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Survivor: One World Survivor: One World

05-14-2012 , 09:04 AM

Alicia has got to be the most delusional, dumbest bitch to every play the game.

Kat is gold.
Survivor: One World Quote
05-14-2012 , 09:09 AM
I loved Matt's comments he made when the did the final comrades ceremony. It was as if he wanted to know what it felt like to be Skip Bayless for the day.
Survivor: One World Quote
05-14-2012 , 09:23 AM
The correct answer to Troy's question was when Kim convinced Troy, along with Jay, that NuSalani would stick together. In reality she was playing him long before the Jonas boot.
Survivor: One World Quote
05-14-2012 , 09:25 AM
can someone explain the differences between chelsea's game and natalie white's game?
Survivor: One World Quote
05-14-2012 , 09:28 AM
Natalie aligned with a scumbag. Chelsea aligned with a sweetheart.
Survivor: One World Quote
05-14-2012 , 09:33 AM
Originally Posted by Who cares
The correct answer to Troy's question was when Kim convinced Troy, along with Jay, that NuSalani would stick together. In reality she was playing him long before the Jonas boot.
I think this is what Troyzan wanted to hear but I think Kim was being honest. After the swap she was sill keeping options open. Once the merge happened though and she had numbers then it was back to the bitches.

If the men would have had numbers at the merge then she could have aligned with Troy and Jay to stay in the game. It's what I would have done. Troy is just being butthurt.
Survivor: One World Quote
05-14-2012 , 09:39 AM
And while I was also disappointed by Troy, I am amused that the "if a juror is bitter you made them bitter" argument has suddenly disappeared. Here and on Sucks.
Survivor: One World Quote
05-14-2012 , 09:42 AM
Originally Posted by Who cares
And while I was also disappointed by Troy, I am amused that the "if a juror is bitter you made them bitter" argument has suddenly disappeared. Here and on Sucks.
Not surprising given its the stupidest argument imaginable.
Survivor: One World Quote
05-14-2012 , 09:46 AM
I'm in complete agreement Clovis.
Survivor: One World Quote
05-14-2012 , 09:52 AM
Originally Posted by Clovis8
Not surprising given its the stupidest argument imaginable.
You don't see a massive difference between Kim and Russell?

Take this same jury and switch Russell for Kim and Sabrina walks away with the million.
Survivor: One World Quote
05-14-2012 , 10:06 AM
Part of the "you made them bitter" argument is that if a juror feels a particular way the onus is on the contestant who made them feel that way. Therefore, I don't understand why the Samoa jury minus John and Shambo get a free pass and Troy doesn't. According to the argument the blame should go to Kim and Russell.

Obv Troy wasn't alone.
Survivor: One World Quote
05-14-2012 , 10:33 AM
Yeah but some people just hold grudges and take things way too personally. There is always going to be deception and betrayals in Survivor and you should know that going in. Going extreme butthurt says more about the bitter player then it does about the winner.

In defense of bitter juries though the one thing we really can't relate to is the connection you must feel when you live with people 24/7 for weeks. It's natural to feel some connection and for some I'm sure it's emotionally very rough when that connection blows up. It shouldn't surprise anyone that this would turn to frustration and anger.

For me but I'd always vote for whoever played the best even if they did backstab and lie to everyone. I think I'd get over whatever bond I felt pretty quick.
Survivor: One World Quote
05-14-2012 , 10:47 AM
Originally Posted by Dominic
After her great speech at TC, I'm stunned Kat didn't win fan favorite

And finally, Kim played as good of a game as anyone ever has. GOAT.
How was Kat meant to win that in half an hour? I'm not from US so not sure how voting worked, but I thought Probst said it started on Wednesday?
Survivor: One World Quote
05-14-2012 , 10:50 AM

Interesting interview with Probst, especially one comment in particular about Colton...

edit: some season 25 spoilers i suppose, for those who are super nitty
Survivor: One World Quote
05-14-2012 , 11:05 AM
Originally Posted by VTChess
So relieved. Now let the GOAT talk ensue
Im pretty sad Kim had to play on this season.

Hands down my least favorite season I've watched.

As I mentioned on the D&C cast, a satisfying winner on an otherwise god awful season.

I think the casting directors made a mistake and went back to their "cast tard" casting, going after people who dont care about the game at all and just want to be on TV. Go back to casting people who look like they belong in the real world and get a good season like SP going next year, or they will have some trouble.
Survivor: One World Quote
05-14-2012 , 11:09 AM
Originally Posted by Cardfish1
You don't see a massive difference between Kim and Russell?

Take this same jury and switch Russell for Kim and Sabrina walks away with the million.
Undoubtedly, Sabrina was actually articulate and able to explain her thought process well during FTC. While Natalie on the other hand.....
Survivor: One World Quote
05-14-2012 , 11:41 AM
Wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy too much ****ing time on Colton at the reunion. The entire reunion just added to how much I hate this ****ing season.

I'll revisit this season some point in the future to confirm, but I do NOT see how this season will ever be outside of my bottom five. Curious to see where this season ranks for Dalton Ross.
Survivor: One World Quote
05-14-2012 , 12:01 PM
Since we are now in the offseason of the show... Survivor Draft 2.0?
Survivor: One World Quote
05-14-2012 , 12:37 PM
Perhaps the saddest thing about 2+2's downtime is the fact that these two gifs seemingly didn't make it into the thread:

Survivor: One World Quote
05-14-2012 , 12:41 PM
Originally Posted by Who cares
And while I was also disappointed by Troy, I am amused that the "if a juror is bitter you made them bitter" argument has suddenly disappeared. Here and on Sucks.
To be fair, I think the argument is usually if a JURY is bitter you made it bitter. That's a tad different than a 'juror'. There's always individual spikes. Having one or two people completely poisoned against you isn't exactly the same thing as having the majority of people poisoned against you. And even with that, maybe Kim could have smoothed him over better than she did or tried to spread the blame for his demise a bit more. ...But she didn't need to. There were enough jurors who were either 'rational enough' or simply liked Kim enough that she didn't need to break her neck to reel Troy's vote in. Besides...the guy 'claimed' he was a fan of the show...she might have thought she had a decent shot at his vote regardless.

Kudos for Sabrina to vote out Troy and still manage to get his vote. Things that Troy said were important to him in the game included finding an idol, (which Kim did) winning a challenge (which Kim did), and winning the million (which Kim did).

It certainly appeared that Kim had genuinely amicable relationships with everyone. She controlled the course of the game the most. She protected herself by winning multiple immunities. She had a HII in her pocket that she never even needed to use.

I think Leif's vote was misplaced, but what do you expect from a super nice guy who didn't really play the game?
Survivor: One World Quote
05-14-2012 , 12:57 PM
Originally Posted by Clovis8
Not surprising given its the stupidest argument imaginable.
nice, I take it you are a russel fan after all then.
Survivor: One World Quote
05-14-2012 , 01:10 PM
Originally Posted by wetleg
Probst has already said that he won't be invited back. It was at least 4-6 weeks ago. I can't remember where I heard it though.
well as of yesterday probst said this:

They forget what they want to say. I think you could tell from his mom’s bravery in standing up to speak that there is more than just a “I made some bad comments” — but I do think Colton will probably be on the show again and I would guess he’ll play a similar game.
Survivor: One World Quote
05-14-2012 , 01:30 PM
Originally Posted by K.O.S.
Kim is awesome. She made a couple minor mistakes and one very big one (booting Christina)
Booting Christina was NOT a mistake imo. She was a locked up vote (especially after Kim just straight up told her she was next and they hugged) and there was no reason to shake things up.

If she takes Christina to the end you often get that classic "Oh you think you're smart for taking a sheep to the end, let's see about that, followed by a bunch of spitevotes for Christina." It's that last backstab move that could've convinced the jury to say: "I hate you, you're not getting the million". By taking Sabrina she showed that she has at least SOME "integrity" left in her. I don't care, you don't care, but other people do.

And yes, after seeing tribal I'm 100% sure Kim would've won no matter what. But nobody could've expected them to be so non-bitter.
Survivor: One World Quote
05-14-2012 , 01:53 PM
normally I would agree on the spite vote thing, but if you watch ponderosa and hear the other girls talk, virtually no one respected christina at all out there. There is a difference between having people find a reason to vote for someone that doesn't deserve it vs. not being able to find a reason at all. Christina would have gotten zero votes.
Survivor: One World Quote
05-14-2012 , 02:32 PM
ok, what the hell does Kat's medical issues have to with anything last night? So lame
Survivor: One World Quote
