posted by housenuts
Imagine FTC of Karishma v Noura v Chet, who wins?
Survivor S39: Island of the Idols Main Thread Quote
11-14-2019 , 03:34 AM
Originally Posted by ArcticKnight
Agree with all of the above

1st, Dan.. Stop touching other people. It is not hard.

2nd, Probst should have just got to the real issue and then moved on.

That this is a serious subject and some of the young women used it trivially as a tool to get ahead in the game. All while hurting Janet personally and maybe Dan as well. How about talking about the fact that few things cross a line in Survivor, but the position other players got Janet in might be a line that was crossed. And then just let them get back to the game. End of discussion.

Anyway, congrats Probst and CBS for acting like you own the high ground...You ruined the tribal for your own 20 minute "pat on the back moment. " Probst and CBS are really no better than the women who trivialized the issue it by playing Janet like a fool.

Probst getting agro on Dan reminded me of Dr. Phil lambasting some helpless fool who found himself on TV with no counterargument. Probst may have thought he came off like a strong advocate for women, but to me he just seemed like a bully kicking Dan while he was down.

And Dan, once again, stop touching people.
agree on all points
Survivor S39: Island of the Idols Main Thread Quote
11-14-2019 , 03:43 AM
Dan deserved to get roasted by Probst for his act at tribal. Hes such an oblivious loser. Its funny how when people defend him they point out the most minimal things he did (touching of the hair etc) How about caressing a women unwantedly while she sleeps?
Survivor S39: Island of the Idols Main Thread Quote
11-14-2019 , 03:45 AM
They got Kellee good though. She was playing the game so well just a little too much FPS...
Survivor S39: Island of the Idols Main Thread Quote
11-14-2019 , 03:53 AM
Thoughts while watching-

- pretty interesting that Tommy is sniffing out that Kellee is not to be trusted even though he's not aware (as far as we've been shown) of what transpired at the last tribal

- I know that Tom et al want Kellee gone and the others want Dan gone but it just seems dumb to not vote out one or two of the minority tribe just to keep your majority.

- pretty funny that Elizabeth thinks Janet is lying to her about Dan. What a bizarre potential backfire.

- again, Kellee voting for Dan tonight is an emotional decision and a poor strategic decision. That's two in a row for her. Janet continuing to play a great game by making the NON-emotional decision by voting for Dan bc she knows it'll bond the women together.

- RIP Kellee. Waaay too clever for her own good, and now going home with 2 in her pocket. Wow. Also LOL that she's gotta go hang at Ponderosa with Jack who she just burned. Delicious.

- interesting to see now how Tom, Lauren, and Dan play this.

- Janet is a boss.

- great quote by Jamal "it's not about deserving anymore. It's just about how people see their Endgame shaping up."

- Aaron is the most tone deaf ****in moron. Jamal playing a great game with how he's handling and talking about these issues.

- Dan getting a good grope on Noura during his apology. Lulz

- I think I missed something. Why did Missy vote for Janet?
Survivor S39: Island of the Idols Main Thread Quote
11-14-2019 , 04:08 AM
Originally Posted by charder30
How about caressing a women unwantedly while she sleeps?
Oh, like how he asked Elizabeth if it was ok for him to touch her (per her conversation with Kellee)? What a scumbag!

If you don't want a dude to caress you maybe just don't cuddle with him. I know that makes too much sense but...
Survivor S39: Island of the Idols Main Thread Quote
11-14-2019 , 04:08 AM
Tommy playing a pretty great game. He's incredibly likable, smart, fit, and more than willing to play hard and backstab, yet he isn't on anyone's radar as a threat because he's made social inroads with pretty much everyone. His only misstep so far was his and Lauren's lolattempt to throw Dan under the bus two eps ago. But luckily they won immunity so we'll never know if that would've come back to bite him.

This season has been pretty all over the place with a lot of button mashing so I have no clue how it will play out but he probably has the most win equity atm.
Survivor S39: Island of the Idols Main Thread Quote
11-14-2019 , 04:39 AM
Originally Posted by Dream Crusher
Oh, like how he asked Elizabeth if it was ok for him to touch her (per her conversation with Kellee)? What a scumbag!

If you don't want a dude to caress you maybe just don't cuddle with him. I know that makes too much sense but...
And what about Kelle? Missy?
Survivor S39: Island of the Idols Main Thread Quote
11-14-2019 , 05:40 AM
They’re either going to have to extend the reunion show or this is gonna take up 3/4 of the whole thing.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
Survivor S39: Island of the Idols Main Thread Quote
11-14-2019 , 07:03 AM
Originally Posted by wetleg
They’re either going to have to extend the reunion show or this is gonna take up 3/4 of the whole thing.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
Why not just invite Dr Phil to reunion show now and get it over with?
Survivor S39: Island of the Idols Main Thread Quote
11-14-2019 , 10:43 AM
Originally Posted by Soncy
Right after merge before they even started talking about Dan's handsyness.
They were talking about him and "touching" on the first episode.
Survivor S39: Island of the Idols Main Thread Quote
11-14-2019 , 11:05 AM
Originally Posted by Didace
They were talking about him and "touching" on the first episode.

That is when the producers should have taken care of it. Letting it build and build looks like they wanted this story line. Surprised they didn't run the hashtag Metoo on the scrolling statement.

Heck your on an island were your wearing boxers and just a sports bra and freezing at night. Im sure they are all sleeping close together.
Why not say to him " This makes me feel uncomfortable"

Also having two idols and not playing one has to be up there with the dumbest plays
Survivor S39: Island of the Idols Main Thread Quote
11-14-2019 , 11:12 AM
**** these people
**** Dan
**** Aaron
**** Missy
**** Elizabeth

I'm usually on the side of "it's just a game, it's okay." But some things are outside and beyond the game and shouldn't happen on Survivor. **** these people.
Survivor S39: Island of the Idols Main Thread Quote
