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Survivor Cagayan - S28 - Brains vs. Beauty vs Brawn Survivor Cagayan - S28 - Brains vs. Beauty vs Brawn

04-11-2014 , 06:23 PM
If you just recently started watching Survivor and have not seen Heroes vs Villains, I highly recommend you find that and watch it in full. Such an entertaining season where everyone came to play from day 1 and has plenty of twists and turns.

Plus, you get great players like parvati, Russell, Boston rob, and Sandra all in one season.
Survivor Cagayan - S28 - Brains vs. Beauty vs Brawn Quote
04-11-2014 , 07:05 PM
HvV will always be far and away number one on my list. Pearl islands and all stars is up there too. Season one is a must.
Survivor Cagayan - S28 - Brains vs. Beauty vs Brawn Quote
04-11-2014 , 08:17 PM
Watching All-star seasons without knowing who anyone is, or previous dynamics, really is a waste imo
Survivor Cagayan - S28 - Brains vs. Beauty vs Brawn Quote
04-11-2014 , 08:19 PM
Originally Posted by ajv174
i like this idea (although of course i don't expect it to be implemented). there's some risk in jeremiah/tasha being mad and of course the risk in the 6 not splitting their votes. but i think those risks are fairly small and reward seems quite large to keep the idol in this spot.
Yeah I don't expect it to happen, but I think Spencer's goal right now has to just be to get to f7 with immunity around his neck or in his pocket and hope that some crazy **** goes down.

If Tasha wins immunity and Kass won't flip then I think the play for Spencer and Tasha is definitely to just write down Jeremiah and hold the idol
ala Colby and Rupert sending Candace home in HvV
Survivor Cagayan - S28 - Brains vs. Beauty vs Brawn Quote
04-11-2014 , 09:03 PM
Originally Posted by VTChess
Watching All-star seasons without knowing who anyone is, or previous dynamics, really is a waste imo
True. Forgot about that point.
Survivor Cagayan - S28 - Brains vs. Beauty vs Brawn Quote
04-11-2014 , 09:36 PM
I dunno. I watched it having only watched like the 2-3 seasons before it and I still enjoyed it immensely.
Survivor Cagayan - S28 - Brains vs. Beauty vs Brawn Quote
04-11-2014 , 11:56 PM
I wouldn't listen to anything Sarah had to say, except for being sure Tony was a cop, had nothing. Among the worst.
Survivor Cagayan - S28 - Brains vs. Beauty vs Brawn Quote
04-12-2014 , 12:01 AM
Originally Posted by 425kid
Yeah I don't expect it to happen, but I think Spencer's goal right now has to just be to get to f7 with immunity around his neck or in his pocket and hope that some crazy **** goes down.

I think doing everything you can to save an already doomed alliance is a pretty big leak. Best example is probably Malcolm using two idols to save Eddie and Reynold. Noone was ever going to work with them as a three person group however if he keeps both idols for himself he gets another week in the game and is the last one standing in that alliance making him a more attractive option for other players.
Survivor Cagayan - S28 - Brains vs. Beauty vs Brawn Quote
04-12-2014 , 12:06 AM
Originally Posted by 425kid
If Tasha wins immunity and Kass won't flip then I think the play for Spencer and Tasha is definitely to just write down Jeremiah and hold the idol
ala Colby and Rupert sending Candace home in HvV
Hmm in this scenario I think the best plan for Tasha would be to work with Jeremiah and put an extra two votes on Spencer. She is put in a bad position if they go to the final 8 and Spencer still has his idol as they'll just split the votes again.
Survivor Cagayan - S28 - Brains vs. Beauty vs Brawn Quote
04-12-2014 , 12:55 AM
It's a crappy spot for Spencer no matter how you slice it. He's seen as a threat and his chance of going on some big immunity run is going to be extremely difficult with Tony, Woo, and LJ there. Surviving and hoping they cannibalize each other would probably be good if the other side wasn't so tight but it's highly unlikely any of them would use Spencer for more than 1 vote. It doesn't help that he's a near lock to win if he makes it to FTC without Tasha or Jeremiah.
Survivor Cagayan - S28 - Brains vs. Beauty vs Brawn Quote
04-12-2014 , 01:55 AM
So, these people (Eliza and Malcolm to name two) who are calling rigged on Spencer randomly finding the idol clue...what do they think happened? Slight of hand by the wait staff at the reward challenge to place the clue in Spencer's napkin--maybe complete with diversion? There's a clue in every napkin, but they remotely blow up the other clues once they see where Spencer is sitting? They consulted the Observers from Fringe so they would know which seat Spencer would end up sitting in, and then put the clue in the proper napkin? Feel free to fill in your own scenarios.
Survivor Cagayan - S28 - Brains vs. Beauty vs Brawn Quote
04-12-2014 , 02:04 AM
I thought it was funny that Queen Morgan took longer to look in the mirror and clean herself than 95% of the people who arrive at Ponderosa. And I guess I sort of respect her unapologetic attitude about being high maintenance and America thinking she's a btch. I at least find it more likeable than a boring, fake, full of herself character like Brenda or bubbly bobbleheads like Natalie or Angie.
Survivor Cagayan - S28 - Brains vs. Beauty vs Brawn Quote
04-12-2014 , 05:52 AM
If I went on a survivor reward, I would be looking under chairs, under plates, shaking out napkins, turning over bowls of fruit, anything to find the clue. Stealthily if I could, overtly if I had to.
Survivor Cagayan - S28 - Brains vs. Beauty vs Brawn Quote
04-12-2014 , 07:09 AM
A steak dinner (apparently multiple), along with the group feelgood from the reward winners might be a bit distracting when one has not eaten in weeks. As Mike Tyson sort of said - every starving person has a game plan until a steak dinner is put in their face.
Survivor Cagayan - S28 - Brains vs. Beauty vs Brawn Quote
04-12-2014 , 08:58 AM
Originally Posted by dankhank
I thought it was funny that Queen Morgan took longer to look in the mirror and clean herself than 95% of the people who arrive at Ponderosa. And I guess I sort of respect her unapologetic attitude about being high maintenance and America thinking she's a btch. I at least find it more likeable than a boring, fake, full of herself character like Brenda or bubbly bobbleheads like Natalie or Angie.
Morgan's unapologetic attitude about who she is, etc is really her only redeeming personality feature. It makes me kinda like her but not exactly the kind of person I'd want to hang out with. She's gonna be a terrible shrew at 40.
Survivor Cagayan - S28 - Brains vs. Beauty vs Brawn Quote
04-12-2014 , 09:11 AM
Originally Posted by Soncy
So, these people (Eliza and Malcolm to name two) who are calling rigged on Spencer randomly finding the idol clue...what do they think happened? Slight of hand by the wait staff at the reward challenge to place the clue in Spencer's napkin--maybe complete with diversion? There's a clue in every napkin, but they remotely blow up the other clues once they see where Spencer is sitting? They consulted the Observers from Fringe so they would know which seat Spencer would end up sitting in, and then put the clue in the proper napkin? Feel free to fill in your own scenarios.
Not to say I agree with the conspiracy theorists, but couldn't the wait staff just wait until everyone had sat down and then place the napkins, thus ensuring that Spencer got the one with the clue?
Survivor Cagayan - S28 - Brains vs. Beauty vs Brawn Quote
04-12-2014 , 09:16 AM
Originally Posted by Cardfish1
If I went on a survivor reward, I would be looking under chairs, under plates, shaking out napkins, turning over bowls of fruit, anything to find the clue. Stealthily if I could, overtly if I had to.
Overtly makes you a target. Unless you're clearly the next boot or bottom or the pecking order should not do it overtly. If you're in a good spot in the majority, no sense to do this.
Survivor Cagayan - S28 - Brains vs. Beauty vs Brawn Quote
04-12-2014 , 09:19 AM
Originally Posted by Soncy
So, these people (Eliza and Malcolm to name two) who are calling rigged on Spencer randomly finding the idol clue...what do they think happened? Slight of hand by the wait staff at the reward challenge to place the clue in Spencer's napkin--maybe complete with diversion? There's a clue in every napkin, but they remotely blow up the other clues once they see where Spencer is sitting? They consulted the Observers from Fringe so they would know which seat Spencer would end up sitting in, and then put the clue in the proper napkin? Feel free to fill in your own scenarios.
Assigned seating??

They have it a tribal so why not here.
Survivor Cagayan - S28 - Brains vs. Beauty vs Brawn Quote
04-12-2014 , 09:24 AM
Originally Posted by Soncy
So, these people (Eliza and Malcolm to name two) who are calling rigged on Spencer randomly finding the idol clue...what do they think happened? Slight of hand by the wait staff at the reward challenge to place the clue in Spencer's napkin--maybe complete with diversion? There's a clue in every napkin, but they remotely blow up the other clues once they see where Spencer is sitting? They consulted the Observers from Fringe so they would know which seat Spencer would end up sitting in, and then put the clue in the proper napkin? Feel free to fill in your own scenarios.
Do they seat themselves or does production tell them where to sit?

Originally Posted by Soncy
I largely agree with your first paragraph. It's been my contention that Kass is not skilled in the area of positioning herself socially...that is her major malfunction. No charisma. I'll reference Boston Rob again. People line up to be in his posse. Kass won't be commanding groups of random people in a Survivor game ever.

Regarding the opening sentence of your second paragraph. That's how Kass see's herself in general, and apparently she likes it. Was it accurate? {shrug} What does the bottom mean?* Even if Spencer and Tasha are both happy to have Kass in their alliance and rate her position higher than Morgan, Jeremiah, and Sarah, what does that get her? She can sit there and be another face in the crowd, but she's not going to have any resume and she's going to lose to someone with more charisma. And possibly have to battle Sarah for position in her own tribe as well as with say, Trish.

*If Spencer and Tasha are happy to have Kass along its' because they think they can beat her--how is that a good spot? Why she thought actively torching people's games would help her in that area, I have no idea. She thought a move would trump hurt feelings if it ended up working in her favor? It's a stretch. People tend to be pretty irritated with the ones they feel are responsible for ruining their game.
Eh, its pretty tough to evaluate the decisions of someone like Kass, because her social game seems to be on such a level that she can't really win under any F3 composition.

I guess in the end I agree with your defense of her flip. As of the start of the merge episode, it would have been hard to imagine her winning any F3. Now she blows up her original alliance under that logic, then moves over to the other team, makes some allies and becomes a power player at F7 or whenever it fractures. Now you have a narrative that you can construct might win you some votes in the end. I don't see her doing anything like that and she'll probably be out sooner now than in her original alliance, but it really couldn't have hurt her to try.
Survivor Cagayan - S28 - Brains vs. Beauty vs Brawn Quote
04-12-2014 , 10:25 AM
Originally Posted by housenuts
Overtly makes you a target. Unless you're clearly the next boot or bottom or the pecking order should not do it overtly. If you're in a good spot in the majority, no sense to do this.
If they see me find a clue then I share the clue with my alliance. I definitely don't want the other side getting it.
Survivor Cagayan - S28 - Brains vs. Beauty vs Brawn Quote
04-12-2014 , 11:32 AM
Originally Posted by esad
Morgan's unapologetic attitude about who she is, etc is really her only redeeming personality feature. It makes me kinda like her but not exactly the kind of person I'd want to hang out with. She's gonna be a terrible shrew at 40.
When Morgan loses her looks later in life (as most people do), she's going to be in for a rude awakening.

One thing that really bothered me about her is she assumed any women who didn't like her merely didn't like her because they were jealous of her looks and "old hags." They didn't like you mostly because you were a lazy, entitled person. It's kind of like a beautiful person persecution complex.

In Alexis' post game interview when asked about Morgan grinning at her demise, Alexis commented "I learned a long time ago that girls like Morgan love to see girls like me fail."
Survivor Cagayan - S28 - Brains vs. Beauty vs Brawn Quote
04-12-2014 , 02:04 PM
Originally Posted by TheDjib
Not to say I agree with the conspiracy theorists, but couldn't the wait staff just wait until everyone had sat down and then place the napkins, thus ensuring that Spencer got the one with the clue?
They could, but everybody is going to know that production gave the clue to Spencer in that case. If there is assigned seating or they hand the napkins out after they've sat down, everyone who was at the reward challenge knows that they just got screwed by production.
Survivor Cagayan - S28 - Brains vs. Beauty vs Brawn Quote
04-12-2014 , 02:32 PM
Originally Posted by lycosid
Eh, its pretty tough to evaluate the decisions of someone like Kass, because her social game seems to be on such a level that she can't really win under any F3 composition.
A F3 of Kass, Tasha and Jefra would give Kass the best argument for sole Survivor.
Survivor Cagayan - S28 - Brains vs. Beauty vs Brawn Quote
04-12-2014 , 02:35 PM
Originally Posted by Hikertrash
A F3 of Kass, Tasha and Jefra would give Kass the best argument for sole Survivor.
I think tasha wins that most of the time.

I think kass best chance is Kass/Jeffra/Jeremiah

Last edited by ReddBoiler; 04-12-2014 at 02:42 PM.
Survivor Cagayan - S28 - Brains vs. Beauty vs Brawn Quote
04-12-2014 , 02:52 PM
Originally Posted by VTChess
Watching All-star seasons without knowing who anyone is, or previous dynamics, really is a waste imo
Agreed, I hate when people suggest 8 16 or 20 as someone's initial watch.

I think perfect first watch seasons are Australia, Pearl Islands or Amazon. 2 sets up the concept of the show while still being a throwback, 6 introduces the idea of a super big twist, and 7 is probably the best all around season, and has one of the strongest cast of characters (not to mention the biggest twist to that point and the most iconic moment in the history of the show).
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