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Survivor S31: Cambodia - Second Chances- Make your Survivor Survivor picks here Survivor S31: Cambodia - Second Chances- Make your Survivor Survivor picks here

09-28-2015 , 11:41 AM
Originally Posted by Eewert
Changing to Kimmi.
Survivor S31: Cambodia - Second Chances- Make your Survivor Survivor picks here Quote
09-28-2015 , 11:53 AM
Survivor S31: Cambodia - Second Chances- Make your Survivor Survivor picks here Quote
09-28-2015 , 03:45 PM
Survivor S31: Cambodia - Second Chances- Make your Survivor Survivor picks here Quote
09-28-2015 , 06:59 PM
Survivor S31: Cambodia - Second Chances- Make your Survivor Survivor picks here Quote
09-28-2015 , 07:22 PM
Survivor S31: Cambodia - Second Chances- Make your Survivor Survivor picks here Quote
09-28-2015 , 08:05 PM
Survivor S31: Cambodia - Second Chances- Make your Survivor Survivor picks here Quote
09-28-2015 , 08:40 PM
Survivor S31: Cambodia - Second Chances- Make your Survivor Survivor picks here Quote
09-29-2015 , 02:27 AM
Survivor S31: Cambodia - Second Chances- Make your Survivor Survivor picks here Quote
09-29-2015 , 10:14 AM
Survivor S31: Cambodia - Second Chances- Make your Survivor Survivor picks here Quote
09-29-2015 , 11:09 AM
Week 2 Picks

In the lead - 18 picks remaining

425kid: Joe, Jeremy
4TeHloLz: Woo, Wiglesworth
accobra_kid: Wentworth, ?
ArcticKnight: Kass, Wiglesworth
AussieJack: Kass, Abi
ayuken: Joe, Abi
bigtuna: Abi, Woo
BillNye: Woo, ?
billyh66: Stephen, Kass
BoKnows: Spencer, Abi
broken_jia: Kass, ?
Cardfish1: Kimmi, Woo
Cleary89: Kass, Woo
Cornboy: Tasha, Kimmi
cstone: Joe, ?
danspartan: Shirin, Abi
Didace: Wiglesworth, Tasha
Diet Mountain Dew: Tasha, ?
DukeSucks: Kass, Stephen
Eewert: Kass, Kimmi
El Billy: Spencer, Abi
El Rata: Joe, Spencer
esad: Wiglesworth, Terry
goodsaint: Kass, Woo
hair loss at 19_: Joe, ?
hemstock: Peih-Gee, Stephen
Hikertrash: Kimmi, ?
housenuts: Spencer, Jeremy
JackTrumper: Joe, Kass
Jay311: Joe, Woo
JB91: Wentworth, Wiglesworth
jcohen: Woo, Kass
JeffroSTL: Shirin, Woo
Jeremy517: Keith, Kimmi
K.O.S.: Spencer, Stephen
kaija7: Abi, ?
KansasCT: Abi, Woo
Karak: Kass, Woo
Kurn, son of Mogh: Abi, ?
legend42: Kass, Andrew
Melkerson: Terry, Wentworth
mitsi: Kass, Abi
Monteroy: Kass, ?
nivedias: Jeff, ?
ponyboy: Abi, Woo
R_Webb18: Joe, Terry
ReAnimator: Abi, Monica
ReddBoiler: Abi, Stephen
redirkulous: Kimmi, Kass
saman_come_on: Kass, Abi
SavageTilt: Stephen, ?
seton: Monica, Woo
Shane24: Stephen, Abi
SirRawrsALot: Peih-Gee, Wiglesworth
slanche: Peih-Gee, Terry
Spike Forehand: Kimmi, Wiglesworth
supersplitz: Wiglesworth, Stephen
TheDjib: Spencer, Andrew
Thingyman: Kass, Woo
uganation: Joe, Woo
VTChess: Abi, ?
vyk07: Peih-Gee, ?
wetleg: Abi, Stephen
yellowfish: Abi, Monica
younguns87: Kimmi, Abi

Still need picks from:

Diet Mountain Dew
hair loss at 19_
Kurn, son of Mogh
Survivor S31: Cambodia - Second Chances- Make your Survivor Survivor picks here Quote
09-29-2015 , 12:44 PM
Survivor S31: Cambodia - Second Chances- Make your Survivor Survivor picks here Quote
09-29-2015 , 02:45 PM
Survivor S31: Cambodia - Second Chances- Make your Survivor Survivor picks here Quote
09-29-2015 , 04:16 PM
Guess I should go for gold: switching from Jeremy to abi
Survivor S31: Cambodia - Second Chances- Make your Survivor Survivor picks here Quote
09-29-2015 , 04:41 PM
Survivor S31: Cambodia - Second Chances- Make your Survivor Survivor picks here Quote
09-29-2015 , 10:16 PM
Survivor S31: Cambodia - Second Chances- Make your Survivor Survivor picks here Quote
09-29-2015 , 10:37 PM
Survivor S31: Cambodia - Second Chances- Make your Survivor Survivor picks here Quote
09-30-2015 , 08:49 AM
Survivor S31: Cambodia - Second Chances- Make your Survivor Survivor picks here Quote
09-30-2015 , 10:38 AM
Survivor S31: Cambodia - Second Chances- Make your Survivor Survivor picks here Quote
09-30-2015 , 11:40 AM
Abi (ugh)
Survivor S31: Cambodia - Second Chances- Make your Survivor Survivor picks here Quote
09-30-2015 , 01:45 PM
Week 2 Picks

In the lead - 18 picks remaining

425kid: Joe, Jeremy
4TeHloLz: Woo, Wiglesworth
accobra_kid: Wentworth, ?
ArcticKnight: Kass, Wiglesworth
AussieJack: Kass, Abi
ayuken: Joe, Abi
bigtuna: Abi, Woo
BillNye: Woo, ?
billyh66: Stephen, Kass
BoKnows: Spencer, Abi
broken_jia: Kass, Peih-Gee
Cardfish1: Kimmi, Woo
Cleary89: Kass, Woo
Cornboy: Tasha, Kimmi
cstone: Joe, Andrew
danspartan: Shirin, Abi
Didace: Wiglesworth, Tasha
Diet Mountain Dew: Tasha, ?
DukeSucks: Kass, Stephen
Eewert: Kass, Kimmi
El Billy: Spencer, Abi
El Rata: Joe, Spencer
esad: Wiglesworth, Terry
goodsaint: Kass, Woo
hair loss at 19_: Joe, Woo
hemstock: Peih-Gee, Stephen
Hikertrash: Kimmi, Abi
housenuts: Spencer, Jeremy
JackTrumper: Joe, Kass
Jay311: Joe, Woo
JB91: Wentworth, Wiglesworth
jcohen: Woo, Kass
JeffroSTL: Shirin, Woo
Jeremy517: Keith, Kimmi
K.O.S.: Spencer, Stephen
kaija7: Abi, Stephen
KansasCT: Abi, Woo
Karak: Kass, Woo
Kurn, son of Mogh: Abi, Kimmi
legend42: Kass, Andrew
Melkerson: Terry, Wentworth
mitsi: Kass, Abi
Monteroy: Kass, Abi
nivedias: Jeff, Stephen
ponyboy: Abi, Woo
R_Webb18: Joe, Terry
ReAnimator: Abi, Monica
ReddBoiler: Abi, Stephen
redirkulous: Kimmi, Kass
saman_come_on: Kass, Abi
SavageTilt: Stephen, Terry
seton: Monica, Woo
Shane24: Stephen, Abi
SirRawrsALot: Peih-Gee, Wiglesworth
slanche: Peih-Gee, Terry
Spike Forehand: Kimmi, Wiglesworth
supersplitz: Wiglesworth, Stephen
TheDjib: Spencer, Andrew
Thingyman: Kass, Woo
uganation: Joe, Woo
VTChess: Abi, ?
vyk07: Peih-Gee, ?
wetleg: Abi, Stephen
yellowfish: Abi, Monica
younguns87: Kimmi, Abi

Still need picks from:

Diet Mountain Dew
Survivor S31: Cambodia - Second Chances- Make your Survivor Survivor picks here Quote
09-30-2015 , 03:21 PM
Survivor S31: Cambodia - Second Chances- Make your Survivor Survivor picks here Quote
09-30-2015 , 04:50 PM
I'll go with Terry

Still need picks from:

Diet Mountain Dew

3 hours left to get your picks in!
Survivor S31: Cambodia - Second Chances- Make your Survivor Survivor picks here Quote
09-30-2015 , 06:18 PM
Originally Posted by K.O.S.
Week 2: Fishbach

Just typing that was painful. I'm going with what I think might be a 50/50 shot that our boy goes home this week. Ugh. Here's hoping he survives all the way and miraculously ships this thing.
I'm spooked and am chickening out. I'm changing my pick to Joe.
Survivor S31: Cambodia - Second Chances- Make your Survivor Survivor picks here Quote
