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Shark Tank Shark Tank

09-22-2012 , 07:45 AM
Confidence guy was a huge douche, otherwise solid episode. That app guy got the best of the sharks, it was a small deal but still nicely done.
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09-22-2012 , 12:43 PM
Indian kid with the app was probably my favorite presenter in the history of the show. Such a weird blend of confidence, business savvy, and noticeable anxiety and awkwardness.
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09-22-2012 , 05:04 PM
Originally Posted by Poogs
The bed bug ladies got absolutely could literally see the sharks freaking dancing after making that deal.

I don't understand how two people can build a company like that with so much early success, yet be so bad at negotiating a decent deal. I mean they got massacred.
That bed bugs deal made me seriously cringe, and not because of anything to do with bed bugs. That was brutal to watch, those ladies got ****ed from every angle.

Also, the one on the right looked and sounded just like Marisa Tomei in My Cousin Vinny.
Shark Tank Quote
09-22-2012 , 07:03 PM
Originally Posted by swag_check
Esp. if the move was initiated by Kevin

Why on earth did they agree to give up so much equity and at a much lower price than they wanted?? It was clear all the sharks were foaming at the mouth over their product so at least come back with a counter, right? All parties involved knew that this is a surefire product that's going to make millions so it's not like the sharks were gonna be disgusted and all drop out??
I think they were starstruck, or caught up in the reality show-ness of it all.

If you walk out of the room with a deal, you have "won" at Shark Tank!

The only deal that seemed like an obvious mistake to me was the one for that assisted push-up machine with the fat cowboy guy. I have a hard time believing people are going to pay $100 to do a push-up.
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09-23-2012 , 12:58 AM
Anytime you guys are curious if the deal actually went through on previous seasons just do a search on the company and most times you can find out. I was pretty surprised to see that some deals made on the show, fell through afterwards. I think mostly it's due to misleading information given by the company to the sharks.

Great show either way.

Originally Posted by Poogs
Love this show. I like kevin and cuban the best, I think damon sucks and is way too smug. The bed bug ladies got absolutely could literally see the sharks freaking dancing after making that deal.

I don't understand how two people can build a company like that with so much early success, yet be so bad at negotiating a decent deal. I mean they got massacred.
Damon is my least fav on the show. He just doesnt have much of a personality and seems intent on playing the tough guy act.
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09-23-2012 , 10:28 AM
Kevin is clearly a follower of Ayn Rand
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09-23-2012 , 12:12 PM
Coatchex was a fun pitch, that poor kid was totally screwed by his professor. You could see as he was leaving that even he knew turning down Mark Cuban's offer is the worst business decision that he'll ever make.
Shark Tank Quote
09-24-2012 , 01:56 AM
^ no.

the value and contacts that the sharks bring to the table is vastly overrated and just being on the show is basically a "kingmaker". I am a big cuban fanboy but there are plenty of investors who will answer the occasional e-mail and make the occasional call for less equity.

the whole pervasive culture of "raise VC capital and now I am successful" is even worse on this show where there is the wide perception that anyone who walks away from the Tank without a deal has failed.

Last edited by GoMukYaSelf; 09-24-2012 at 02:06 AM.
Shark Tank Quote
09-24-2012 , 02:04 AM
Originally Posted by lozen
THey got a ton od Advertising and 4 sharks. They gave up alot but got alot also
this is a common misconception (that having more people on the deal is better).

essentially what they got was more 1/5 shark * 5 than 5 sharks, as with a 50k investment and 5% equity apiece this is essentially an option investment and none of them have enough skin in the game to really make things happen for them (especially if/when things get tough). not to mention needlessly complicating the cap table where you have minority shareholders potentially complicating LTCE and further financing rounds down the road.
Shark Tank Quote
09-28-2012 , 08:53 PM
Cloth diaper company:

Cuban: Kevin, how does it feel compared to the one you're wearing?

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10-12-2012 , 09:26 PM
That final segment was amazing, so many great LULZ. Things I loved:

a. The absurdly shameless and blatant T-mobile product placement right in the middle of their presentation, that was hilarious.
b. Damon calling that guy out for being absolutely drenched in sweat.
c. Kevin's rage at Laurie for refusing to partner with him.
d. Mark's utter contempt and indignation whenever he's ethically opposed to a business or product.
e. All the sharks ripping on Laurie for getting owned on the deal.

Just an amazing segment all around.
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10-12-2012 , 09:30 PM
energy waffles was one of the worst products in the history of the show
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10-13-2012 , 02:25 AM
Can't be echoed enough it's terrible. As I was watching and he was describing his reasoning behind using the waffle, (breakfast based) how it would be so much better executed as a donut or some pastry. Liked that Lorie got owned in the episode first with the lady and her kid clothes, (lol saying I'll rescind my offer as a tactic when going against someone who has more to offer to that company/owner's product) and giving those guys the rebuy back option was so awesome.
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10-18-2012 , 02:56 PM
Lori is pulling away as my favorite shark. She's an aggro investor and I really respect that.
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10-20-2012 , 10:08 AM
Lol at the Pro-NRG bit. Was funny to see how little some of the sharks knew about working out.

Last bit was probably the most cringeworthy one ever. First the 90% fail and then the "you better work 16 hours a day" bit... Great season so far though.

Did the Pro-NRG deal end up going through?
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11-03-2012 , 09:39 AM
lol that last guy was such an idiot but I think the 22% he retained by being an idiot is going to be worth more than 820k so he's going to end up profiting on ****ing up .
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11-03-2012 , 12:03 PM
Daymond offered though a million for 25 percent.
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11-03-2012 , 12:10 PM
Apparantly the deal didn't go through, she tweeted about it. He must have been a huge ******* lol because Lori was potentially making millionson that deal.
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11-03-2012 , 04:35 PM
Wow, I wonder why the deal didn't go through. All the sharks loved it and wanted in, until he showed how difficult he was. That was such a hilarious segment, I've never seen one like that before (haven't seen every ep though). I gotta recap it for my own amusement, it was so bad.

Dude comes in asking for $90k and valuing his company at $1.8 mil. Lori says wait, I'll give you 10x what you want at $900k, for only 30%. That's $3 mil, bumping up his original valuation by 67%! Has that ever happened before? Then Daymond ups it to $1 mil at only 25%, for an immediate 25% bump up to a $4 mil valuation. Dude says, wow, great offers, but I want a $15 mil valuation! WTF!? How do you come in asking for a $1.8 mil valuation, get an offer for more than double that, and then still ask for almost 4x the already increased offer?! Then loses almost all offers, and takes less than what he asked for, then loses the deal later apparently. Such epic fail, great segment.
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11-03-2012 , 05:41 PM
The guy was just being an idiot.


Seth was pretty funny but he hurt the his chances more than he helped.
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11-03-2012 , 05:56 PM
There is no way he could have got a deal with an initial proposition that revealed his true valuation (i.e. 750k for 5%). I have watched all the episodes twice and the sharks very rarely do deals for less than 10%. It's just not worth their time, or at least that's what they say. Plus, it's a lot of money for an unproven product. Something like 3 million for 20% would have been crazy as well. Way too much money for most of the sharks considering the risk that it doesn't sell.
Thus, I really think he had the right strategy going in - offering little equity for a reasonable price - knowing that he had a good product and the sharks are likely to go in a bidding war. He was probably hoping to get something like 200k-300k for 5-10%. However, I agree that he went full ****** after he got the offers from Lori and Daymond. He should have tried to push the equity down a bit and see how it goes. He might have tried that actually. On twitter I saw that the actual pitch last for 2 hours.

P.S. I don't remember the last time O'Leary did a deal alone.
Shark Tank Quote
11-03-2012 , 06:28 PM
Originally Posted by wikibg

P.S. I don't remember the last time O'Leary did a deal alone.
I think Robert has been even longer.
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11-03-2012 , 07:25 PM
Seth was funny, but he had to have hurt that guy's chances. I dont think he was going to get an offer anyways though
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11-03-2012 , 09:38 PM
It's like most times O'Leary makes an offer, it's so lolbad that nobody is going to accept it and he knows this. Looks to me he is there for just entertainment and not to make deals

The guy at the end was so ******ed, I was actually surprised by the level of ******ation
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11-04-2012 , 05:26 AM
That asian guy was a next level idiot, boy he really ****ed up

I bought some of the scrubdaddys from Lori's site, one of the goat products on shark tank
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