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Survivor S30 - Worlds Apart - Premieres Wed. Feb. 25th @ 8PM on CBS Survivor S30 - Worlds Apart - Premieres Wed. Feb. 25th @ 8PM on CBS

02-26-2015 , 02:37 AM
Jen was the only likable person on the whole premier. Maybe Carolyn, too. The Professor seems ok. Everyone else is dumb ass.

When blonde guy and Professor on White Collar found out Carolyn had the idol, the obvious play was to vote her out without letting anyone else know she had the idol. Now they have to contend with her having an idol.
Survivor S30 - Worlds Apart - Premieres Wed. Feb. 25th @ 8PM on CBS Quote
02-26-2015 , 02:37 AM
And Coconut Dude is already crazier than Coach.
Survivor S30 - Worlds Apart - Premieres Wed. Feb. 25th @ 8PM on CBS Quote
02-26-2015 , 02:39 AM
Originally Posted by Dominic
Jen was the only likable person on the whole premier. Maybe Carolyn, too. The Professor seems ok. Everyone else is dumb ass.

When blonde guy and Professor on White Collar found out Carolyn had the idol, the obvious play was to vote her out without letting anyone else know she had the idol. Now they have to contend with her having an idol.
Did Max find out? Guess I missed that part.
Survivor S30 - Worlds Apart - Premieres Wed. Feb. 25th @ 8PM on CBS Quote
02-26-2015 , 03:03 AM
And with that premiere, my faith in this "amazing season" has immediately gone down the toilet. Probst clearly does not like this show for the same reasons I do, as I thought the premiere was incredibly average.

People are giving So too much credit IMO. She sucked and played terribly. Max was much more likable than I expected based on the little I've heard of him, and Tyler has potential, but this tribe just seems doomed.

Mike and Joe seem like the standouts so far. Dan and Jenn had seemingly half the confessionals in the episode, but I thought Mike and Joe came across much better overall. Vince, on the other hand, has definitely murdered someone before.
Survivor S30 - Worlds Apart - Premieres Wed. Feb. 25th @ 8PM on CBS Quote
02-26-2015 , 03:44 AM
Originally Posted by nonecks1
Yeah "best premiere ever" and it wasn't even as good as Cagayan.
Originally Posted by K.O.S.
And with that premiere, my faith in this "amazing season" has immediately gone down the toilet. Probst clearly does not like this show for the same reasons I do, as I thought the premiere was incredibly average.
+1. Super average premiere.

Tyler intrigues me. He gave me a very... Superior vibe. Not in an arrogant way, but in a "it seems like he's got his **** together and isn't sweating it" sort of way. I think he's one to watch.
Survivor S30 - Worlds Apart - Premieres Wed. Feb. 25th @ 8PM on CBS Quote
02-26-2015 , 03:49 AM
Originally Posted by Thingyman
Tyler intrigues me. He gave me a very... Superior vibe. Not in an arrogant way, but in a "it seems like he's got his **** together and isn't sweating it" sort of way. I think he's one to watch.

Agree with this completely. Joe has the same vibe but in a different way if that makes sense.
Survivor S30 - Worlds Apart - Premieres Wed. Feb. 25th @ 8PM on CBS Quote
02-26-2015 , 04:38 AM

- Was digging Dan until he got weird and douchey about the shelter and then became a super passive aggressive butthurt pussy about helping out around camp. The guy is clearly oblivious about how he comes across.

- Speaking of butthurt, coconut boy confirmed creepy and sad. He's definitely murdered lots of stuff in his life, none of which was pussy. He probably digs that chick because she'll make a great skin suit.

- In the challenge, I'm shocked that none of the teams realized that knots were the superior way to go over randomly trying keys.. Major dumb points all around. It also seemed like the 50 piece puzzle was the way to go, since for each puzzle you have to figure out how to solve it, and then solve it, and clearly it's the figuring it out part that one could get stuck on, and that was going to be easiest for the 50 pc puzzle. In all fairness, we the audience saw what all 3 were, and the 50 pc looked so damn easy. I might be missing something, but for that chick to get hung up on that puzzle is downright inexplicable and embarrassing.

- Brenda 2.0 so terrible. +1 that she played the whole beans decision thing as badly as she could have. jfc. I forget, what made her turn against middle aged Jewish lady instead of putting the target on the obvious puzzle-failer? ugh, just so much fail all around.

- Digging beardo glasses but yeah, he shouldn't have said the thing about being a better liar. *facepalm*

- KOS, I disagree. I think this cast is pretty memorable. Without having I can already recall the majority of the players (not by name), and I didn't watch any of the pre-nterviews or anything. There are certainly more than 1 person on eat team that I'm rooting for right of the bat.
Survivor S30 - Worlds Apart - Premieres Wed. Feb. 25th @ 8PM on CBS Quote
02-26-2015 , 04:46 AM
Coconumbnuts puts the lotion on the skin.

he is ****ing nuts
Survivor S30 - Worlds Apart - Premieres Wed. Feb. 25th @ 8PM on CBS Quote
02-26-2015 , 05:05 AM
I felt last season (especially the early part) was so horrible that by comparison this premiere was great. There are clearly some idiots, but also there are players on each tribe that know what they are doing. Tribal was pretty exciting and the tribe dynamic when it came to voting was really interesting. I didn't do any research before hand on the people but I'm satisfied there is a good and varied bunch and I'm excited for the season.

I just hope the brains tribe doesn't lose again next week.
Survivor S30 - Worlds Apart - Premieres Wed. Feb. 25th @ 8PM on CBS Quote
02-26-2015 , 05:23 AM
From a few people's comments it seems as though they think that there would've been a different outcome if So had targeted Shirin instead. I strongly doubt that's the case. Given the dynamics of that tribe it always gonna be those 4 versus those 2.
Survivor S30 - Worlds Apart - Premieres Wed. Feb. 25th @ 8PM on CBS Quote
02-26-2015 , 06:02 AM
Originally Posted by Thingyman
From a few people's comments it seems as though they think that there would've been a different outcome if So had targeted Shirin instead. I strongly doubt that's the case. Given the dynamics of that tribe it always gonna be those 4 versus those 2.
But it changed things a bit when older Jewish lady revealed she had the idol. It complicated things. I think Shirin was an obvious choice that the others could've gotten behind without feeling too badly since she did screw up the challenge so badly. But to go after the other woman just because she's older isn't a good argument and makes So look even worse (and more sketchy) by comparison for stirring **** up needlessly. This was of course far from So's worst mistake, of which there were many.
Survivor S30 - Worlds Apart - Premieres Wed. Feb. 25th @ 8PM on CBS Quote
02-26-2015 , 06:40 AM
Vince is crushing on Jenn like an 8th grade girl. Half expected him to bust out with 'do you LIKE-like him?'

Fun premiere, setting itself up for a promising season imo
Survivor S30 - Worlds Apart - Premieres Wed. Feb. 25th @ 8PM on CBS Quote
02-26-2015 , 07:13 AM
Easily the least attractive group of female contestants ever and the best by far has to go first. Oh well.

Still psyched for the season.
Survivor S30 - Worlds Apart - Premieres Wed. Feb. 25th @ 8PM on CBS Quote
02-26-2015 , 07:54 AM
Really? I thought there were some real hot girls. Don't know the names yet though.
Also, what a playa

Last edited by KansasCT; 02-26-2015 at 08:04 AM.
Survivor S30 - Worlds Apart - Premieres Wed. Feb. 25th @ 8PM on CBS Quote
02-26-2015 , 08:10 AM
Really liked the blonde girl. I can totally see her manipulating buffalo bill 2.0 and that other dude.
Survivor S30 - Worlds Apart - Premieres Wed. Feb. 25th @ 8PM on CBS Quote
02-26-2015 , 09:01 AM
Originally Posted by Clovis8
impressive that coconut boy has had 5 minutes screen time and already in running for WOAT
yup, i did not like him before show had started, but he was even worse than i expected
Survivor S30 - Worlds Apart - Premieres Wed. Feb. 25th @ 8PM on CBS Quote
02-26-2015 , 09:04 AM
Originally Posted by K.O.S.
And with that premiere, my faith in this "amazing season" has immediately gone down the toilet. Probst clearly does not like this show for the same reasons I do, as I thought the premiere was incredibly average.

People are giving So too much credit IMO. She sucked and played terribly. Max was much more likable than I expected based on the little I've heard of him, and Tyler has potential, but this tribe just seems doomed.

Mike and Joe seem like the standouts so far. Dan and Jenn had seemingly half the confessionals in the episode, but I thought Mike and Joe came across much better overall. Vince, on the other hand, has definitely murdered someone before.

Im with you thought it was terrible. How you don't play the idol after hearing 4 are against you is just stupid.
Survivor S30 - Worlds Apart - Premieres Wed. Feb. 25th @ 8PM on CBS Quote
02-26-2015 , 09:06 AM
always fun when the best looking girl goes home super early...

excellent pickup for Malcolm. Not only is he one of the all time favorites of the show, he's got a hot chick who went out first, so they're almost a lock to return on some kind of pairs season
Survivor S30 - Worlds Apart - Premieres Wed. Feb. 25th @ 8PM on CBS Quote
02-26-2015 , 10:38 AM
Originally Posted by lozen
Im with you thought it was terrible. How you don't play the idol after hearing 4 are against you is just stupid.
I'm guessing this was bad editing. She seems smart enough to not make this error.
Survivor S30 - Worlds Apart - Premieres Wed. Feb. 25th @ 8PM on CBS Quote
02-26-2015 , 10:44 AM
Coconumbnuts for the skin, er, win?
Survivor S30 - Worlds Apart - Premieres Wed. Feb. 25th @ 8PM on CBS Quote
02-26-2015 , 11:17 AM
Originally Posted by lozen
Im with you thought it was terrible. How you don't play the idol after hearing 4 are against you is just stupid.
She had faith that So didn't know what she was talking about. She received assurances that she wouldn't need to use it and went with that.
Survivor S30 - Worlds Apart - Premieres Wed. Feb. 25th @ 8PM on CBS Quote
02-26-2015 , 11:27 AM
Having the idol puts a target on her. She's better to just play it there. If brains lose again may as well just get rid of Shirin, then can reassess the next tribal and do Joaquin or Carolyn. Not flushing the idol limits their options.
Survivor S30 - Worlds Apart - Premieres Wed. Feb. 25th @ 8PM on CBS Quote
02-26-2015 , 12:20 PM
-I'm surprised Carolyn didn't play her idol. I don't care how many assurances you get from your tribemates, you just met them 2 days ago. How can you even begin to know who you can trust is that little amount of time? She got away with it last night, but now she has to be worried about a flush vote every time they go to tribal. I think the right play was to not tell anyone she has it until she gets a better feel for who she can trust.

-How did So allow herself to be the lightning rod for all the lying blame? Joachim somehow skated on that.

-I think it was a pretty good premiere. Making them 90 mins is definitely smart, as it takes about an hour to start getting the players straight. 3 tribes also helps there.

-Probst's comments about a great first episode probably center around someone finding an immunity idol and having to decide whether to play it at the first tribal. I don't recall if anyone has found an idol in the 1st ep in past seasons (Russell? Tony?) but even if they have, I'd guess they also didn't face tribal that same episode as well as being on the receiving end of votes.

-Dan went from likable guy to Jimmy T 2.0 in about 30 minutes. I'm done with him already.
Survivor S30 - Worlds Apart - Premieres Wed. Feb. 25th @ 8PM on CBS Quote
02-26-2015 , 12:33 PM
Originally Posted by MarsMuzak
-I'm surprised Carolyn didn't play her idol. I don't care how many assurances you get from your tribemates, you just met them 2 days ago. How can you even begin to know who you can trust is that little amount of time?
If I have reason to think I'm safe I'm never playing the idol at the first tribal council. If I end up getting booted with the idol in my pocket, so be it. If you use it what then? You're going to magically turn from someone they wanted out into someone they want to keep?
Survivor S30 - Worlds Apart - Premieres Wed. Feb. 25th @ 8PM on CBS Quote
02-26-2015 , 12:59 PM
Originally Posted by Thingyman
+1. Super average premiere.

Tyler intrigues me. He gave me a very... Superior vibe. Not in an arrogant way, but in a "it seems like he's got his **** together and isn't sweating it" sort of way. I think he's one to watch.
People ITT should be the ones to be able to suss out who has a superior vibe.

I don't know what to make of the disparity between what CBS has shown on Tyler leading up to and during the premiere and what I just watched in his full intro bio on the CBS website. He had originally been coming off as a name dropping douche who was trying to pump his image up, but after watching his full bio, he seemed more like the opposite of that. Strange edit if we are supposed to like this guy.
Survivor S30 - Worlds Apart - Premieres Wed. Feb. 25th @ 8PM on CBS Quote
