Originally Posted by PocketInfinities
This is an interesting take. Why do you think this? If Chris elects to keep his immunity at F4, which of Gavin/Julie/Rick should Chris have taken to FTC?
Obviously I can’t say for sure - but Rick just seemed a jury darling, plus we know he had a few days of pre-merge EOE to butter them up.
We know Chris was a jury darling too — so I could see Rick+Chris splitting a lot of the non-Gavin votes. But hard for me to say Chris gets more of the non-Gavin votes than Rick, except for the fact that Chris had tons of EOE time to butter folks up...but maybe that’s worth a lot.
Well firstly even if both Gavin and Julie are awful at fire, it's still worst case scenario that something like an 20% chance they could still just win fire for him.
But even if Rick wins fire i'm just not 100% it would have been a slam dunk Rick win, as like you said, Chris had a lot more time on the EOE to make 'out of game' personal connections compared to how long Rick spent there.
I still think Rick more like than had the edge in a Rick, Chris, Gavin or Julie final three but its not beyond the realm of possibility that Chris risked finishing 4th unnecessarily