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Shameless Season 6 Shameless Season 6

03-27-2016 , 10:52 PM
When she dropped the baby I thought that's how they were writing it off the show.
Shameless Season 6 Quote
03-28-2016 , 12:04 AM
Originally Posted by MarsMuzak
Maybe they will now just let Debbie and Francis fade out of the main stories and just make an occasional cameo, kind of like Liam. It would be the worst if they made Debbie's new story arc, "raising a baby is hard!"
It's the worst
Shameless Season 6 Quote
03-28-2016 , 02:58 AM
I hit the fast-forward 30 seconds button whenever I heard a baby cry. Episode was like 8 minutes.
Shameless Season 6 Quote
03-28-2016 , 12:31 PM
Kev's reaction to V's news was gold!

I thought the Lip and his professor scenes were lame, especially the last one when he fired him.

Frank wanting Shaun dead is also pretty weak.
Shameless Season 6 Quote
03-28-2016 , 03:13 PM
Another weak episode. Kev, V, and Svetlana were the only highlights. The **** calendar at the end was nice as were all of Kevin's reactions. I feel like the show is just one big circle and we are just repeating the same stuff over and over. I wonder if Frank will end up shooting the hitman to make himself the hero.
Shameless Season 6 Quote
03-29-2016 , 08:23 AM
i actually enjoyed this ep, lip, kev, frank-fiona and ian were all pretty good, to bad debbie is so awefull.

Big time drama next week, someone's going to get shot, mabye sean? Probably sean
Shameless Season 6 Quote
03-29-2016 , 11:19 AM
I still watch and will watch in future, but I'm glad this season is almost over. Actually, that's too strong, since I don't dislike this season per se. It's too boring and uninvolving to elicit any reaction whatsoever.
Shameless Season 6 Quote
03-29-2016 , 11:21 AM
Lip HAS to have burned his bridge for college now, right? Shame, because I wanted to see him succeed, but I can't think of any way for him to get back in that wouldn't be a deus ex machina.
Shameless Season 6 Quote
03-29-2016 , 11:39 AM
lip self destruction was pretty awesome. man, ive been there before.
Shameless Season 6 Quote
04-04-2016 , 08:38 AM
I liked the finale. Thought last year's was a huge step down too, so pleasantly surprised. Sean using for that long was a smart way to get the character off the show. Junkies gonna junkie. Frank is such a freaking awesome character.
Shameless Season 6 Quote
04-04-2016 , 04:25 PM
Um... did Ian actually say in his speech "You wouldn't refuse to hire me if I was in a wheelchair."

Shameless Season 6 Quote
04-05-2016 , 04:15 AM
Originally Posted by euler217
I liked the finale. Thought last year's was a huge step down too, so pleasantly surprised. Sean using for that long was a smart way to get the character off the show. Junkies gonna junkie. Frank is such a freaking awesome character.
Wait, that was the S6 finale?
Shameless Season 6 Quote
04-05-2016 , 08:18 AM
Originally Posted by Double Down
Um... did Ian actually say in his speech "You wouldn't refuse to hire me if I was in a wheelchair."

ya dude that speech and then the two other employees "sticking with him" was so ****ing stupid and tilting.

I was sooooooooooooo hoping the boss lady would come back with "sorry dude the world isn't fair, there are just some jobs you'll never be able to do" and then snap fire the other two for insubordination.

LOL at any ambulance company being so short staffed that they could be held hostage by 2 employees and LOLOL at someone in her position being emotionally blackmailed cuz some ****ing rookie cries about how life isn't fair and demands to be hired back even tho HE'S ****ING CRAZY.

jwhsusgwbsjqnqvwge so ****ing dumb.

also thought it was pretty stupid to have frank get ripped off by some random dude on a subway.
if anything he's the one ripping ppl off doesn't feel genuine for his street smart scammer personality to fall for such an obv and idiotic "scam".

oh and pooooooooor fiona, I mean if that cheating self-sabotoging girl can't find happiness what hope is there for the rest of us?

I swear to god when her and deb had that scene where they were standing right next to each other I blurted out "WHERES A LIGHTNING BOLT WHEN U NEED ONE".

thank god for kevin and svetlana.
Shameless Season 6 Quote
04-05-2016 , 04:58 PM
once frank made that deal in the subway, getting scammed was a lot more realistic than there being an actual hitman just waiting on the same train as him. I mean paying some random guy up front for an obviously unenforceable deal was ******ed and just showed Frank's desperation

was relieved when Sean's using came out. I was worried frank was gonna shoot him at the wedding
Shameless Season 6 Quote
04-05-2016 , 06:24 PM
oh ya I agree that it was ridic for him to run into a hitman on a subway car, I meant it was dumb that he gave him 1k upfront.
Shameless Season 6 Quote
04-06-2016 , 02:16 AM
Originally Posted by jcohen
once frank made that deal in the subway, getting scammed was a lot more realistic than there being an actual hitman just waiting on the same train as him. I mean paying some random guy up front for an obviously unenforceable deal was ******ed and just showed Frank's desperation

was relieved when Sean's using came out. I was worried frank was gonna shoot him at the wedding
It was pretty obvious it was a scam- but how did he know where that guy worked?
Shameless Season 6 Quote
04-06-2016 , 03:37 AM
Originally Posted by borg23
It was pretty obvious it was a scam- but how did he know where that guy worked?
ya i had no idea about that. at least they never showed him leaving the train in their encounter, so presumably they worked out the logistics off screen. but i don't see why the guy would ever give him that information knowing he was scamming him. so i have no clue how he was able to track him down
Shameless Season 6 Quote
04-06-2016 , 05:45 AM
Originally Posted by jcohen
ya i had no idea about that. at least they never showed him leaving the train in their encounter, so presumably they worked out the logistics off screen. but i don't see why the guy would ever give him that information knowing he was scamming him. so i have no clue how he was able to track him down
He probably told Frank on the train to find him the next day driving a forklift through that plothole.
Shameless Season 6 Quote
04-06-2016 , 08:47 AM
Originally Posted by jcohen
ya i had no idea about that. at least they never showed him leaving the train in their encounter, so presumably they worked out the logistics off screen. but i don't see why the guy would ever give him that information knowing he was scamming him. so i have no clue how he was able to track him down
Makes you wonder why he didn´t scam Frank for all he had (i.e. gift cards worth $1,200). I mean, what´s he going to do, hire an assassin or something? lol
Shameless Season 6 Quote
04-06-2016 , 09:11 AM
Originally Posted by mumpfmampf
Makes you wonder why he didn´t scam Frank for all he had (i.e. gift cards worth $1,200). I mean, what´s he going to do, hire an assassin or something? lol
The 'deal' was half upfront, half after the fact. There was no way Frank was giving that guy money on the forklift---he just wanted to give him a picture of the guy and get it in motion.

Originally Posted by riverboatking

I swear to god when her and deb had that scene where they were standing right next to each other I blurted out "WHERES A LIGHTNING BOLT WHEN U NEED ONE".

thank god for kevin and svetlana.
Yes, thank god for the glorified extra comic relief side characters who have no meaningful plot lines! I agree they are both awesome but it's not like they would be able to carry the show for 60 minutes every week.
Shameless Season 6 Quote
04-06-2016 , 09:14 AM
Also, while I have no experience using heroin, I found it really strange (and dumb?) that Mulroney (a longtime heroin addict who's use had almost destroyed his life) could have been using again for months regularly with absolutely no change to his behavior or physical appearance to tip anybody off.

Just seems like a lazy, last second decision by the writers to get him off the show.
Shameless Season 6 Quote
04-06-2016 , 04:41 PM
I think I laughed at every reaction shot of Kev, V, and Svetlana. I also enjoyed most of the stuff with the professor and Lip over the season. Outside of that it was a pretty bad season. Unfortunately, I don't have much hope that it will get better. Carl is getting worse as a character, Deb is in WOAT character territory, so we get to look forward to Fiona and another love story? Bring Mickey back ASAP.
Shameless Season 6 Quote
04-06-2016 , 07:38 PM
Originally Posted by mumpfmampf
Makes you wonder why he didn´t scam Frank for all he had (i.e. gift cards worth $1,200). I mean, what´s he going to do, hire an assassin or something? lol
he didn't have the gift cards at the time. he got them later
Shameless Season 6 Quote
04-07-2016 , 12:44 AM
Terrible finale to a terrible season. The good moments here and there just made it all the worse because it kept me hoping they might somehow save the season at some point.
Shameless Season 6 Quote
08-11-2016 , 01:58 AM
after binge watching the series, I couldn't agree more with a lot of you. Show was amazing and fell off a cliff. gangster carl storyline could of worked for a couple episodes, not a couple seasons. debbie used to be an amazing character and soon as they made her like boys, she became the most unlikable character of all time. weird too because she seemed smart/wise beyond her years and instantly loses all her brain cells when she hit puberty. fiona is aggravating much of the time nowadays. whether hes gone for good or not, the steve storyline is horrific. svetlana and frank are great. i miss karen so much. the last episode sucked except for franks interruption. show could have been an all timer but theres no making up for these last couple seasons.
Shameless Season 6 Quote
