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The Office - Season 6 The Office - Season 6

01-25-2010 , 08:18 PM
Originally Posted by Sluss
I think it was the Clerks cartoon where they did a clip show the second episode and all they kept flashing back to was the first episode. It was great, but I think it got cancelled after six episodes, so maybe not the best strategy.
Sit Down Shut Up did this as well and it was cancelled after 12 eps.

Originally Posted by Wires
I'd recommend starting both from the start.

It should be quick and easy to catch up with Community as they're still in their first season. 30 Rock? I guess you could jump in now but you're much better off getting your hands on season 1 and starting from the beginning. You're going to miss some jokes/references if you start with the current episodes.
This. I don't think it is necessary to start from the beginning, but I am pretty neurotic about watching things in order. You will miss some jokes and you will miss a bunch of really good funny tv episodes. I would also advise starting Parks and Rec if you haven't watched that yet.
The Office - Season 6 Quote
01-25-2010 , 08:40 PM
Originally Posted by DukeSucks
finally watched it, so lame. In the context of a clip show, Pam/Jim montage didn't bother me, but the fact that they did a clip show right after Christmas break makes me mad.
I know. Add in no new episode this week, and you're just like WTF?
The Office - Season 6 Quote
01-25-2010 , 09:20 PM
the problem with the clerks animated "2nd episode clip show" was that abc decided to air the episodes out of order because they thought the real first episode wasn't "pilot-y" enough. so they aired episode three first, then they showed the clip show, which was full of clips from the first episode, which never aired, because abc cancelled the show after the second episode.

so it wasn't until the dvd release much later that the episodes could be watched in the order that made the jokes make sense.
The Office - Season 6 Quote
01-26-2010 , 01:45 AM
One time me and silent bob were on the run....
The Office - Season 6 Quote
01-26-2010 , 01:53 AM
Originally Posted by jmakinmecrzy
god this show has gotten so disappointing and i'm easily in the top 100 of office fans worldwide
I know exactly how you feel.

It's sad how I can probably recite most lines of each episode.
The Office - Season 6 Quote
01-26-2010 , 11:50 PM
Originally Posted by MEbenhoe
A ****ing clip show? Seriously? So pissed right now.
The Office - Season 6 Quote
01-27-2010 , 02:31 AM
Worst episode ever.

Shark jumping, imo.

Since it looks like they're throwing in the towel, they should have built up to the Jim/Pam wedding and ended the series there.
The Office - Season 6 Quote
01-27-2010 , 02:41 AM
this isn't lost, where the ending is super important. the office can keep going however long it wants. they can have an episode of kevin farting on a snare drum and i'll very very likely get more enjoyment out of it than some new series that would take its place.
The Office - Season 6 Quote
01-27-2010 , 02:42 AM
The problem with the Office is that this show has nowhere to go at this point. NOWHERE. Jim and Pam were the driving storyline, then they consummated it and now it just sucks. To whoever said that it's the new Entourage, that is false, Entourage never had a driving storyline, so they can at least try some new **** and they are least attempting different plotlines and have never done a clip show (not that it would be appropriate for the format, but still).
The Office - Season 6 Quote
01-27-2010 , 12:46 PM
Originally Posted by Salva135
The problem with the Office is that this show has nowhere to go at this point. NOWHERE. Jim and Pam were the driving storyline, then they consummated it and now it just sucks.
Yeah that's what I don't understand. What are they going to do?
Andy and Erin? Good actors and humor potential, but we've done the office romance thing to death here.

Jim and Pam's baby? ZZZZZZZZZZZ I can't think of anyone who wants them to focus on that crap.

Bankruptcy of company? They've downplayed it now and let them off the hook with that saying that their branch will be ok.

There's no driving storyline at the moment. You don't HAVE to have one for this show, but they're so many seasons in that it's tough to make it watchable without one. They've just done all the standard office related humor and a bunch of innovative stuff. How much could possibly be left in the tank?
The Office - Season 6 Quote
01-27-2010 , 02:39 PM
The problem is that they try to make up storylines out of thin air, and they're all absolutely terrible. If they just gave up on stories and had good jokes for 20 minutes, I don't think people would care, but they're wasting time on stuff like new office relationships (ugh), bankruptcy, etc. They're trying too hard.

Remember the old episodes? Classics like "The Fight," "Basketball," and "Sexual Harassment" weren't plot-driven shows, they were just random jokes centered around one independent event...and they were fantastic. People say the show died when Pam and Jim got together, but it's not because they got together, it's because their relationship changed the focus of the show from joke-telling to story-telling.
The Office - Season 6 Quote
01-28-2010 , 04:19 PM
Just tried to see what tonights episode was gonna be about and it says it's a rerun....
The Office - Season 6 Quote
01-28-2010 , 05:24 PM
Nothing on tonight it looks like.
The Office - Season 6 Quote
01-28-2010 , 05:24 PM
you guys ever watch the british version of this show?

I think the "main idea" of the office is: it does not need to rely on a plot.

TBH I never really payed attention, or cared about the plot. And I am satisfied w/ 90% of the episodes I watch (including last week's). But, I agree, I don't see anything intersting happening in the future.
The Office - Season 6 Quote
01-28-2010 , 05:25 PM
Originally Posted by Kos13
Remember the old episodes? Classics like "The Fight," "Basketball," and "Sexual Harassment" weren't plot-driven shows, they were just random jokes centered around one independent event...and they were fantastic. People say the show died when Pam and Jim got together, but it's not because they got together, it's because their relationship changed the focus of the show from joke-telling to story-telling.
THIS!^ Not to mention inf other "nothing" episodes that were brilliant like outing Oscar, hitting Meredith with the car, trying to prove to Daryl he's badass and getting the bouncy castle, when Pam & Jim slept at Dwight's farm, the dinner party, the merger, the one where he does Prison Mike, etc etc. It rly was the best show on TV.

Also, Holly was a great character for Michael and if they needed a driving force she should return (remember that rap they did? LOL). She was very funny and that thing with thinking Kevin was a ****** was so good - also the Angela/Dwight/Andy triangle is gone. Sigh this Office is not good and leaving me hopeless... where can they take it?
The Office - Season 6 Quote
01-28-2010 , 06:58 PM
Originally Posted by Maridu
that thing with thinking Kevin was a ****** was so good
I think that's hands down my favorite bit in the show's history. It was on the level of Arrested Development where it took years to finally have the punch-line. But Kevin has been ruined since.
The Office - Season 6 Quote
01-28-2010 , 11:15 PM
Ditto to what everyone else is saying.

Other than the Jim/Pam thing the Office was never supposed to be about story lines, it was about the the idiocy and oddity that office life can be sometimes.

Think Dilbert or Office Space.

It started out mostly as that, when the mockumentary format actually made sense.

It's now devolved into too much of a soap opera.
The Office - Season 6 Quote
01-28-2010 , 11:24 PM
Originally Posted by Kos13
The problem is that they try to make up storylines out of thin air, and they're all absolutely terrible. If they just gave up on stories and had good jokes for 20 minutes, I don't think people would care, but they're wasting time on stuff like new office relationships (ugh), bankruptcy, etc. They're trying too hard.

Remember the old episodes? Classics like "The Fight," "Basketball," and "Sexual Harassment" weren't plot-driven shows, they were just random jokes centered around one independent event...and they were fantastic. People say the show died when Pam and Jim got together, but it's not because they got together, it's because their relationship changed the focus of the show from joke-telling to story-telling.
I think this pretty much sums up my feelings better than i could.
The slow transition from hilarious mocumentary to stale sitcom killed it.
The Office - Season 6 Quote
01-30-2010 , 03:47 PM
Everyone here pretty much is on the same page I think.

Oh and yes, I do think Holly thinking Kevin is ******ed is the #1 recurring joke of the series.
The Office - Season 6 Quote
01-30-2010 , 07:48 PM
I stopped watching this show about 2 months ago. Did I miss anything?
The Office - Season 6 Quote
01-30-2010 , 09:19 PM
Originally Posted by Quadstriker
Everyone here pretty much is on the same page I think.

Oh and yes, I do think Holly thinking Kevin is ******ed is the #1 recurring joke of the series.
I think Michael ****ing up and telling stuff about Jan was the best. IMO the Office ended when Pam and Jim got together, it was all downhill from there on out.
The Office - Season 6 Quote
01-31-2010 , 01:44 AM
Originally Posted by NicksDad1970
I stopped watching this show about 2 months ago. Did I miss anything?
The Office - Season 6 Quote
01-31-2010 , 02:12 AM
Does anyone else hate Jim Halpert? I loved Tim from the BBC Office, but Jim is a goodie-to-shoes guy who can supposedly do no wrong. He's sometimes funny but mainly just looks at the camera to try to be funny. I wish Kevin would rip his appendages off.
The Office - Season 6 Quote
01-31-2010 , 02:16 AM
Originally Posted by scuzks
Does anyone else hate Jim Halpert? I loved Tim from the BBC Office, but Jim is a goodie-to-shoes guy who can supposedly do no wrong. He's sometimes funny but mainly just looks at the camera to try to be funny. I wish Kevin would rip his appendages off.
Agreed that Tim is infinitely more likable than Jim.
The Office - Season 6 Quote
01-31-2010 , 03:11 AM
i didn't like Tim. I <3 jim.

But again, everything changes after the 3rd season when this show became crap.
The Office - Season 6 Quote
