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Making a Murderer Making a Murderer

01-12-2016 , 08:17 PM
Originally Posted by lostinthesaus

It's under "life wasn't easy." Also, see the thing poorskillz just referenced. (which has the stuff about him hitting, chocking, and threatening to kill Jodi).
Making a Murderer Quote
01-12-2016 , 08:20 PM
Idk about the restraining order
Making a Murderer Quote
01-12-2016 , 08:22 PM
but the other 2 are covered in Griesbach's book that you're reading
Unfortunately he used the word "and". Not to be a grammar Nazi, but this is akin to saying something like: "Raped and Murdered and Mutilated", where one of the being false has to disqualify the other 2.
Making a Murderer Quote
01-12-2016 , 08:23 PM
Originally Posted by PoorSkillz
Manitowoc County was not leading the investigation in any way, this has been established. They didn't want her investigating because she was the Manitowoc County coroner, so they used the Calumet County coroner instead for the obvious "conflict of interest" PR reasons.

If they had used the Manitowoc County coroner, I guarantee she would have been dragged through the mud by Strang & Buting.
Did you know that:- Mantiowoc County Public Safety minitues for 12-6-05 shows 744hrs + $2800 of sheriffs time billed in 1st month TH investigation. 744hrs=31days. Plus DA Mark Rohrer was at these meetings disscusing the case when they're supposed to have turned it over Kratz.
Making a Murderer Quote
01-12-2016 , 08:34 PM
Originally Posted by dalerobk2
Yes, and I wasn't even referring to the mother at first (I added it as an edit). I had actually forgotten it.

I have a question for you, have you ever run someone off the road and pulled a gun on them?

It's like you guys are determined to see him as an angel.
Ahh still can't admit that people will say things to stop a spouse from taking there kids away from them & react in ways they never fought was possible, BTW I hope you yourself never face a dilemma like this, honestly.

NO-ONE HERE including MYSELF is saying he was/is an ANGEL. PERIOD.

Last edited by smacc25; 01-12-2016 at 08:35 PM. Reason: As for the Q about Attempted manslaughter. REALLY? wow
Making a Murderer Quote
01-12-2016 , 08:44 PM
Originally Posted by smacc25
Ahh still can't admit that people will say things to stop a spouse from taking there kids away from them & react in ways they never fought was possible, BTW I hope you yourself never face a dilemma like this, honestly.

NO-ONE HERE including MYSELF is saying he was/is an ANGEL. PERIOD.
I have been in a similar situation. I raised my niece like my daughter b/c my brother is a POS drug addict and was neglecting her (not feeding her, bathing her, leaving her around drug addicts, leaving her home alone as a 2yo, etc). He ended up taking her away. It was the most devastating thing I've ever gone through. I did everything I could legally to stop it. I did not threaten to kill him. But like I said, I had forgotten about the mother thing entirely and was mainly referencing the other two threats to kill someone (of the three in total).

And I'm going to assume you are simply going to ignore my question about running someone off the road and pulling a gun on them?

Have you ever gotten into an "altercation" with your wife or gf and got a restraining order filed against you? As SA did with Jodi?

Have you ever intentionally tortured an animal for fun?

These things are not exactly the work of a mentally stable man.
Making a Murderer Quote
01-12-2016 , 08:46 PM
01-12-2016 , 08:55 PM
Originally Posted by dalerobk2
I have been in a similar situation. I raised my niece like my daughter b/c my brother is a POS drug addict and was neglecting her (not feeding her, bathing her, leaving her around drug addicts, leaving her home alone as a 2yo, etc). He ended up taking her away. It was the most devastating thing I've ever gone through. I did everything I could legally to stop it. I did not threaten to kill him. But like I said, I had forgotten about the mother thing entirely and was mainly referencing the other two threats to kill someone (of the three in total).
Good Man, How is she doing BTW I hope she is well & all
And I'm going to assume you are simply going to ignore my question about running someone off the road and pulling a gun on them?
NO 100% NO
Have you ever gotten into an "altercation" with your wife or gf and got a restraining order filed against you? As SA did with Jodi?
NO 100% NO
Have you ever intentionally tortured an animal for fun?
NO 100% NO
These things are not exactly the work of a mentally stable man.
I Disagree here, as evident of some frat parties that happened in the 80's. A nd the frat guys were more educated than SA. Peer Pressure is one of the hardest thing's to disassociate from as a teen/young adult.

Last edited by smacc25; 01-12-2016 at 08:58 PM. Reason: Added Hope your niece is OK. :)
Making a Murderer Quote
01-12-2016 , 09:07 PM
Originally Posted by smacc25
I Disagree here, as evident of some frat parties that happened in the 80's. A nd the frat guys were more educated than SA. Peer Pressure is one of the hardest thing's to disassociate from as a teen/young adult.
She's 15 now and things are turning out the way I feared, I'm afraid.

But these incidents with SA were not isolated events. Nor were they isolated to one time period of his life. They were all done as an adult and over a long span of time. All I'm saying is that a person who does those things is the type of person who would not surprise me to hear he killed someone. Of course, it's not proof that he did, but he certainly sounds like he has all the traits of a sociopath.
Making a Murderer Quote
01-12-2016 , 09:10 PM
In September 2004, sheriff deputies arrested Avery for violating a disorderly conduct ordinance after an altercation with Stachowski. The court ordered him to stay away from the woman for 72 hours and pay a fine of $243.
somehow =

I was referring to him beating her, threatening to kill her, and having the court issue a restraining order against him.
Making a Murderer Quote
01-12-2016 , 09:17 PM
Originally Posted by smacc25
If true, wow.

- "In an 11-page complaint filed Monday, Jerome Buting said the DOJ is obliged to launch an independent inquiry into the work of the analysts as a condition of the $578,000 in federal funds the crime lab has received since 2005.

- "Agencies that accept grant money must designate “external and independent” investigators to
handle “allegations of serious negligence or misconduct,” according to the state’s grant

In a January report, the U.S. Office of the Inspector General found the U.S. Department of Justice
was failing to enforce that requirement. It found that 78 percent of the entities designated to
conduct the investigations lacked the authority, capability or an appropriate process to ensure the
reviews were done by someone not connected to the labs.

Under the grant, Wisconsin has designated two top DOJ officials to investigate allegations of
misconduct against the crime lab: Mike Myszewski, head of the Division of Criminal
Investigation; and Kevin Potter, administrator of the Division of Legal Services.
St. John said DCI, which he described as “an independent entity,” will conduct the review of
Buting’s complaint. Myszewski and Potter report to Van Hollen, as does the official who
oversees the state Crime Laboratory, former Dane County Sheriff Gary Hamblin. Oberfield
questioned whether the two top officials could conduct an arms-length investigation of their own

“We have serious issues with DOJ taking on such an investigation givens its apparent
shortcomings with independence and externality,” he said."

Last edited by lostinthesaus; 01-12-2016 at 09:30 PM.
Making a Murderer Quote
01-12-2016 , 09:20 PM
Originally Posted by dalerobk2
She's 15 now and things are turning out the way I feared, I'm afraid.
Sorry to hear that, But 15yr olds can be difficult-there's still hope

But these incidents with SA were not isolated events. Nor were they isolated to one time period of his life. They were all done as an adult and over a long span of time. All I'm saying is that a person who does those things is the type of person who would not surprise me to hear he killed someone. Of course, it's not proof that he did, but he certainly sounds like he has all the traits of a sociopath.
So again we go over this itt that SA killed a cat when fooling around with friends & got into an argument with his GF & pushed her onto the bed, YEAH sounds like a sociopath...... LMAO.
Making a Murderer Quote
01-12-2016 , 09:22 PM
Originally Posted by lostinthesaus
If true, wow.
BURP!!! sorry BURP!!!

How much ya wanna bet that little cup beside her when testifying was not water.

I am trying to find the article that she was disciplined after the SA trial, not sure on this but tring to find.

Last edited by smacc25; 01-12-2016 at 09:26 PM. Reason: added looking for article.
Making a Murderer Quote
01-12-2016 , 09:25 PM
Originally Posted by lostinthesaus
somehow =
That information was in something posted earlier itt, as poorskillz referenced. Go back and find it if you want to read it first hand.
Making a Murderer Quote
01-12-2016 , 09:27 PM
Originally Posted by smacc25
So again we go over this itt that SA killed a cat when fooling around with friends & got into an argument with his GF & pushed her onto the bed, YEAH sounds like a sociopath...... LMAO.
That's pretty dismissive of what are, in fact, four pretty significant events. Would you want to be friends with someone like that? Would you want your daughter dating someone like that? Or would you be worried for her safety? It's seems pretty shocking to me that you can simply dismiss these things as insignificant and somehow not revealing anything about his personality or character.
Making a Murderer Quote
01-12-2016 , 09:40 PM
Anyways....... Will this do?
Making a Murderer Quote
01-12-2016 , 10:40 PM
That information was in something posted earlier itt, as poorskillz referenced. Go back and find it if you want to read it first hand.
Well as we all can see, you've totally discredited your source.
Making a Murderer Quote
01-12-2016 , 10:42 PM
Originally Posted by smacc25
link doesn't work.
Making a Murderer Quote
01-12-2016 , 10:51 PM
regarding 'what i would do as a juror', i actually think it's pretty funny that the dude who was excused is appalled by the decision and still losing sleep over it later. unless he was absolutely convinced that steven could never ever have been involved (e.g. lostinthesaus levels of delusion), it's pretty likely he just gets talked around eventually anyway.
Making a Murderer Quote
01-12-2016 , 11:07 PM
e.g. lostinthesaus levels of delusion
"Why do you think the same five guys (are involved in inculpating the very same man that could cause them substantial loss for doing the exact same thing to him 20 years earlier)? What, are they the luckiest guys in (Manitowoc County)?

"Why do you think the same five guys (who were not supposed to be at the crime scene are involved in "finding" over 50% of the most incriminating evidence after it has already been searched numerous times over)? What, are they the 5 luckiest guys in (Manitowoc County)?

It's pure probabilities. Has nothing to do with how I revere Steven Avery or in what regard I hold the Law Enforcement officials. It's simply extremely improbable that he committed this murder.

Remove any of the big three: 1) tainted evidence, 2) MC's history and lingering lawsuit 3) no REAL history of violent anything - And the probability increases dramatically.

But each extenuating circumstance attached to each one of the big 3 exponentially decreases the probability of him having done this. And the more absolute BS that rises to the surface about this case, the further he should be removed from having anything to do with the murder of Teresa Halbach. It's actually quite logical.

Last edited by lostinthesaus; 01-12-2016 at 11:30 PM.
Making a Murderer Quote
01-12-2016 , 11:27 PM
Making a Murderer Quote
01-12-2016 , 11:41 PM
Originally Posted by smacc25
So again we go over this itt that SA killed a cat when fooling around with friends & got into an argument with his GF & pushed her onto the bed, YEAH sounds like a sociopath...... LMAO.
fooling around?

normal people don't douse animals in gasoline and throw onto a fire. this is step one of "you're going to become a serial killer". also, people that are psychopaths are incapable of change. it's not something you can grow out of. you can pretend to fit into society and never kill tho.
Making a Murderer Quote
01-12-2016 , 11:49 PM
this is step one of "you're going to become a serial killer"
Which behavioral science degree did you say you had? And how do you measure one's actions when drunk on the "you're going to become a serial killer" index?
Making a Murderer Quote
01-12-2016 , 11:56 PM
Originally Posted by smacc25
sorry, should be OK.

Kathleen Zellner has said SA is identical to the other 17 cases of innocent men cleared & won't quit until he's out.

Last edited by smacc25; 01-13-2016 at 12:04 AM. Reason: Mrs K.Zellner
Making a Murderer Quote
01-13-2016 , 12:08 AM
Originally Posted by lostinthesaus
Which behavioral science degree did you say you had? And how do you measure one's actions when drunk on the "you're going to become a serial killer" index?
Totally excuses it, I forgot.

I know more about the subject of serial killers than I care to share. I'm not expressing an opinion of his guilt based on the cat "incident", but to dismiss it is just so naive. It's not fooling around.
Making a Murderer Quote
