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***Official*** LOST Final Season Discussion, Episodes 1 and 2 ***Official*** LOST Final Season Discussion, Episodes 1 and 2

02-03-2010 , 03:11 AM
Originally Posted by agdci981
Playing devils advocate here as it kind of hurts my own theory but Miles could have been lying. I believe he has lied on multiple occasions about what the dead have said to him.
Miles didn't have any of his seizures when he lied I believe. If you check the episode where he lied to the father he just sat there and closed his eyes. I'll try to confirm.
02-03-2010 , 03:15 AM
Originally Posted by Kos13
FWIW, I think Lost > The Sopranos, I'm just saying it's sometimes frustrating to be so much in the dark. This might be the only show I've ever watched that I hoped would end ASAP, and that's because I want to know how it ends. On second viewing, I think I'll appreciate more of the minor stuff than I am right now.

as a whodunit, Lost for sure

as far as a tv show, when we are talking about everything, from acting to writing to enjoyablility

Lost isn't even in the same universe as the Sopranos.

and i love Lost
02-03-2010 , 03:15 AM
Originally Posted by TheHip41
if it's a flash forward, ie, it happens AFTER s1-s5

how come no one knows anyone else?
Ah come on dude, think about it ?
02-03-2010 , 03:16 AM
The shark's had a dharma tattoo in the opening shot

Last edited by vixticator; 02-03-2010 at 03:23 AM.
02-03-2010 , 03:16 AM
Originally Posted by miw210
I disagree with flashfoward theory. Flashforward/single reality should mean the island wasn't sunk by the H bomb (but by something else) since the Losties are still on it.

right, how can the plane be the future when the island is clearly underwater.

im not going to get to worked up, i just wish it was Tuesday already.
02-03-2010 , 03:18 AM
Originally Posted by Opr_irl
Ah come on dude, think about it ?

instead of being mean, explain your idea so I can also understand it. if you are right, i want the info too
02-03-2010 , 03:19 AM
Originally Posted by vixticator
The shark's had a dharma tattoo in the opening shot

can't hotlink that

if so, that's pretty sweet
02-03-2010 , 03:20 AM
This sounds like a good Sayid theory I found at some other website

I think the loophole angle is key, and also the Ben/Sayid connection. Lil Ben was healed by the temple after being near death/dying, and the MIB had to use Ben to kill Jacob. Then Sayid was healed in the temple after being near death/dying...maybe he is now Ben's opposite, and will be the one to "kill" the MIB?
02-03-2010 , 03:21 AM
There's a scene in Season 1 or 2 that shows the shark's dharma tatt fwiw.
02-03-2010 , 03:22 AM
This whole alternate reality thing has a load in common with The Dark Tower series, specifically the third book, The Wastelands. This is a Dark Tower spoiler, so if you have any interest in reading these books these are huge spoilers but you should be warned anyway (and you should read them, they're great) Apparently this series and Stephen King had some sort of influence on the series (I believe I read this in an interview, but could be wrong), so I think it could be somewhat relevant. The producers were rumored to be doing a film adaption of the DT series after Lost, but I think they've decided against. So I really think this could be relevant.

Basically what happened was the main character Roland was living in one world, where a boy named Jake had come (by dying in Jake's original universe) and he had sacrificed him in order to pursue the man in black. In the second book he finds doors into other worlds where he can 'draw' (i.e. pull) people into his world, and he finds a door leading to Jake's original world, and he prevents his original death, thus meaning that he never had to sacrifice him. In the third book this leads to them slowly going crazy (to the point where Roland believes they will die eventually) since they are both simultaneously living two realities. Eventually Roland's group finds a way to pull Jake back into their reality, essentially converging the two and relieving them of their craziness.

I'd love to see Lost go this direction and have the characters slowly gain awareness of the different realities and have to try and converge them. Random guess for no real reason other than it'd be cool: Jack's successful operation on Locke will become a catalyst to their convergence.
02-03-2010 , 03:22 AM
Originally Posted by TheHip41
can't hotlink that

if so, that's pretty sweet

can you see this one?
02-03-2010 , 03:25 AM
Originally Posted by Y2Dennis
I'd love to see Lost go this direction and have the characters slowly gain awareness of the different realities and have to try and converge them. Random guess for no real reason other than it'd be cool: Jack's successful operation on Locke will become a catalyst to their convergence.
Didn't this already happen with Desmond?
02-03-2010 , 03:25 AM
Originally Posted by TheHip41
instead of being mean, explain your idea so I can also understand it. if you are right, i want the info too
Specifically the H-Bomb wasn't the point in time that managed to change things which is why the on-Island story continues, but what they did by using the H-Bomb is still going to lead to a chain of events that will mean they successfully have changed things and the plane never crashes.
02-03-2010 , 03:33 AM
I would be fine with it if they take the route that the island is somewhere in the afterlife. Not Heaven or Hell, but just limbo. I say this because of Locke's comment about Jack's fathers body near the end, especially if that's a flash forward to the end of the series with a divine Locke that remembers everything.

Also guess we can assume that with Flocke's motivation to leave the island, then Jacob was tasked with keeping him there. Explains why Jacob wants to lure people to the island, for help.
02-03-2010 , 03:35 AM
Just as confused as everyone, and in agreement that it was still a great episode.

Terry O'Quinn was simply amazing in this episode. When he was wheeled off the airplane, the look in his face was just perfect. Just summed up Locke in that quick scene.

Then a complete shift in demeanor when it switched to FLocke - it was all in his facial expressions that really sold it.
02-03-2010 , 03:36 AM
Originally Posted by Opr_irl
Didn't they only remove a small part of the h-bomb ? It was enough to take out the station but not the Island.
They removed the important part (the part of the bomb that will explode) out of its protective shell.
02-03-2010 , 03:39 AM
One interesting thing; Sayid is carrying an Iranian passport on the plane:

02-03-2010 , 03:40 AM
Am I the only one who was 100% sure to see Locke stand up and walk out of the airplane at the end?
02-03-2010 , 03:42 AM
Originally Posted by vixticator
Didn't this already happen with Desmond?
Damn good point, although it appeared that Desmond was switching between where these are two completely different realities. Where Desmond had to find a constant, I would imagine they would need to reunite at the same place, which would likely be the island, although I can't see them spending another season trying to get back. Maybe it will be very similar, but I'm imagining this being a much slower-burning realization of what is going on rather than Desmond catching on quickly.

Maybe Desmond will be key to it all? I just hope this leads to more Faraday, since he'll never be shot on the new timeline (under the same circumstances at least, maybe he'll die regardless like some Final Destination stuff.

Originally Posted by Sugar Nut
Am I the only one who was 100% sure to see Locke stand up and walk out of the airplane at the end?
I thought that would be our cliff-hanger for the week. But honestly whenever I expect something from Lost it's completely wrong, so I guess I wasn't surprised that I was wrong.
02-03-2010 , 03:43 AM
Maybe its like OJ Simpson(If i Did It), in that the writers are like "Well the H-Bomb didnt work but if it did this is what would of happened"
02-03-2010 , 03:44 AM
Originally Posted by Sugar Nut
Am I the only one who was 100% sure to see Locke stand up and walk out of the airplane at the end?
wat. no, he didn't walk wtf are you talkin bout.
02-03-2010 , 03:45 AM
Originally Posted by Steven_Q_Erkel
I would be fine with it if they take the route that the island is somewhere in the afterlife. Not Heaven or Hell, but just limbo. I say this because of Locke's comment about Jack's fathers body near the end, especially if that's a flash forward to the end of the series with a divine Locke that remembers everything.

Also guess we can assume that with Flocke's motivation to leave the island, then Jacob was tasked with keeping him there. Explains why Jacob wants to lure people to the island, for help.
Who ever said Flocke wanted to leave? He just wanted to go home(aka prob the temple)
02-03-2010 , 03:46 AM
Originally Posted by vixticator
wat. no, he didn't walk wtf are you talkin bout.
no he thought that he would walk off the plane as some sort of weird twist in the plot...would definitely of been pretty amazing...
02-03-2010 , 03:50 AM
Originally Posted by CCuster_911
Who ever said Flocke wanted to leave? He just wanted to go home(aka prob the temple)
It's open ended. I'm assuming home is off island, and to get there he needs to go through the temple.
02-03-2010 , 03:50 AM
What REALLY ****ed my mind is that Locke is still alive- it appeared to me that Jacob saved his life, so this means to me that Jacob is still alive in the alternate reality and that for some reason he felt the need to reach out to Locke but not some of the others.
It's possible that Locke was never pushed out of the building by his dad in the alternate reality, and he's paralyzed for another reason. They went out of their way to have Jack ask him why he was paralyzed, and Locke didn't really give a straight answer. Also, Locke was waaaay more confident in the alternate reality, so something's up with his past that's different.
