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Survivor: Heroes vs. Villains Survivor: Heroes vs. Villains

05-07-2010 , 05:04 AM
I'm watching the voting confessionals now, and just LOL at Sandra. "I came here voting Colby." Really? Good God, she is clueless.

Originally Posted by oldgrandma18k
I couldn't tell if he was confused wrt spelling her name or if he was debating whether or not to actually vote for her. Considering he spelled it Danellie, it's probably the former, but I'm far from 100% sure.
Survivor: Heroes vs. Villains Quote
05-07-2010 , 05:18 AM
what a dumbass
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05-07-2010 , 05:37 AM
In his defense though, Danielle is a stupid name.
Survivor: Heroes vs. Villains Quote
05-07-2010 , 08:38 AM
Originally Posted by DoGGz
I don't care who wins, this is just an awesome season. Why does it matter if Russel wins? He makes the show interesting and that's all I care about.
Well, good movies, books, stories, etc. are generally more enjoyable with an ending that complements the good storyline. Obviously the season has been interesting & entertaining, but Russell winning would make for a better ending than say Colby winning (in my opinion).

Originally Posted by zizek
Parvati's fault for the stupid "let's keep the idol a secret from Russel" thing. That is all.
Yeah, obv it's pretty easy to see how close Danielle & Parvati are while watching the eps from the couch, but even still, it seemed pretty clear that they were closer than anyone else out there was to anyone else imo.

Gonna be a miracle if Russell gets any jury votes this season (if he makes it to the finals). I could see maybe JT voting for him b/c he seems like the type of dude that respects good gameplay. Possibly Coach too, but I think he's pretty much screwed with the rest of the cast (calling Rupert a dumbass seems like a 100% guarantee that he'll never get Rupert's vote as Rupert is obviously v stubborn & probably remembers every kid who called him fat in middle school).

Who's Russell's best shot at winning (or actually getting votes) against, Kos (or anyone else)? Colby b/c he hasn't done anything? Even though I don't think Sandra has done much more than Colby, I feel like she'd somehow get more votes (not sure why). Not sure how votes would fall for Jerri or Rupert, as neither has done much either (although Jerri probably wouldn't get a vote from Coach).
Survivor: Heroes vs. Villains Quote
05-07-2010 , 08:39 AM
btw, what do u think that note that came with the HII was???

I dont remember any other idols coming with a note
Survivor: Heroes vs. Villains Quote
05-07-2010 , 08:46 AM
Originally Posted by keevin33
btw, what do u think that note that came with the HII was???

I dont remember any other idols coming with a note
ehm some idols had a note that said something like that: congratulation, you have jest found HII. HII may be used .....blablabla....

Originally Posted by Kos13
I couldn't tell if he was confused wrt spelling her name or if he was debating whether or not to actually vote for her. Considering he spelled it Danellie, it's probably the former, but I'm far from 100% sure.
+1, he wanted to hve last thoughts before sending home ally member

Last edited by PiotrekS; 05-07-2010 at 08:55 AM.
Survivor: Heroes vs. Villains Quote
05-07-2010 , 08:49 AM
All the HII's come with a note, that basically tells them what it is and how to use it

Re: Voting Danielle instead of Parvati

I think Russell would have taken out either, but Danielle was the one he had a shot at, based on how things around camp went. His first swing at it was bringing up booting Parv to Danielle, and when she didn't bite at that, he immediately went to Parv. After that, it was just a question of which one he could get Jerri to vote for, and I imagine he had a pretty good idea how upset Danielle was and thought he could manipulate her in to a mistake at Tribal, whereas Parv was pretty calm about the whole thing
Survivor: Heroes vs. Villains Quote
05-07-2010 , 08:59 AM
My predictions for FTC votes for each remaining Survivor. Nothing spoiler in here but tagging it anyways.

Sandra. I think she wins against any combo of opponents. Toughest opponent would be Parv. Can sweep against Russell, Jerri, Colby.

Parv. Wins against anyone but Sandra.

Russell. No way to win. Only vote might be Jerri and only if Russell doesn't help get her voted off and if Jerri is not influenced by the people at Ponderosa.

Jerri. I give her a chance of winning if against Russell and Colby.

Rupert. Possibly could win if both Sandra and Parv are not in with him.

Colby. Might win against Russell and Jerri but I give Jerri the edge there. No votes against any other combo.
Survivor: Heroes vs. Villains Quote
05-07-2010 , 09:02 AM
Here is the order I would vote if I was on the jury.

Survivor: Heroes vs. Villains Quote
05-07-2010 , 09:04 AM
Originally Posted by Soncy
I think Russell is the master at manipulating the weak. They fear him and secretly hope he will take them with him if they just toe the line--even though obviously he can't take all of them and he just tells everyone what they want to hear until he no longer needs them (for some reason that never seems to bother anybody). Candice and Jerri are toast to a Russell. Again, I was pretty sure Russell would have his way on this second vote when it started to seem like Jerri would be the deciding vote. It helped that he caused Parv and Danielle to publicly fall all over themselves reassuring each other that they were very loyal to each other. Ladies, that doesn't look good to the people in your alliance who don't want to face a strong pair who is committed to each other.

The weird thing was how genuine Parv and Danielle seemed to be in bed with Russell and each other. Even in behind the scenes convos and things like Danielle cheering for Russell in the challenges and so forth. I think there was a decent chance they were both truly commited to final three with Russell. ...Though probably not so much now.
The Phil Helmuth of Survivor!
Survivor: Heroes vs. Villains Quote
05-07-2010 , 09:06 AM
for me it doesnt matter now who wins the game as long as it is not colby or jerri. I would even like Rupert to finally win some because I had awful memories about Samoa (aka. stay low, play social game)
Survivor: Heroes vs. Villains Quote
05-07-2010 , 09:10 AM
Originally Posted by kidcolin
might not be a bad EV play. Lock up 100K runner up and probably lock up the fan vote for another 100k.
Whats the difference...Russell Hantz is one of the richest men in the world just ask him to to see his bank statement.
Survivor: Heroes vs. Villains Quote
05-07-2010 , 09:13 AM
Isn't Big Brother a CBS show? They should swap the casts with Survivor after their original airings.. Would make for great TV.
Survivor: Heroes vs. Villains Quote
05-07-2010 , 09:28 AM
Originally Posted by Benal
Isn't Big Brother a CBS show? They should swap the casts with Survivor after their original airings.. Would make for great TV.
OMG, what an unbelievable idea. I love this. Too bad it would never happen.
Survivor: Heroes vs. Villains Quote
05-07-2010 , 09:41 AM
Originally Posted by Kos13
My point about Russell being fantastic has nothing to do with how other players view him and solely how I would view him as a juror. I don't care that he's a dick because he's an incredible player.

Your last point is a ridiculous, results oriented one. You're basically defending strategic moves if you're in a corner, yet you're bashing ones made TO KEEP YOURSELF OUT OF THE CORNER IN THE FIRST PLACE. Russell knew he would be SOL at F5 if he didn't break up Danielle+Parv, so he did it now. He should get MORE credit than someone who didn't anticipate that move until F5 but found a way to weasel out of it.

Just trust me...I would vote for him, and he would vote for me. I get that you're saying, "You wouldn't know until you played with him," but I just know how much I respect strategic gameplay. Russell actually summed it up perfectly at the Samoa reunion: he takes the game very seriously, and he didn't realize other people didn't take it as seriously as him.

So wait, you're defending the "I won't vote for you if you boot me" crap?

I am a robot, and I would play like a robot. That doesn't mean I would play socially the way Russell does, but there have been plenty of emotionless, robotic players...and they're the best ones: Dr. Will and Dan from BB, Richard Hatch, Brian Heidik, Boston Rob, Yau-Man, Chris, etc.

I just feel sorry for you as someone who would vote against Russell out of spite. It's just so childish and immature. It's a game, and I feel it's your duty as a juror to vote for the player who played the best. You know why? Because I would expect (hope for) the same from my jurors.

I just...I get what you're saying, but it kills me. You're saying, "Good gameplay should not be rewarded." You can justify it with all the "Russell is a douche" claims you want, but that's really his only flaw as a player. Why is he not a deserving winner, yet a less-skilled, more likable, more mistake-prone player like Earl acceptable? He has more flaws than Russell, yet he's a more deserving winner? Why?
Should the winner be the Survivor at the end, or the best middle game player? Are there different skills required for different sections of the game? If a player can "play" the jury should they be named the winner? Of these 3 questions. Russel's name is only on 1.

edit: Russel's hidden vid where he whines about the girls liking Colby was hilarious. What a small, low self esteemed person to now start to cry cause the girls would rather flirt with a good looking guy instead of a troll. I wonder if he goes to jail for assault again this weekend
Survivor: Heroes vs. Villains Quote
05-07-2010 , 09:44 AM
Originally Posted by zizek
Parvati's fault for the stupid "let's keep the idol a secret from Russel" thing. That is all.
Yeah, I think Russell gets a lot of credit for his awesome foresight to bust up Parvarti and Danielle, when reality is probably much closer to he is insane with rage because he is not in sole control. Why not vote out Parv? He could have voted out either. Danielle would be easier to control than Parv and also easier to out speak at FTC. Someone who cries because her emotions are stirred up is going to say things that shoot herself in the foot with her words. Parv remains much calmer. The whole idea that he's getting rid of people who he can't beat in the end is laughable considering he can't beat anyone and the more he bullies and back stabs, the more he can't beat anyone.
Survivor: Heroes vs. Villains Quote
05-07-2010 , 09:52 AM
Originally Posted by Kos13
I realize the jury won't think like me, but take them all out of the picture and just pretend you are the only juror in Survivor history, and you're a rational person. Why should likability matter at all? Being a strong player should be the only consideration, right? To make a bad example, say you work at a box company, and you're competing with me for a raise. I produce 90 boxes an hour, and you produce 100. If I got the raise instead of you because the boss likes me more, that would piss you off, wouldn't it?
Probably would piss me off. But what if I, the 100 box producer, am a raging a-hole and make the work environment a miserable experience for the boss and everyone else involved? Maybe those 10 boxes/hour are not worth it for him. And as the boss he has the right to make that decision.
Survivor: Heroes vs. Villains Quote
05-07-2010 , 10:18 AM
I just watched Colby's pre-TC video

Two things I took out of that

1. He knows what's going on, and he hasn't completely given up. He thinks his best strategy is to let the Villains self destruct
2. He has thrown some challenges this season, which doesn't necessarily mean he can win any in the future, but some of his incompetence has been purposeful.
Survivor: Heroes vs. Villains Quote
05-07-2010 , 10:41 AM
Originally Posted by Kos13
As long as you agree it's not rational, I can't dispute it. I get that some (most) people will vote for the person they like the most (or against the person they hate the most), but it just seems stupid to me. You're there to play the game, not make friends. It's depressing when a Russell or a Boston Rob destroys a game, get to the end, and don't get what they deserve. Rumor has it that once the final votes had been cast after the original ASS, Boston Rob looked at the jury and said something like, "You're all a bunch of bitter crybabies." And who can blame him? If I dominated a game like that and wasn't rewarded, I'd be pretty pissed, too.
Kos, do you think the majority of people are primarily rational? You keep insisting that Russell is so great at Survivor when, if it's true that most people will vote for the person they like the most, he might be the definition of awful. Those two thoughts just don't go together.
Survivor: Heroes vs. Villains Quote
05-07-2010 , 10:45 AM
Why do we need to have this debate for 200 posts every week?

Kos thinks the most important part of being good at Survivor is the strategy
Other people disagree

The end.
Survivor: Heroes vs. Villains Quote
05-07-2010 , 10:50 AM
Originally Posted by Zurvan
Why do we need to have this debate for 200 posts every week?

Kos thinks the most important part of being good at Survivor is the strategy
Other people disagree

The end.
"He types in the code, he pushes the button and it stops, the end"
Survivor: Heroes vs. Villains Quote
05-07-2010 , 10:51 AM
Originally Posted by Kos13

I'm hoping this out-of-nowhere Sandra praise is another version of that; however, if the actual winner is known, I'm really worried that it must be Sandra. I can't think of any other possible explanation for all of this praise because her gameplay certainly hasn't been praise-worthy at all.
I can't speak for others, but I work very hard to not be spoiled and have not been. I guess my feeling that Sandra is not awful is based on the mind control of the CBS editors. I don't think she's awesome, but I don't think she is awful either. In fact, I'm a little suspect of those who think she is awful because that seems really wrong to me. On the other side of things, I'm also suspect of those who can't appreciate Russell at all. Blaze of glory and all.
Survivor: Heroes vs. Villains Quote
05-07-2010 , 10:56 AM
Originally Posted by oldgrandma18k
btw, if Kevin made it to final he would've won easily. I don't remember if Natalie played a good game or not, but I'm thinking she didn't... well at least no better than Jordan. AND Jordan aggressively chest bumped Russell!
Why would Kevin have won easily when alliance-wise he and Natalie played the same game? Oh yeah...people liked him. Weird.
Survivor: Heroes vs. Villains Quote
05-07-2010 , 11:00 AM
If Russell could only sound more neutral and negotiate voting out ppl in a business-like way like Rob C or Yul or Dan on BB8 he'd be a lock to win. But then he wouldn't be Russell Hantz!!!

Amazing how bitter people are on ponderosa. And there are ppl over there who won, made finals etc ffs. I don't think I've hated Amanda more than anyone else in Survivor's history. The only person with class over there is probably Candice.

- The only person to cross Russell and still survive is Sandra!!!!!11
Sandra then proceeds to be invisible the whole show.
Clue is in the title imo.
Survivor: Heroes vs. Villains Quote
05-07-2010 , 11:06 AM
Originally Posted by kidcolin
why on earth would he take Parv?
Master strategist, dude. Didn't you see his big coup to get himself heads up with Ivey?

I haven't watched the scenes yet. Can you tell exactly when it was from? I'm curious to see if it was around the same time he conspired to get Danielle out, while keeping Parv. No one has bothered attempting to explain keeping Parv over Danielle. Usually there are a few ITT who are assigning some brilliant motivations to all of Russells moves. No one at the plate on this one.

If Parv starts giving him the cold shoulder following this week, and he decides to target her...I'm sure that will have been his plan all along.
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