Originally Posted by thedeezy
Funniest thing from filming/working on the season?
Any good stories of locals trying to fight with the crew?
I'm not sure what they showed since I ended up missing about half the season, but some of the funniest things I saw were Eric sneaking into Preston's room when he was with his boyfriend and scaring the **** out of them while simultaneously getting donkey kicked in the face, Knight throwing on his Borat swimsuit (which was heavily edited for obvious reasons) since none of us saw him change then he just kind of wandered into frame wearing it, and there were some good moments on slow nights of us messing around with them either by screwing with the lights, opening and closing doors/windows, scaring them from behind with the boom mic, or just hiding around corners when we knew they were coming.
There were tons of good moments and hilarious drunk conversations, could probably think of some more.
Originally Posted by Biesterfield
How often did you talk with interact with the cast (I'm assuming its strongly discouraged)?
This is pretty touch and go. You aren't supposed to become friends with them, but a certain amount of conversation obviously is going to happen. Interaction was nightly, even if it was just a mic change or something like that. They get to learn pretty much everyone's names though and some other basic stuff throughout the season though just by putting things together. I talked to them much more extensively after the show wrapped/began to air when I would see some of them out from time to time.
Originally Posted by boobies4me
- does anything ever happen during the season where someone specifically requests that it not be shown on TV and their request can be granted
I'm sure there are some things, but nothing ever came up like this. There were times (mostly near the beginning) when they would ask for privacy or to have their mic taken off or something, but those were shot down by the producers since that stuff is 99% of the time what we want to see.
- what was something else that was pretty interesting that happened that MTV didn't show? anything viewers would find interesting to know that can't be known from MTV's depiction?
I didn't watch a good bit of the season so I don't really know, but if you had specific questions about stuff you were curious of I can probably answer it if it isn't too invasive.
- do cast mates commonly talk to cast on a daily basis? ive seen on other seasons or challenge aftershows where girls will talk about how hot certain camera guys are or something
Cast talks about crew a decent amount. We'd overhear conversations they have about us quite a bit, like who they want to bang, etc. Just random speculation and gossip for the most part, which is pretty funny to hear.
- do cast mates ever have sex without the covers on them? all the time that sex/fooling around is shown on real world its shown under the covers, but it seems unlikely that cast mates only have sex under the sheets for the entire 3 months or however long they're there for since you can't do all the positions or do as much as you'd want.
They were actually pretty good about this, I didn't see anything utterly crazy going on that they obviously wouldn't be able to show. The shower was a pretty popular spot as well and it was pretty much assumed the nights that they would sneak off away from camera (and get fined) that they were banging.
- was it known and confirmed behind the scenes that Ryan took the pills for sure and was lying? was there anything to that story that wasn't shown?
I actually kind of forgot if we ever actually knew for certain what happened there, didn't really pay attention to it because it bored me. Ryan was obviously the most likely, but who knows for sure. From what I saw I think they showed all the major points of that, since I know the producers were interested in anything involving Knight's old addiction because they apparently have never had a story like that before on the show.