how the hell did billy meet claire in the second season?
i know i could search this one google, but i don't want any spoilers.
This is the script for the scene where they meet. In episode, "the room"
Scene Two: Brenda's House
BRENDA and CLAIRE move the very heavy chest to the corner.
Brenda: OK, that is where the chest is gonna have to stay.
Claire: God, that **** is heavy.
Brenda: You wanted to help.
CLAIRE notices NATE's copy of "Charlotte: Light & Dark" on the table.
Claire: Oh, my God, is this yours?
Brenda: No, that's Nate's, but he keeps leaving it in my car.
Claire: I love this book!
Brenda: You read it?
Claire: Oh, yeah, my friends and I were all over this like 2 summers ago, before they turned into pretentious drama nerds and totally abandoned me. Thank God. What's your favorite part?
Brenda: Oh, they're too numerous to mention.
Claire: (looking through the book) Where is that part where she like stops speaking for a month and just barks at them?
Flashback in grainy footage, again. YOUNG BRENDA refuses to talk to DR. FEINBERG.
Dr. Feinberg: Brenda... Brenda, I know you're angry.
YOUNG BRENDA starts barking at him, like a dog. She puts her doll in her mouth and starts shaking it like a chew toy.
Dr. Feinberg: Can you talk to me?
Claire: You know, they put me in therapy 'cause I stole that foot.
Brenda: Yeah, Nate told me.
Claire: God, I would love to go into one of those sessions and just bark. (laughs) Just to see the look on his face. Do you totally identify with this book?
Billy: (entering) Of course she does. It's about her.
Claire: What?!
Billy: She's Charlotte.
Claire: You're ******** me! Is he for real?
Billy: Completely.
Claire: Oh, my God! Oh, my God! This is like meeting Ghandi or Jesus!
Brenda: Don't tell me: the book spoke to you, like it was written specifically for you. (goes to the fridge, gets a beer)
Claire: Well, yeah, in a way.
Billy: Have you been to the website?
Claire: There's a website?
Billy: Oh, yes, there's a fan club.
Brenda: Yeah, those lonely little girls desperate for something to emulate, because, apparently, they're not original enough to come up with anything on their own.
Billy: Well, that's what I like to see. Drinking before sundown. (takes BRENDA's beer away from her, she leaves. BILLY walks to CLAIRE.) Hi, I'm Billy.
Claire: I'm Claire.
Billy: How do you know my sister?
Claire: Through my brother, Nate. They're dating.
Billy: Oh, yeah. Dating. Like what? Going steady? He give her his ID bracelet? She carve his initials in her arm so they'd be there forever? Yo, Bren, you should've seen me out on the ocean. All those Venice dicks, taking themselves so seriously! (sits near CLAIRE, hands her the beer) You surf?
Claire: (drinking) Me? Do I look like I surf?
Billy: Do I? Uh oh. (wipes beer off the side of CLAIRE’s mouth)
Brenda: (entering) You'll freeze your ass off this time of year, wearing that kind of thing.
Billy: So? It's my ass.
Brenda: Oh, fine, you wanna get pneumonia again? Go right ahead! Claire, I should take you home. I got stuff to do.
Billy: No, that's alright. I'll take her.
Claire: Great.
Brenda: Oh, no. I've got time. We just need to go right now.
Claire: Well, if you have got stuff to do, don't worry about it.
Billy: Yeah, do your stuff. I just have to take a shower.
CLAIRE continues to drink the beer. BRENDA watches CLAIRE watch BILLY take off his clothes as he walks away, towards the bathroom.
This was season 1, so if I misunderstood the question, sorry.
This seems to be where we find out she's in contact with Billy again(still). S2E8
Scene Seven: Fisher Kitchen, after dinner.
CLAIRE wanders in, clearly not enjoying herself. She takes a wine glass, picks up a bottle of wine sitting on the counter, and pours some for herself. BRENDA enters, with the gravy dish. She puts it in the sink.
Brenda: Your mom will always hate me.
Claire: Well, that's because you're a woman trying to steal her baby.
Brenda: Whatever. (takes some wine for herself) So, Toby seems nice.
Claire: Yes, Toby's very nice.
Brenda: Not your type, huh?
Claire: A deranged psychopath? No, I guess he isn't. (laughs) Billy told me once that he got so used to living with crazy people that, when he was sharing a room with a guy who thought he was Pinocchio, the only thing that seemed weird about it was that the guy pronounced it "Pinocchio" (pronounces the "ch" as one would in the word "change" or "check").
BRENDA is clearly uncomfortable about this, but manages a small laugh.
Brenda: So you've been talking to Billy?
Claire: Yeah, mostly through e-mail. He's really funny.
Brenda: Isn't he?
They both drink their wine for a few moments, then BRENDA leaves the room.
this is weird because i haven't even seen this episode yet and i am watching the show in chronological order but in season 2 ep 8 "its the most wonderful time of the year". claire just mentions to brenda that she is having conversations with billy over the internet. nothing was mentioned about them ever meeting ever. thanks for that tho, i am def not clicking on the spoiler tho.
if you've seen up to s2e9 then they aren't spoilers. It's just their original meeting and then the part where claire mentions to brenda she's still in contact. I'm not sure that's lazy, I don't know why Claire would delete his email address.