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Succession - New HBO show Succession - New HBO show

11-25-2021 , 09:58 AM
I rewatched S1 & S2 in preparation for S3 (I hadn't seen it since 2019 and forgotten most of it). Have just watched the first 3 episodes of S3 and have read the posts in this thread up until that point. I just wanted to jump in on a few things:

Roman is not completely useless. In S1 he pretty much is, although he does at least convince the Asian guy to support Kendall's bid to oust Logan prior to the meeting (before the whole thing fell apart with Kendall not being present in the room). In S2 he both manages to broker a deal when he gets kidnapped, for the company to be taken private, but he also has the wisdom/experience to realise that the other party was not to be trusted - which he tells Logan, who trusts his judgement on the matter, much to the disgust of the lawyer who was pushing it. He's clearly the most psychologically damaged of the children but, at least in the duration show, he has shown some progression. In S1 I didn't have much interest in him but I find myself more intrigued by him now.

Kendall is clearly bi-polar. He is either manic or he's in "dead inside" mode. He's convinced of his own moral superiority but time and time again he has shown his willingness to betray his father and engage in practices that are ethically bankrupt (a particular highlight being trying to oust his father for the second time, on the day of his sister's wedding). His own visions for business seem to be nothing more than a jumbled soup of MBA-style buzz words and nonsense without any actual substance. He seems to be convinced that he has his finger on the pulse of the younger demographic just because he listens to rap and wears some younger clothing but whenever we see him actually come into contact with people, his own age, he typically comes across like a stereotypical out of touch, rich, ******* (e.g. the 2 women trying to launch their art business in S1 or the comedy writers in S3E3). He keeps trying to frame his takeover bids as "for the good of the company" but it's clear that it's purely for his own ego and benefit. His children are an afterthought and he thinks nothing of setting up shop in his ex-wife's house in S3 to plot his latest coup attempt.

Shiv - I think it's clear that she's no better than any of the others. She's tortured Tom with her casual indifference to him and her thoughtless requests for an open marriage. In S2 she manipulated a sexual assault victim from testifying to Congress. In S3E3, she wrote a poisonous open letter attacking Kendall after he ruined her big speech to the company. As others have pointed out I wouldn't read too much that she was willing to work for Senator Eavis. She was also willing to leave him in a flash as soon as her father dangled the big job in front of her. I suspect her liberal bona-fides were about as rooted in any moral compass as Ivanka Trump's were. Those children were no doubt raised in New York and most young people there will at least project a facade of progressive politics - at least the trust-fund flavour of it anyway.

Conor - he features so little that he's the least fleshed out of the children. Several posters have stated that he was kicked out of the company but I don't know if it was ever mentioned that he even was inside it. He seems to want to stay above the fray of the succession battles going on with the other siblings and generally doesn't antagonize any of the others. The fact that his residence in S1 was in the middle of the desert seemed to underscore this attempt to be apart from it all. He initially seemed to be content with being a man of leisure - very much like a 19th century, English nobleman. His later political ambitions easily surpass Kendall in the lack of self awareness stakes.

Logan - He's never really going to willingly give up power is he? In the very first episode he appeared to be doing so but he was probably going to find a way to shaft Kendall and postpone the coronation even if he didn't have the stroke. I think he has convinced himself that he really does want to hand over power but he'll probably always find a reason to put it off. He did announce Rhea as the new CEO in S2 but that was only an attempt to stave off the buyout and no doubt he would have kept the real power even had she stayed. He's clearly a man who is invigorated by competition and rivalry so much so that he encourages it within his own family. Ultimately though he wants to come out on top, no matter what the cost. He's a sociopath really. Nothing sums that up more then his use of the term No Real Person Involved when discounting the tragedies that have happened under his (and his children's) watch.
Succession - New HBO show Quote
11-25-2021 , 11:47 AM
Solid summary of the main characters imo, nice writeup.

Agree on Roman, I see people say he is useless and only there to crack jokes, but it's clear that he is actually pretty smart. Logan listens to him, more than he does to the other kids it seems. Roman also seems to actually have a grasp of new media/young viewers etc., whereas Kendall only thinks he does.
Succession - New HBO show Quote
11-29-2021 , 12:22 AM
Brutal. Loved cameron keeping his coat on.
Succession - New HBO show Quote
11-29-2021 , 12:26 AM
Deeply uncomfortable episode, and I'll need to digest it, but my initial impression is that I think I liked it.
Succession - New HBO show Quote
11-29-2021 , 12:38 AM
that was a mask off episode.
Succession - New HBO show Quote
11-29-2021 , 04:47 AM
Originally Posted by LKJ
Deeply uncomfortable episode, and I'll need to digest it, but my initial impression is that I think I liked it.
Most uncomfortable moment for me was the first time Greg talks to Comfry(?) and adopted the medieval affect(?). That was so brutally awkward. Great episode.
Succession - New HBO show Quote
11-29-2021 , 10:59 AM
That was the first truly great episode of the season, imo.
Succession - New HBO show Quote
11-29-2021 , 12:02 PM
Man that episode hit me hard.

Liked the short conversation with Rava. If he hadn’t ****ed that up, he could be home having a glass of wine, opening presents from his kids, in bed by 11.

Best birthday ever though.

Originally Posted by brianr
Brutal. Loved cameron keeping his coat on.
Is he the one Roy who is capable of learning from their mistakes? He wasn’t about to have a repeat of the Norwegian wool in the fusion restaurant in Vancouver. Presidential imo.
Succession - New HBO show Quote
11-29-2021 , 02:59 PM
Kendall is such a douche. Not sure I like any of these people...they are all awful. I know that's the point, but I'm not sure it's very entertaining.
Succession - New HBO show Quote
11-29-2021 , 03:07 PM
yeah i was thinking that strongly again at the end of this ep, how i really dislike all of these people. struggling to remember another show i watched where there was literally no one to root for on any level, really unpleasant stuff
Succession - New HBO show Quote
11-29-2021 , 04:29 PM
was thinking that this streaming guy is just playing roman so he can tell logan to **** off to his face, but that makes no sense bc he could have just showed up to the meeting in this ep and done it, so maybe shiv will blow the deal by trying to involve herself for no reason, i would enjoy that

so much so that i'll ignore the fact that there's no reason for the meeting in the first place
Succession - New HBO show Quote
11-29-2021 , 06:34 PM
Greg(ory) is the one I’m rooting for.
Succession - New HBO show Quote
11-29-2021 , 07:06 PM
nah he's a gigantically stupid ******* too, **** him

i assume the show is gonna end with everything crashing down on all of them, so that's cool
Succession - New HBO show Quote
11-29-2021 , 07:55 PM
Greg is young and dumb, but I feel like he is redeemable. He needs to grow up, take things seriously, and stop letting external forces push him around. Probably that means getting away from everyone in his family.

This episode answered an earlier question I had. Looks like Kendall is worth at least 2 billion on paper, in stock that he can only sell to family.
Succession - New HBO show Quote
11-29-2021 , 09:04 PM
I'm betting on there being some big power move by Shiv by the end of the season (probably joining Kendall). She's been basically a wallflower all season long and I doubt that's going to last.
Succession - New HBO show Quote
11-29-2021 , 09:38 PM
They really need to calm down with the amount of times Logan tells people to "**** off."

It is bordering on SNL character catch phrase level right now and it is detracting from the show overall.
Succession - New HBO show Quote
11-29-2021 , 10:47 PM
Succession - New HBO show Quote
11-29-2021 , 10:47 PM
Succession - New HBO show Quote
11-29-2021 , 10:47 PM
Succession - New HBO show Quote
11-29-2021 , 10:51 PM
That was one awkward party. Kendall seems seriously depressed and lost. If his character wasn't such an integral part of the show, I'd think he might kill himself by season's end.

Episode really highlighted the emptiness of being filthy rich, but having no joy or genuine connections with other people. Party full of insanely wealthy people, who can have anything they want... but no one seems the slightest bit happy.
Succession - New HBO show Quote
11-29-2021 , 10:55 PM
Succession - New HBO show Quote
11-29-2021 , 10:56 PM
Succession - New HBO show Quote
11-29-2021 , 10:56 PM
Succession - New HBO show Quote
11-29-2021 , 10:56 PM
Originally Posted by revots33
That was one awkward party. Kendall seems seriously depressed and lost. If his character wasn't such an integral part of the show, I'd think he might kill himself by season's end.
Seems like a live possibility to me.
Succession - New HBO show Quote
11-29-2021 , 10:57 PM
Succession - New HBO show Quote
