Aubry Bracco, Survivor Kaoh Rong Michaela Bradshaw, Survivor Millennials vs. Gen X Ciera Eastin, Survivor Blood vs. Water and Survivor Cambodia Hali Ford, Survivor Worlds Apart Malcolm Freberg, Survivor Philippines and Survivor Caramoan Caleb Reynolds, Survivor Kaoh Rong Troyzan Robertson, Survivor One World Jeff Varner, Survivor Australia and Survivor Cambodia Tony Vlachos, Survivor Cagayan Sandra Diaz-Twine, Survivor Pearl Islands and Survivor Heroes vs. Villains
Nuku tribe
Andrea Boehlke, Survivor Redemption Island and Survivor Caramoan Brad Culpepper, Survivor Blood vs. Water Sierra Dawn-Thomas, Survivor Worlds Apart Cirie Fields, Survivor Panama, Survivor Micronesia, and Survivor Heroes vs. Villains Sarah Lacina, Survivor Cagayan Ozzy Lusth, Survivor Cook Islands, Survivor Micronesia, and Survivor South Pacific Zeke Smith, Survivor Millennials vs. Gen X JT Thomas, Tocantins and Survivor Heroes vs. Villains Tai Trang, Survivor Kaoh Rong Debbie Wanner, Survivor Kaoh Rong
List of players to make everything easier.
I'm going with Debbie.