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Sons of Anarchy Season 5 Sons of Anarchy Season 5

09-12-2012 , 01:16 PM
Originally Posted by Diet Mountain Dew
This , it was the new samcro members beating in the door and I'm assuming they r behind the other home invasions referenced in the show
The home invasions were being hit on other SAMCRO related people it seems with one being a random mechanic at the garage and now Unser they seem to be attacking people around the club but not the club itself. Its basically impossible to speculate why they are doing so without just randomly guessing at this point.

Was I the only one who thought the acting of Tig completely ruined the burning scene? I actually laughed at how they decided to play that scene and didnt think it worked at all.

Also lol at how "we need a place to hide out" turns into half the gang having a sleepover at the place of the latino pimp who banged Gemma once when she was completely ****ed up.

That said there was plenty of good to the ep and im not hating just to hate. I esp like how Clay played the scene where he more or less confessed to what happened with Piney, but not quite, as he figured that Jax needs him around even if he doesnt know why yet so he could bring the situation to a head asap so there isnt really anything Jax or Opie can spring on him out of nowhere over Piney.
Sons of Anarchy Season 5 Quote
09-12-2012 , 01:21 PM
Originally Posted by [Phill]
Was I the only one who thought the acting of Tig completely ruined the burning scene? I actually laughed at how they decided to play that scene and didnt think it worked at all.
This was my first reaction as well.

When I rewatched the scene, I was thinking "What would I do if my mom was in there?"

I would probably just turn away and not even make a sound.

Compared to movies and similar situations in TV shows, etc, I think the actors go big and overdramatic, for example



After watching it a few times, Kim Soares seems to do a good job of acting like Tig would act in that situation. He is a manly man, but has also been emotional on the show before.

I think it was a "real" reaction, and not what we see in Hollywood.

Reminds me of the Mythbusters episodes where they do the real life explosion and then the movie explosion with Adam jumping away.

The whole point is, I agreed with you upon first watch, but realized there is no way to predict how someone would act in that situation.

Crazy scene. I kinda feel bad for the cleaner.
Sons of Anarchy Season 5 Quote
09-12-2012 , 01:23 PM
Originally Posted by [Phill]
Was I the only one who thought the acting of Tig completely ruined the burning scene? I actually laughed at how they decided to play that scene and didnt think it worked at all.
I had the same, but they will always play the ''WE WENT FOR THE REALISTIC APPROACH WHERE HE IS IN SHOCK'' card if people don't like it. It kinda fits the character though, he isn't a man who will hysterically scream and cry.
Sons of Anarchy Season 5 Quote
09-12-2012 , 01:33 PM
Was that James Le Gros as one of the new SAMCRO members??
Sons of Anarchy Season 5 Quote
09-12-2012 , 02:26 PM
Originally Posted by Dominic
Was that James Le Gros as one of the new SAMCRO members??
could be
Sons of Anarchy Season 5 Quote
09-12-2012 , 02:42 PM
Walt (you mean Michael from lost btw) is in the CIA? I think you are meaning the Drug Cartel dude...Romeo Parada [danny Trejo]

The hot Milf was Luann aka Otto's wife who was killed in S2 by the rival porn director when they went to burn the porn studio down.

I know the bigger/mustache dude from the nomads is Chuck Zito[Franky Diamonds] ( a former/current) real hells angel /body guard all around bad ass.

SAMCRO is going to find out about JAX talking with the CIA.

Clays play is very very obvious, hes trying to drive SAMCRO apart or kill there deal with the Irish Guns because its what "Jax wants" he feels he can **** him over by doing these things.

and its not peg leg pete it was greg the peg , my mistake lol
Sons of Anarchy Season 5 Quote
09-12-2012 , 02:44 PM
The New Nomads (or Samcro members now) are

Quinn (Rusty Coones)
GoGo (Chris Browning)

Greg the Peg (Kurt Yaeger)
Fankie Diamonds (Chuck Zito)
Sons of Anarchy Season 5 Quote
09-12-2012 , 02:49 PM
Originally Posted by killa
The hot Milf was Luann aka Otto's wife who was killed in S2 by the rival porn director when they went to burn the porn studio down.
I assume you're answering me, but I meant this episode. Looked it up and her name is Wanda De Jesus, the wife of Jimmy Smits.
Sons of Anarchy Season 5 Quote
09-12-2012 , 03:13 PM
I think the best guess of why they are doing the home invasions would be Clay
Sons of Anarchy Season 5 Quote
09-12-2012 , 03:44 PM
Originally Posted by wesrwood
I think the best guess of why they are doing the home invasions would be Clay
this is a good guess. Clay is looking for something maybe?
Sons of Anarchy Season 5 Quote
09-12-2012 , 07:06 PM
Originally Posted by TheHip41
was one of those new members Little Carmine?

edit: nevermind, I found him online. It's Chucky from Oz.
Heh, he tried to sue the show a couple years ago for allegedly stealing his idea.
Sons of Anarchy Season 5 Quote
09-12-2012 , 07:58 PM
Wow they really packed a lot of **** into the season premiere.
Sons of Anarchy Season 5 Quote
09-13-2012 , 12:47 AM
Tig was so bad in that scene.

Harold P was great.

Though a lot of this was really uneven- still hate how Sutter has plotted this- think Tara's transition to newGemma is too quick, too obvious and doesn't feel authentic at all.

Still- I'm interested enough to stay watching.
Sons of Anarchy Season 5 Quote
09-13-2012 , 12:50 AM
clays dead.
Sons of Anarchy Season 5 Quote
09-13-2012 , 03:28 AM
I sort of wish they would have got a different actor to play Pope. The lost guy just doesn't give the mob boss vibe. I'm just being nit picky probably. But, if they have him commit more crazy killings I'll be able to believe the short crazy guy who rose to power angle.

The guy who played the mayor in The Chicago Code would fit better.
Sons of Anarchy Season 5 Quote
09-13-2012 , 08:36 AM
I thought the dude was great as Pope. They pulled off what they were going for 100% iyam.
Sons of Anarchy Season 5 Quote
09-13-2012 , 10:15 AM
The lost guy just doesn't give the mob boss vibe
That's the ****ing point.

If you'd like more stereotypes, Chuck Zito is right there for you.
Sons of Anarchy Season 5 Quote
09-13-2012 , 11:41 AM
I'm a bit over the polite, respecting, good with kids mob boss who burns people alive. It seems every gangsta these days need to be an upstanding citizen

Liked the episode and I like gemmas new bf, the show needs some new blood

Just hoping they dont overkill the series with too many clay v jax minutes of slow tense talking n ****

I thought the club was dead at the end of last season, so I hope they can pull off a story good enough to keep these guys together, otherwise the whole fabric of the show wont work

and yeah obviously burning scene has potential written all over it, those characters could go anywhere from here
Sons of Anarchy Season 5 Quote
09-13-2012 , 11:48 AM
Originally Posted by [Phill]
I thought the dude was great as Pope. They pulled off what they were going for 100% iyam.
Sons of Anarchy Season 5 Quote
09-13-2012 , 03:02 PM
He'll always be "the OZ guy" to me. I thought he was pretty good.
Sons of Anarchy Season 5 Quote
09-13-2012 , 05:15 PM
Nothing new to add but +1 to:

That death scene was way out of Tig's range
Waaaaaalt was poor casting. I'm not even looking for a "mob boss" vibe but there is a type of person who can impose his will and a type of person who takes orders and to me he gives off the vibe of the latter.
Sons of Anarchy Season 5 Quote
09-13-2012 , 05:56 PM

I feel like you can change that vibe real quickly by doing things like burning your enemy's kid alive while he watches.
Sons of Anarchy Season 5 Quote
09-13-2012 , 06:16 PM
I'm usually the first guy to point out that Oz was way overrated, but Harold Perrineau was easily one of the best parts of it, and in general is a damn fine actor (Lost not withstanding).

1- I think he's doing exactly what he's been asked to do, and any issues with the character are really Sutter's doing.

2- They made it pretty clear in the ep that he wants to distance himself from the street (or however you define it). The non-mob-boss-hit-ordering-type vibe should not only be interpreted as a choice by the writers, but a conscious choice on the character himself. He wants people to think of him like that.
Sons of Anarchy Season 5 Quote
09-13-2012 , 07:57 PM
Originally Posted by DGDolly
He'll always be "the OZ guy" to me. I thought he was pretty good.
Its been so long since Ive seen that I actually forgot he was in I was like oh **** the guy from lost is on here now
Sons of Anarchy Season 5 Quote
09-13-2012 , 08:34 PM
Ok who is Waaalt?
Sons of Anarchy Season 5 Quote
