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SNL - It's funny again! (seriously its not) SNL - It's funny again! (seriously its not)

02-12-2013 , 05:31 PM
and then she ate a big can of frosting
SNL - It's funny again! (seriously its not) Quote
02-12-2013 , 07:27 PM
Norm isn't very corny, he is much more scathing and straight forward than Seth is.
SNL - It's funny again! (seriously its not) Quote
02-12-2013 , 08:21 PM
Why was Vanilla Ice hosting last week?

And I must be the only one who doesn't really get the Californians. It's gotta be popular though cause they run it every other week it seems. Some of the other skits were kinda funny despite the host. Really liked the body double one.
SNL - It's funny again! (seriously its not) Quote
02-13-2013 , 06:51 PM
Originally Posted by Pudge714
Norm isn't very corny, he is much more scathing and straight forward than Seth is.
And he's original, that's why Norm will always be the best imo.
SNL - It's funny again! (seriously its not) Quote
02-13-2013 , 07:32 PM
I think The Californians is just their goto sketch to fill airtime when something else doesn't work out.
SNL - It's funny again! (seriously its not) Quote
02-13-2013 , 09:44 PM
Originally Posted by TheRempel
I think The Californians is just their goto sketch to fill airtime when something else doesn't work out.
Agreed, but they're always leading with it when based on its relative merits it belongs in the last half hour. They clearly think it's some of their strongest material.
SNL - It's funny again! (seriously its not) Quote
02-17-2013 , 04:47 AM
Did they really get Christoph Waltz on the show, and then not even use him in one of the sketches? Even if they had to go to the Fox & Friends sketch at the last minute shouldn't he have been in it?

Show needs more Kate McKinnon and less Vanessa Bayer, like none of Vanessa Bayer.
SNL - It's funny again! (seriously its not) Quote
02-17-2013 , 01:50 PM
the Russian villager section of Weekend Update killed, legit lol
SNL - It's funny again! (seriously its not) Quote
02-17-2013 , 01:55 PM
The "bear with me" joke was great.

Waltz was kind of playing variations on the same character, but it was enjoyable enough. The sketch with him and Kenan + Pharoah was really good.
SNL - It's funny again! (seriously its not) Quote
02-17-2013 , 03:15 PM
The virgin, white adopted brother love song collection skit saved the show.

After the skit with the socially awkward girl ruining the story-telling, I'll never look at Nadim the same way.
SNL - It's funny again! (seriously its not) Quote
02-17-2013 , 03:16 PM
They've been doing a great job alternating between guest hosts I can't stand and ones I have to google to see who they are.

It's starting to feel like the big girl in the cast is just someone doing a bad Chris Farley impersonation in a wig.
SNL - It's funny again! (seriously its not) Quote
02-17-2013 , 05:07 PM
Yeah not a fan of the new big girl...she seems to be trying to be melissa mccarthy but with half the conviction...

Glice from two weeks ago had me dying. Taren is sooo good, him Hader + Armisen should do every sketch..
SNL - It's funny again! (seriously its not) Quote
02-17-2013 , 06:14 PM
SNL cast power rankings

1. Taran
2. Hader
3. McKinnon
4. Keenan
5. Armisen
6. Sudekis
7. Strong
8. Moynahan
9. Pharoah
SNL - It's funny again! (seriously its not) Quote
02-17-2013 , 06:27 PM
I always thought Sudekis was under-rated. Not in that high ceiling kinda way, but more if you just need a guy to get on base or make the routine plays on a regular basis kinda way. And I don't know if it's because of or despite his odd look, but Robinson has been growing on me too. I'd probably have everyone from 5-7 above Keenan too, but not too many other complaints.
SNL - It's funny again! (seriously its not) Quote
02-17-2013 , 07:34 PM
Sudekis is one of the best straight men they've had in a long time.

Killam is not the best on the show. He doesn't have star potential. he's good, but if they plan on featuring him as the big dog, they're in trouble. I actually think Aidy Bryant has been pretty good. props on Bayer last. also, props on giving Keenan some credit.

I'll just go ahead and say it now, Kevin Hart will be the most obnoxious host of all time. I'm shocked that he is blowing up.
SNL - It's funny again! (seriously its not) Quote
02-17-2013 , 10:41 PM
Originally Posted by darO
SNL cast power rankings

1. Taran
2. Hader
3. McKinnon
4. Keenan
5. Armisen
6. Sudekis
7. Strong
8. Moynahan
9. Pharoah
Moynahan way too low on this list.
SNL - It's funny again! (seriously its not) Quote
02-17-2013 , 11:43 PM
Originally Posted by Couch Cushions
Did they really get Christoph Waltz on the show, and then not even use him in one of the sketches? Even if they had to go to the Fox & Friends sketch at the last minute shouldn't he have been in it?

Show needs more Kate McKinnon and less Vanessa Bayer, like none of Vanessa Bayer.
Waltz was in almost every sketch.

Djesus Uncrossed was insane.
SNL - It's funny again! (seriously its not) Quote
02-17-2013 , 11:47 PM
Myers should be in there somewhere too. I think the show has been really good the past two weeks. Maybe they scooped one of the writers from 30 rock or something. That bit last week on Californians when B. Hader did 6 takes in a row, that's not SNL's usual style.
SNL - It's funny again! (seriously its not) Quote
02-18-2013 , 03:13 AM
I have been on a boycott of SNL for awhile, but someone sent me Djesus Uncrossed, and that was amazing.
SNL - It's funny again! (seriously its not) Quote
02-18-2013 , 09:59 AM
Taren is the best cast member they've had in a long time, he gave me the biggest laugh of the season with that water bit during weekend update.
SNL - It's funny again! (seriously its not) Quote
03-03-2013 , 06:15 AM
Bizarre episode, Tim Robinson being in almost every sketch!?!

I have no idea why, but I found the Z-Shirt sketch hilarious.
SNL - It's funny again! (seriously its not) Quote
03-03-2013 , 07:55 AM
I was excited to see The Walking Dead sketch. I thought they were going to make fun of the characters the way the Homeland sketch did last year, and The Walking Dead obviously provides much more ammunition to use. Instead they turned it into a one-joke sketch that had nothing to do with the show. Disappointing. If they wanted to comment on racism, they could have at least noted how there's only one black character allowed on the show at a time and if a second one comes on you know the old one is going to die.
SNL - It's funny again! (seriously its not) Quote
03-03-2013 , 06:51 PM
This week was the kind of show that if someone walked into the room while I was watching it, I'd quickly switch to clown on midget porn or something similar that I'd be less embarrassed to be caught watching.

At least Timberlake next week.
SNL - It's funny again! (seriously its not) Quote
03-03-2013 , 08:45 PM
Pretty bad episode and horrible guest host.
SNL - It's funny again! (seriously its not) Quote
03-04-2013 , 04:19 AM
Yeah, pretty rough episode. However, I thought that the multi-camera news show sketch was a killer idea and I loled pretty hard when they cut to him with the neck brace after the intro. All I could think, though afterward was that if this sketch had come out in the late 90's and Will Ferrell was the anchor it would've been an amazing and highly memorable sketch. Ferrell would've destroyed it.
SNL - It's funny again! (seriously its not) Quote
