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***Official*** LOST Final Season Discussion, Episodes 1 and 2 ***Official*** LOST Final Season Discussion, Episodes 1 and 2

02-03-2010 , 02:01 PM
Originally Posted by [Phill]
Not so sure we are meant to assume that, the "coming up empty handed" could just mean he and her only hooked up once or how she took his cash, i cant remember the exact details enough to speculate further tbh.

I just took it on assumption she was sat elsewhere on the plane because everything we have seen so far has the world existing exactly as it was at the time of the crash with the exception of Desmond on the plane (briefly).

I mean we didnt see several other losties on the plane, inc Claire and Ben (+his kid who they cant do due to how much older he will look).

Anyway that one will play out as the show goes on, but either way i agree with the other dude that her not being back isnt a particularly bad thing.
Originally Posted by gisb0rne
While that might be true, there has to be a very clear reason that she would change while everything else stayed the same. Why would Shannon change her mind about staying with a guy that has absolutely nothing to do with the Island, but Claire is still going to LA to give up her baby, Locke still goes to Australia to go on a walkabout, etc. which are events directly influenced by the the Island being as it was (which it no longer is).
Originally Posted by oldgrandma18k
Butterfly Effect ldo.
phill, Im not sure about the other parts, but to me it seems like thats how it happened. Coming up empty was me summarizing the scene, his quote was more like "i went to get shannon out of a bad relationship, but couldnt."

I might be wrong but i can only assume thats the case. IN this alternate reality i dont think everything needs to be the same, as is evident by desmond being on the plane momentarily. In this reality, we're led to believe that this is how it would have played out had the bomb worked and it was all reset. thats just my opinion, i could be like 100% wrong because this show is so nutty.


I just dont think it all has to be the same, that where we differ i guess


02-03-2010 , 02:03 PM
Originally Posted by gisb0rne
While that might be true, there has to be a very clear reason that she would change while everything else stayed the same. Why would Shannon change her mind about staying with a guy that has absolutely nothing to do with the Island, but Claire is still going to LA to give up her baby, Locke still goes to Australia to go on a walkabout, etc. which are events directly influenced by the the Island being as it was (which it no longer is).
I am pretty sure the writers said Shannon wasn't in thi episode because they couldn't get her due to other obligations on her end.
02-03-2010 , 02:04 PM
also wreckage that Juliet is under is the crap from the expladed swan station of the wreakage from the drill etc?????? Sawyer says it was the hatch but that crap on top of Juliet looked an awful lot like the same junk that was there in 1977???????
02-03-2010 , 02:05 PM
Originally Posted by Rushmore
I am an atheist, but I find it hard to believe that so many people could have so many discussions about LOST and not one person would say "God" or "Satan" or "Jesus" or "heaven" or "redemption" even the word "religion." Hell, nobody even says "ethical relativism."

It seems readily apparent to me that no matter what all of the bells and whistles ultimately reveal, LOST, much like so much other fiction, intends to reflect mankind's natural inclination to understand himself and his world, most particularly the existential questions that so obviously drive us.

Didn't mean to get all heavy, but it really does seem like a lot of people are ignoring the elephant in the room.

Back to the details.
Dunno if this has already been disproven or confirmed but I've been thinking for a couple of seasons now that the island will eventually be revealed to be the garden of eden. Sort of explains the healing powers/longevity and why people can't reproduce there.
02-03-2010 , 02:06 PM
Originally Posted by agdci981
Ben wasn't on the plane; are you referring to Michael? Also, having Claire in the cab can probably allow one to assume that Claire was on the plane and since she disappeared on the island they wanted to save the surprise of showing her til that cab scene rather than on the plane as was done with Hurley, Sawyer, Sayid, etc.
Yeah, i meant Michael. Trouble with having 30-50 characters spanning half a decade is remembering everyone, lol.

I agree that Claire was on the plane. Thas my point, that they were there but we just didnt see them all.

Originally Posted by agdci981
Due to the H-bomb I do not think there was ever a hatch. The only thing that really messes this theory up is the stationary bike. Sawyer clearly pushes it out of the way when he is going down the chute to get to Juilet. That bike was in the hatch so it seems kind of strange to be there if the hatch never existed.
The Hatch existed in one universe that was created where they flashed to the future but not the other. It had to exist in the one where they woke up on the island to have the plane crash, but in the other it didnt so the plane didnt crash.

Basically they moved in just time in one instance and time and space in the other.
02-03-2010 , 02:06 PM
OK, well I am glad that someone at some point sometime discussed the obvious religious angles. I guess they were, ahem, lost to me in the millions of words written about Lost.

Meanwhile, (Phill) did a really nice job earlier with his details.

Unless he was wrong.

In which case he's even dumber than I am, because at least I knew not to try.

But I think he did fine.
02-03-2010 , 02:08 PM
Great episode, and reading this thread is damn funny...but one question:

Why didn't they take Juliette with them if they think the temple is going to somehow heal Sayid? I mean, it can't hurt, right?
02-03-2010 , 02:09 PM
Wow this thread exploded. Ok, I thought the craziest part of the episode was the last part, where "Locke"/Smoke Monster beats Richard's ass after saying something about seeing him chained, and then said "I'm very disappointed in all of you."

Was I missing obvious something here, or looking into it too deeply? If this was discussed already, my mistake, I'm at work and can't really read through the whole thread atm.
02-03-2010 , 02:09 PM
Originally Posted by SomethingClever
Dunno if this has already been disproven or confirmed but I've been thinking for a couple of seasons now that the island will eventually be revealed to be the garden of eden. Sort of explains the healing powers/longevity and why people can't reproduce there.
yea this has been my belief as well.
02-03-2010 , 02:09 PM
Originally Posted by TheUntoastable
claire isnt preggo in the cab with kate obviously
Right! So if it makes sense for Claire not to have a child, then it can make sense for Michael to have impregnated Walt's mother some 5-6 years earlier.

02-03-2010 , 02:10 PM
Originally Posted by Dominic
Great episode, and reading this thread is damn funny...but one question:

Why didn't they take Juliette with them if they think the temple is going to somehow heal Sayid? I mean, it can't hurt, right?
Juliet was dead. Sayid wasn't. I think they can only heal the hurt in the temple as opposed to bringing people back to life.
02-03-2010 , 02:10 PM
wasn't there reproduction going on in dharma vile in 1977 though?
02-03-2010 , 02:11 PM
Originally Posted by Dominic
Great episode, and reading this thread is damn funny...but one question:

Why didn't they take Juliette with them if they think the temple is going to somehow heal Sayid? I mean, it can't hurt, right?
they wouldnt allow her in cause she wasnt on that list that jacob sent. sayid lives cause jacob wanted it so, now sayid = jacob imo
02-03-2010 , 02:11 PM
Originally Posted by TheUntoastable
claire isnt preggo in the cab with kate obviously
Are you sure about this?
02-03-2010 , 02:12 PM
Originally Posted by Dominic
Great episode, and reading this thread is damn funny...but one question:

Why didn't they take Juliette with them if they think the temple is going to somehow heal Sayid? I mean, it can't hurt, right?
She was already dead, and dead is dead.

The episode was great, but devoting 20 minutes to Juliet out of the hatch to die seemed like a waste. Perhaps it is somewhat significant, but it didn't seem that way.
02-03-2010 , 02:12 PM
Originally Posted by Fyte On
Wow this thread exploded. Ok, I thought the craziest part of the episode was the last part, where "Locke"/Smoke Monster beats Richard's ass after saying something about seeing him chained, and then said "I'm very disappointed in all of you."

Was I missing obvious something here, or looking into it too deeply? If this was discussed already, my mistake, I'm at work and can't really read through the whole thread atm.
we're assuming richard was a slave on the black rock because flocke said "nice to see you out of your chains" or something like that. Someone also mentioned he could be an egyptian slave which also makes sense to me
02-03-2010 , 02:14 PM
Originally Posted by sharpyetblunt
this is whats been really bugging me aswell. What we knew about the smoke monster from earlier seasons just doesnt seem to match up to what we know now.
I don't see how the smoke monsters actions have been inconsistend over time? The post that you were quoting that said this was talking about how Ben called on the Smoke Monster for protection... he didn't seem to know what it was but obviously the smoke monster would want to protect him and prevent him from leaving the island so that he could kill Jacob. I'm not sure that it's clear that Richard knew about Ben's use of the smoke monster at any point is it?
02-03-2010 , 02:17 PM
is it possible smokey/MIB was in servitude of jacob somehow ? and since Jacob had control of the island, smokey could be called to duty so to speak for example by Ben in season 4?
02-03-2010 , 02:18 PM
Damon and Carlton address Shannon in the interview posted earlier
02-03-2010 , 02:19 PM
Originally Posted by [Phill]
Universe three has everyone land as if the crash never happened. All the flashbacks happened, but everything that happened on the island and after the crash didnt. In real time terms this puts them at the date of the crash, 2004 iirc.
This isn't true. In universe 1 there were definitely things that happened off the island that were the result of the islands existence. For example, we can speculate that no one on 815 that lands ever met Jacob earlier in their life where many people on 815 that crashed had.

Also in flash sideways 2004 Juliet is presumably never hired by Richard/the others.

Also not sure there is really 3 universes. The bomb detonating seems to have created a 2nd one and simultaneously snapped the time traveling losties back to the correct point in their universe 1 timeline. This group has now existed in each universe (when they were in the past they were in what became the new universe, now they are back in universe 1 though).

In that interview they also talk about how detonating the bomb changed this universe in more ways than the plane not crashing, the results of this are what cause Desmond to be on the plane and Boone's sister not being there, etc.

People need to remember that the island timeline is like 2007 and the new landed in LA timeline is 2004. Not a super important point, but could def. be relevant.

Last edited by SL__72; 02-03-2010 at 02:27 PM.
02-03-2010 , 02:21 PM
Originally Posted by Rushmore
OK, well I am glad that someone at some point sometime discussed the obvious religious angles. I guess they were, ahem, lost to me in the millions of words written about Lost.

Meanwhile, (Phill) did a really nice job earlier with his details.

Unless he was wrong.

In which case he's even dumber than I am, because at least I knew not to try.

But I think he did fine.
Lost has always had spiritual links. Jacob being good/the light and the smoke guy being bad/the dark and the constant battle between them. The Others always referred to themselves as Good People and the chosen.

Tbh i see the religion as a "bring your own interpretation" to the table, kinda like Battlestar did. I dont think the island is a literal Eden or Purgatory or any of the other theories over the years such as Atlantis but it could easily be a link through history that inspired such stories.

As someone said Jacob represents rebirth and life - he lived underneath the four toed statue of Taweret which is the Egyptian god of birth and rebirth.

Him being reborn into the body of Saieed would track with this.

Also fwiw ive had plenty of theories right and wrong throughout the history of this show, but my batting average isnt bad

Originally Posted by TheUntoastable
claire isnt preggo in the cab with kate obviously
Is this confirmed? I mean we didnt see anything but shoulder up iirc?
02-03-2010 , 02:24 PM
Originally Posted by SL__72
This isn't true. In universe 1 there were definitely things that happened off the island that were the result of the islands existence. For example, we can speculate that no one on 815 that lands ever met Jacob earlier in their life where many people on 815 that crashed had.

Also in flash sideways 2004 Juliet is presumably never hired by Richard/the others.
Yes, i meant the stuff like the characters interacting with each other, Jack's dad going to see Claire, Sawyer shooting the dude, Kate being on the run and being caught by the fed etc etc.

My best interpretation right now is the island died (maybe literally) in the universe where they landed at LAX when the bomb went off so Juliet and Desmond didnt end up on the island in the past and Jacob didnt influence people's lives etc.
02-03-2010 , 02:26 PM
Originally Posted by ZBTHorton
I would pay 1K on ITunes right now for the rest of this season.
Yes, +1000000000
02-03-2010 , 02:26 PM
Originally Posted by phils08
we're assuming richard was a slave on the black rock because flocke said "nice to see you out of your chains" or something like that. Someone also mentioned he could be an egyptian slave which also makes sense to me
Oh damn, excellent call on this. Never even occurred to me.

What did you guys make of the "very disappointed in you" line, by Flocke after he picked up Richard and put him over his shoulder?
02-03-2010 , 02:27 PM
So who is ADAM and who is EVE?
