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03-09-2012 , 05:03 AM
Originally Posted by Soncy
I'll allow it as I don't think you understand me.

Also KOS. I knew you wouldn't let me down, brother. Also, I should state for the record that I approve of Empire Man's support of Tarzan on the basis of he likes him better as well. Not saying everyone should have the stance that spite-ing against the scummy guy who is in control is unacceptable, just saying that those that do have that stance probably shouldn't be spite-ing on Colton. The dude is in control right now.

edit: Also for the record, I think Colton is terrible. He's Russell + Corrine. Do I feel badly about myself because while I'm watching future episodes I will be hoping he gets hit over the head with a rock by someone? Sure. But he's also been pretty amazing TV so far.
While I'm not one of the ones who's been saying "OMG VOTE HIM OFF BECAUSE HE'S SO ANNOYING", I don't think it's about spite-ing. You keep referencing the hypocrisy of people who think it's terrible to spite vote against someone they don't like at the end, but also want Colton to get voted out right now because they don't like him. I don't think that's very accurate.

If someone playing spite votes against someone at the end who they think played better just because they got their feelings hurt, I think that's lame. If someone watching thinks Colton is a douchebag (correct, & frankly you can't play that well being that big of a toolbag) and he's playing badly (correct) then I think it's reasonable for them to want that person gone.

Colton is a tool who's playing badly, and the extent to which he is in control is being overrated. Colton is in control right now the way a drunk driver was in control because he made it home safely that night, or the way Alicia is in control of her Special Ed students.

Originally Posted by Soncy
I think you missed my point. At the moment, no one is taking Colton anywhere. The rest of the men just agreed to voluntarily give up immunity to vote out a guy who had workable relationships with many of them. There is a list of guys who by voting out Bill when they didn't have to put themselves closer to going home and eliminated a potential ally. Colton is not on that list.
Colton is on that list to me.

Originally Posted by Soncy
But, speaking of P***ies, you guys need to man up. I can't believe this is the same place where people are always going on about how terrible it is to spite vote against somebody for not being a pleasant person (or to vote for the person they like better), but always pimp owning souls as far as game manipulation goes. Hypocrites up in here.
Also, the way you say this is kind of a blanket statement. If you're going to talk about pussies that need to man up and call people hypocrites, you should probably back it up with evidence that shows people doing what you're accusing, instead of just applying it to the thread in general. It might apply to a few posters, but certainly not all. For instance, the person you made that reply to who complained about Colton has exactly 2 posts ever in OOTV, both in this thread, and neither of them complain about people who spite vote against people they don't like.

The people complaining about Colton and wanting him voted off don't necessarily have to be die hard Survivor regs who also complain about people who spite vote. They might just be casual fans of the show who think he's an assclown that isn't good at Survivor.
Survivor: One World Quote
03-09-2012 , 05:14 AM
Originally Posted by Empire Man
Great tv? Yeah sure, it was super watchable, my jaw was on the floor, and the thread blew up, and blah blah blah. But no: Colton is not somebody I love to hate: Colton should be hated, and dismissed.

And btw he's not a good player. He did a good job getting an idol, and for about two episodes he had some power, and sure, he's a threat to make it even all the way to the end because he sucks so hard. But I'll bet it doesn't happen, because ironically like Sherman he's way too slash-and-burn, for example he just spearheaded the worst move ever just so he could say that he did. Hoo boy it will suck if he barnacles his way deep in the game, but I'll bet it doesn't happen.
Survivor: One World Quote
03-09-2012 , 05:36 AM
Originally Posted by Kirbynator
colton might make me quit the season.

hes beyond tilting, he makes me have a bad couple of hours after watching the episode. Might not be worth it.
This. A TV episode shouldn't make me want to fly to america and track down somebody just so I could the beat the **** out of them. But yesterdays episode pretty much made me feel that way.

I also feel ****ty knowing that this season is literally being played by ******s that are seemingly incapable of rational thought. The only two men I can understand agreeing to this are Jay and Michael because they are trying to become part of the core alliance. The majority of the women are super tilting as well.

I think I will just have to start watching the game in a different light. It truly seems to be a comedy of errors.
Survivor: One World Quote
03-09-2012 , 06:27 AM
Sorry for the lack of spoiler tags guys. Thought that fell under speculation.
Survivor: One World Quote
03-09-2012 , 07:00 AM
Im pretty sure the editing is cutting out some of the strategy in order to make it more interesting to the average viewer.

Like how tarzan started this whole thing that they were going to vote off leif for betraying them, but it was just an act to get Bill to agree to give the I.I to the girls
Survivor: One World Quote
03-09-2012 , 07:29 AM
Originally Posted by master yi
Im pretty sure the editing is cutting out some of the strategy in order to make it more interesting to the average viewer.

Like how tarzan started this whole thing that they were going to vote off leif for betraying them, but it was just an act to get Bill to agree to give the I.I to the girls
I realised that after. But still so stupid. Now they are going into a tribe swap 7-7 instead of 8-6 where they would have had the majority on both tribes.

I'm thinking one of the tribes might throw the immunity challenge next week.
Survivor: One World Quote
03-09-2012 , 09:00 AM
Originally Posted by Soncy
But, speaking of P***ies, you guys need to man up. I can't believe this is the same place where people are always going on about how terrible it is to spite vote against somebody for not being a pleasant person (or to vote for the person they like better), but always pimp owning souls as far as game manipulation goes. Hypocrites up in here.
Good stuff Soncy. As a long time proponent of spite voting, I'd like to welcome Clovis and many others itt over to the dark side
Survivor: One World Quote
03-09-2012 , 09:03 AM
Not since Russell found his third idol in Samoa have I yelled "SHUT THE **** UP, NO WAY" at the TV as loudly or sincerely as I did the other night. In 24 seasons of Survivor, I've never been more surprised by any turn of events like what we saw on Wednesday.

I can say with a tremendous amount of certainty that Colton is an awful person. He's lived a spoon-fed and sheltered life and has made it clear that he looks down on those less fortunate. He is truly hateful and misguided to the core of his being. I wish nothing but misfortune and tragedy upon his personal life. He's at the point for me where I want to strangle the life out of him whenever he's on screen, but, like KOS, I have no desire whatsoever to change the channel.

Tarzan gif post was 10/10 obv.

Last edited by cstone; 03-09-2012 at 09:08 AM.
Survivor: One World Quote
03-09-2012 , 09:12 AM
Wow, Colton is way too pathetic to hate so much, IMO.

Empireman touched on it but he's obviously a product of his environment.
Survivor: One World Quote
03-09-2012 , 09:18 AM
Regarding Empire Man's latest tome and those who think the same way he does, for me, the pleasure comes a) from the jaw hitting he floor, sure, but b) in the knowledge that eventually, we're going to get to see this kid get his. When he goes, all of the flamethrower/Dangerous Game evocations will be apt because it'll be explosive and dirty and ugly and all kinds of wonderful. You've never pumped your fist the way you will when Colton gets voted out, and that's a denouement worth slogging through. Eevery one of his successes adds to that.
Survivor: One World Quote
03-09-2012 , 09:28 AM
I think we are setting ourselves up to be disappointed when Colton gets voted out. It's no longer enough that he gets voted out, we now need him to go out by med-evac or an epic blind side. Just going out on a 4-3 vote after he screws up a challenge will suck.
Survivor: One World Quote
03-09-2012 , 09:31 AM
Originally Posted by Gary Wise
Regarding Empire Man's latest tome and those who think the same way he does, for me, the pleasure comes a) from the jaw hitting he floor, sure, but b) in the knowledge that eventually, we're going to get to see this kid get his. When he goes, all of the flamethrower/Dangerous Game evocations will be apt because it'll be explosive and dirty and ugly and all kinds of wonderful. You've never pumped your fist the way you will when Colton gets voted out, and that's a denouement worth slogging through. Eevery one of his successes adds to that.
My distaste for Colton comes from the implications of his behavior outside the game. His bigotry, racism, and class warfare have serious societal implications and being from a rich family means he will have opportunities to put his awful Republican worldview into actual play in the real world.

I'm sorry but his brand of blind hate is not funny nor fun to watch. Real people will have to suffer in the future because of it and that is not entertaining.

Originally Posted by Cardfish1
Good stuff Soncy. As a long time proponent of spite voting, I'd like to welcome Clovis and many others itt over to the dark side
I still think spite voting is pathetic but voting against Colton would, in no way, be spite voting as he is not good at the game in anyway. Furthermore, there is a MASSIVE difference between being a generally annoying person (like Russell) and being a rabid racist and bigot. Anyone should be able to put up the the former and NOBODY should ever put up with the latter.
Survivor: One World Quote
03-09-2012 , 09:41 AM
Originally Posted by Clovis8
My distaste for Colton comes from the implications of his behavior outside the game. His bigotry, racism, and class warfare have serious societal implications and being from a rich family means he will have opportunities to put his awful Republican worldview into actual play in the real world.

I'm sorry but his brand of blind hate is not funny nor fun to watch. Real people will have to suffer in the future because of it and that is not entertaining.
Wait, you don't think he's going to get lashback in spades? I know you're not watching the season any more, but you may want to check in for the reunion show.
Survivor: One World Quote
03-09-2012 , 09:44 AM
Originally Posted by Gary Wise
Wait, you don't think he's going to get lashback in spades? I know you're not watching the season any more, but you may want to check in for the reunion show.
I'm still watching. Others said they quit. I am sure he will face a backlash but it does not make it any better to allow his hate to be aired for entertainment value week after week.
Survivor: One World Quote
03-09-2012 , 10:08 AM
I think Colton is getting set up for a huge fall a la Brandon Hantz. I hope he cries as Jeff snuffs his torch.
Survivor: One World Quote
03-09-2012 , 10:16 AM
I think his hate is being presented as detestable. I'm not convinced that's a bad thing.
Survivor: One World Quote
03-09-2012 , 10:17 AM
Originally Posted by Clovis8
My distaste for Colton comes from the implications of his behavior outside the game. His bigotry, racism, and class warfare have serious societal implications and being from a rich family means he will have opportunities to put his awful Republican worldview into actual play in the real world.
LOL at Colton representing all republicans. I'm not sure that's what u meant exactly, but he doesn't just have a "republican worldview"... he is just a complete douche who looks down on people less fortunate and hates people that aren't similar to him. Again, it might not have been your intention, but it's often closed minded Democrats who have this ridiculous idea that all republicans think like Colton does.
Survivor: One World Quote
03-09-2012 , 10:33 AM
Colton makes good trashy reality TV. I don't think he makes good Survivor TV. He's completely detracting from the rest of the cast. I don't fault the editors for the blanketed coverage of him but as a hardcore fan it definitely sucks getting 5 minutes of strategy and 40 minutes of idiocy and racism. I'm still enjoying the season but as less of a survivor fan and more of a can't look away car wreck fan.

I might be in the minority but I'd like to see more of the rest of the guys. Especially some of their thought processes(or lack of). All of them except Leif seem to make good interviews and I'm sure a lot of their thoughts and strategy are left on the cutting room floor because of Colton's antics. Maybe it's because Colton is so detestable but they all seem fairly likable.
Survivor: One World Quote
03-09-2012 , 11:06 AM
Originally Posted by cstone
vyk's Tarzan gif post was 10/10 obv.
Originally Posted by wetleg
Good stuff vyk.
Originally Posted by SavageTilt
vyk doing God's work itt
Thanks br0s

When I get home from work, I'm planning to put together a Colton Episode 4 gif compilation in response to this week's post-episode quotes about him here
Survivor: One World Quote
03-09-2012 , 11:52 AM
Originally Posted by Dalton Ross
Defeated, Jonas decides to return back to his camp to do what he does best — talking out loud about what a mastermind Colton is. Jonas reminds me of Stevie on Eastbound & Down, the disturbing guy who keeps going on about how incredible Kenny Powers is, even if there is little-to-no evidence to support that finding.
What an excellent comparison.
Survivor: One World Quote
03-09-2012 , 12:01 PM



For those of you who want to take a stroll down memory lane, we spent 2.5 hours talking to Albert about his game last season from start to finish. Check it out HERE
Survivor: One World Quote
03-09-2012 , 12:04 PM
Those expecting Colton to 'get his' via epic blindside or med evac that results in some break down moment of self realization are as delusional as he is. I'm unsure about the reunion show but for the regular season he's going to be the exact same person until he's off the show.
Survivor: One World Quote
03-09-2012 , 12:12 PM
I don't think people are expecting him to change at all or grow as a person through this experience. I think the general sentiment is that he's going to fall really hard, hopefully through an epic blindside, and he'll not change at all because of it.
Survivor: One World Quote
03-09-2012 , 12:25 PM
Originally Posted by Gary Wise
Regarding Empire Man's latest tome and those who think the same way he does, for me, the pleasure comes a) from the jaw hitting he floor, sure, but b) in the knowledge that eventually, we're going to get to see this kid get his. When he goes, all of the flamethrower/Dangerous Game evocations will be apt because it'll be explosive and dirty and ugly and all kinds of wonderful. You've never pumped your fist the way you will when Colton gets voted out, and that's a denouement worth slogging through. Eevery one of his successes adds to that.
The kid will get his--I hope it happens in the game soon, but even if it doesn't I believe he'll pay some day. God sends sunshine and rain on the just and the unjust. I don't believe he's as racist as he comes across. He gets on fine with Sabrina (maybe she reminds him of his housekeeper). I believe the offense he took with Bill had more to do with him judging Bill for being poor (which of course is awful too, but he's an awful person). I also believe that he didn't like Bill because other people liked a roundabout way that's good game play to vote someone out because they are someone who is a decent dude who other people like, but who doesn't get on well with oneself. But I think Colton was more motivated by 'this vile poor guy is loud and unfunny to me, and other people are paying attention to him instead of me'.

My favorite seasons are the ones where JT and Stephen are vying for the crown--I'd have been happy either way that went--or obviously Todd is going to win and he does. I like a happy ending. I don't feel good about myself rooting for one of the players to fall in the fire. So I can understand some people having a big problem with Colton. I had a big problem with Corrine and I have a big problem with Colton. But I also agree that he's pathetic. I don't believe that people who fill themselves up with hatred can really be happy. It's like it's own punishment.

As usual, I was not intending to call the entire thread a kitty cat. If you felt like my comments were directed at you, then they probably were. I can't keep track of every poster and what he/she values.

I've long been a proponent of the idea that in Survivor it should matter how likable a person is and that various methods of getting to the end have merit. It's not just about controlling the tribe or controlling the votes. I think Colton has supported my stance on the matter better than I've ever been able to with my own words.
Survivor: One World Quote
03-09-2012 , 12:31 PM
Also, not to doom and gloom, but I'm really concerned about Colton, Alicia, and Kat being on this season together. I really feel like the season can go down a lot of wrong roads. But I'm going to watch it anyway. Perhaps I'll have to be very disappointed, but I'll hope for something decent to happen instead.
Survivor: One World Quote
