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Real Time with Bill Maher Real Time with Bill Maher

09-22-2015 , 07:54 PM
related meme for those into the meme game

Real Time with Bill Maher Quote
09-22-2015 , 08:16 PM
Yeah I have no problem with those comments about Ahmed. It seems like a common sense thing and it took a while for someone to get freaked out by it. The thing looked nothing like a clock. If a white kid brought a gun clock to school and got arrested there would be zero issue.
Real Time with Bill Maher Quote
09-23-2015 , 01:28 AM
Originally Posted by Brocktoon
It seems more and more likely that this was a hoax/publicity stunt.

There are videos now showing that he simply disassembled an old Radio Shack alarm clock and put it in a case. He didn't create anything. His father is a very politically active guy with connections to the CAIR and a history of involvement with publicity stunts like this.

It is also being reported that Ahmed showed multiple teachers his 'invention' after initially being told to put it away. Then, when he did find a teacher who got nervous and notified authorities, he refused to answer questions as to what the device was or why he brought it to school. These seem like completely reasonable questions to be asked when walking around with a device that resembles an IED inside of a school, regardless of your religion or any other factor.

I'm reminded of the 'balloon boy' fiasco a few years back. The more you scratch the surface of this story, the more it stinks.
Agree entirely with this. I also think it's a slap in the face to the adults involved that Obama invited Ahmed to the White House.

It would have been nice if Obama didn't stick to the narrative that all white people are terrible racists. I would hope the republicans would paint this as Obama not supporting teachers in the difficult job that they do.
Real Time with Bill Maher Quote
10-10-2015 , 10:03 PM
God Bill is so terrible with all things medical.

Thought Andrew Sullivan did pretty damn well
Real Time with Bill Maher Quote
10-11-2015 , 09:24 AM
Yeah he seemed to be implying that all the school shooters were crazy because they were on medication and not the other way around.
Real Time with Bill Maher Quote
10-11-2015 , 12:20 PM
While I understand his sentiment about the pharmaceutical companies, he was just plain wrong about anti-depressants and adhd medication. His stance is just part of the stigma problem we have with people who refuse to get help because of how it will make them seem.
Real Time with Bill Maher Quote
10-11-2015 , 12:26 PM
Originally Posted by master3004
While I understand his sentiment about the pharmaceutical companies, he was just plain wrong about anti-depressants and adhd medication. His stance is just part of the stigma problem we have with people who refuse to get help because of how it will make them seem.
I think his point is parents are quick to give kids medication for ADD. We just dont let kids be kids. Many times its not the parents but the doctors also.

THe guy bringing up his mom as Bi-Polar. I was tired of it also
Real Time with Bill Maher Quote
10-11-2015 , 12:40 PM
I think I'll watch this last episode, because the pharmaceutical stuff is probably the one topic where I'm actually on the same page as Maher.

I feel especially bad for kids who have diets that consist of sugar cereal, fast food, microwave dinners, soda, etc. They don't get exercise and spend too much time watching TV and playing video games... then when they're hyper, they get put on the ADHD medication. I used to take that stuff when I needed to stay up all night to study for a big test in Univesrity... and those drugs really crack you out. They kill your appetite and really make you feel pretty bad/strange. I wish parents would take the pills they give to their children to realize what kind of effect it has on them.

Last edited by TheGreenMagi; 10-11-2015 at 01:06 PM.
Real Time with Bill Maher Quote
10-11-2015 , 01:15 PM
Originally Posted by lozen
I think his point is parents are quick to give kids medication for ADD. We just dont let kids be kids. Many times its not the parents but the doctors also.

THe guy bringing up his mom as Bi-Polar. I was tired of it also
But for those who really are affected by adhd, that medication can make a HUGE difference in the kid's life. Who is Bill to say whether the kids being medicated fit the required criteria to take the medication?
Real Time with Bill Maher Quote
10-11-2015 , 03:24 PM
did the matchbox 20 guy say one word?
Real Time with Bill Maher Quote
10-11-2015 , 03:50 PM
He did ok, would've been better with few words less.
Real Time with Bill Maher Quote
10-11-2015 , 04:51 PM
Originally Posted by master3004
But for those who really are affected by adhd, that medication can make a HUGE difference in the kid's life. Who is Bill to say whether the kids being medicated fit the required criteria to take the medication?
Lozen responded to this a few posts up. The problem is that we are over medicating. We're too quick to just diagnose any kid with a lot of energy as ADD or ADHD and start pumping them full of pills. Sure, it's good for some kids, but there's no way that it's the appropriate solution for a significant % of kids out there who are currently on them.
Real Time with Bill Maher Quote
10-11-2015 , 05:07 PM
Originally Posted by Double Down
Lozen responded to this a few posts up. The problem is that we are over medicating. We're too quick to just diagnose any kid with a lot of energy as ADD or ADHD and start pumping them full of pills. Sure, it's good for some kids, but there's no way that it's the appropriate solution for a significant % of kids out there who are currently on them.
What experience do you have in this field?
Real Time with Bill Maher Quote
10-11-2015 , 06:39 PM
Originally Posted by Double Down
Lozen responded to this a few posts up. The problem is that we are over medicating. We're too quick to just diagnose any kid with a lot of energy as ADD or ADHD and start pumping them full of pills. Sure, it's good for some kids, but there's no way that it's the appropriate solution for a significant % of kids out there who are currently on them.

Even if we were overmedicating, his connection to school shootings was dubious at best.
Real Time with Bill Maher Quote
10-11-2015 , 07:45 PM
Originally Posted by EvalEvan
Even if we were overmedicating, his connection to school shootings was dubious at best.
There is a lot of evidence to suggest that the drugs cause these kind of violent outbursts and freak-outs in a certain percentage of the population who take them. They even admit that these drugs can cause an increase in suicidal thought. Obviously it's a very small percentage that end up taking a gun to school... but you can't really deny the fact that virtually every school shooter has been on SSRI drugs.

Watch this clip about a kid on these drugs that took a gun to school... and I think it's pretty clear that the drugs were 99% responsible for this.
Real Time with Bill Maher Quote
10-11-2015 , 11:03 PM
Funny thing about depression medications is a side effect of wanting to kill yourself. Yes it helps many kids. I guess being older we never had kids in school with ADD or peanut allergies... I am sure there were a few.
Real Time with Bill Maher Quote
10-18-2015 , 12:26 AM
Katrina van den Heuvel still the nut worst panelist, retaining her title from the Politically Incorrect era.
Real Time with Bill Maher Quote
10-18-2015 , 05:59 AM
Yeah Johann was the only good panelist and I wish he got more chances to talk
Real Time with Bill Maher Quote
10-18-2015 , 01:27 PM
Originally Posted by Klingbard
Katrina van den Heuvel still the nut worst panelist, retaining her title from the Politically Incorrect era.
Absolutely the worst. I literally mute the TV when she's talking, she's terrible. Maybe she's just always available on short notice, can't imagine why else Maher would keep having her on.
Real Time with Bill Maher Quote
10-18-2015 , 06:33 PM
yep and when antidepressants/antipsychotics aren't taken as recommended things can get really nasty. horrible withdrawals that cause the user to act out in ways that are much worse than before they even got involved with the drugs. i think the stuff is like dynamite, very dangerous
Real Time with Bill Maher Quote
10-19-2015 , 12:09 PM
Originally Posted by Klingbard
Katrina van den Heuvel still the nut worst panelist, retaining her title from the Politically Incorrect era.
Real Time with Bill Maher Quote
10-31-2015 , 11:05 AM
Good show last night. David Spade was funny, no one was really that annoying. Grover Norquist is pretty reasonable apart from his idiotic views on taxes.
Real Time with Bill Maher Quote
11-21-2015 , 06:09 PM
Was looking forward to Bill last night as a CDN Mp was on. Boy did she come across as a bozo.

She just never understood anything and what did 1/2 our caucus is woman have to do with anything
Real Time with Bill Maher Quote
11-21-2015 , 08:05 PM
I'm with ya lozen. I read a quote from her on the TPP earlier today that made her sound like a logical and intelligent person. I was saddened when that impression was shattered on Real Time.
Real Time with Bill Maher Quote
11-21-2015 , 08:54 PM
She's been on the past and been pretty good, but I agree that last night was not her finest showing.
Real Time with Bill Maher Quote
