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Making a Murderer Making a Murderer

12-18-2018 , 07:42 AM
Originally Posted by smacc25
Whoa 3 burn piles/sites....

Kathleen Zellner @ZellnerLaw We discovered there were 3 bone piles in MCGP not just 1 & they all have human bone in them. @lifeafterten @michellemalkin @newsweek @johnferak #RecklessInvestigation #MakingAMurderer2
How new is her testing? I see she's delaying yet again lol.
Making a Murderer Quote
12-18-2018 , 08:25 AM
Sadly, the unemployed guy's complaint doesn't contain before and after photographs of the book case which prove that there was no 'violent shaking' of the furniture to force the key + lanyard out of imaginary secret compartment:



(Note loose coins and other items on top are not dislodged by alleged violent handling of book case)
Making a Murderer Quote
12-18-2018 , 08:43 AM
Originally Posted by corpus vile
Yeah you are indeed wrong he followed me here from PMF
PMF (now defunct Perugia Murder File) was a funny site - full of people who ascribe to astrology, disdained those who weren't 'cultured' enough in their tastes, and believed in a Mafia/US State Department/Mainstream Media conspiracy to free Amanda Knox.

Corpus has expressed his paranoid delusion that since we both took an interest in high profile criminal justice cases the only possible explanation is that I'm stalking him. LOL!
Making a Murderer Quote
12-18-2018 , 12:29 PM
Not sure how legal it is to do what Netflix did but if AC is successful in his lawsuit expect other lawsuits(bobby, scot, lenk, ryan, Mike etc..) to follow.
Making a Murderer Quote
12-18-2018 , 01:00 PM
Originally Posted by fraleyight
Not sure how legal it is to do what Netflix did but if AC is successful in his lawsuit expect other lawsuits(bobby, scot, lenk, ryan, Mike etc..) to follow.
Bring it.
Making a Murderer Quote
12-18-2018 , 01:11 PM
Originally Posted by corpus vile
They abandoned their own nephew though didn't they? Didn't even attend the trial. Didn't Dolores also state that she didn't believe Teresa was even dead, rubbing salt into the wounds of a grieving family in the process? That leaves her open to valid critique, as opposed to attacks. They're a family with serious LE history not just Cuddly Steve. I don't think the comparison with the Halbach family is remotely apt.
No, they did not abandon their nephew.

I'm sure Dolores being the age she is & the utter B.S. she has experienced that its normal behaviour to lash out, speak in mumblings & be absolutely confused about these horrible events just the same as T.H. mother would experience, because they are both victims of a terrible tragedy.

Now please stop blaming stevens parents.

If you had any decency or self awareness like proundfootz said you would ask krolik to stop these attacks also.

Instead I'd bet you searched mine & Proudz posts for these insults & found none.
Making a Murderer Quote
12-18-2018 , 01:15 PM
Originally Posted by corpus vile
Please please let this be so.

Its not often both Guilty/innocents folks want to see movement in something.

Lets get this in court asap.
Making a Murderer Quote
12-18-2018 , 02:36 PM
Originally Posted by smacc25
No, they did not abandon their nephew.

I'm sure Dolores being the age she is & the utter B.S. she has experienced that its normal behaviour to lash out, speak in mumblings & be absolutely confused about these horrible events just the same as T.H. mother would experience, because they are both victims of a terrible tragedy.

Now please stop blaming stevens parents.

If you had any decency or self awareness like proundfootz said you would ask krolik to stop these attacks also.

Instead I'd bet you searched mine & Proudz posts for these insults & found none.
Very telling cv had to go to an entirely different website to find the attacks he's accusing people here of engaging in.

Gee, maybe we should pull a Colburn and sue him for defamation? LOL!
Making a Murderer Quote
12-18-2018 , 02:44 PM
Originally Posted by fraleyight
Not sure how legal it is to do what Netflix did but if AC is successful in his lawsuit expect other lawsuits(bobby, scot, lenk, ryan, Mike etc..) to follow.
I wonder how thrilled Deputy Andy's pals are that this lawsuit could result in new depositions about their activities relating to the prosecution of Steven Avery on murder charges.

Through discovery we might get to see their phone records and other relevant documents.

This could be the best part about Making a Murderer season 3.

Making a Murderer Quote
12-18-2018 , 04:56 PM
Originally Posted by smacc25
No, they did not abandon their nephew.
They didn't even attend his trial.

I'm sure Dolores being the age she is & the utter B.S. she has experienced that its normal behaviour to lash out, speak in mumblings & be absolutely confused about these horrible events just the same as T.H. mother would experience, because they are both victims of a terrible tragedy.
It's blatantly dismissing the grief of the Halbachs & obscenely disrespectful to them.

Now please stop blaming stevens parents.
I only blame Avery & Dassey & rubbing salt in the victim's family's wounds leaves anyone open to critique.

If you had any decency or self awareness like proundfootz said you would ask krolik to stop these attacks also.
He's on ig like Loudtrollz

Instead I'd bet you searched mine & Proudz posts for these insults & found none.
You'd lose that bet. You still haven't shown where I've called Dolores mama bear or attacked her as opposed to giving valid critique- they abandoned their nephew & Dolores disrespected the Halbachs with her absolutely tactless bs.
Making a Murderer Quote
12-18-2018 , 05:37 PM
Originally Posted by krolik
Gee. Sure looks to me like there are papers and crap on the shelf in the first picture that are not there in the second. Gee, I guess it just isn’t possible that the key was on that top shelf and fell to the floor when those papers and porn mags were pulled out. Duh!
Can hardly wait for what cockamamie theory of gravity you come up with to explain how a key falling out of that opening lands around the corner. LOL!

Making a Murderer Quote
12-18-2018 , 05:58 PM
Originally Posted by krolik
Things bounce fool. Also, if they fell out from trapped between the papers that were on the shelf.

Keys bounce around the corner and no one notices, like Deputy Andy who supposedly dropped the key?

Hey, you maintain hebis an innocent church boy and would never harm a fly, provide some evidence someone else killed TH.
I don't know about Steven's religious faith, so maybe not a church boy.

But the evidence indicates he stayed at home while terrible things happened to Teresa elsewhere (evidence already cited many times in this thread).
Making a Murderer Quote
12-18-2018 , 06:02 PM
Originally Posted by smacc25
Instead I'd bet you searched mine & Proudz posts for these insults & found none.
Originally Posted by corpus vile
You'd lose that bet.

The corpse violator admits he didn't even look for evidence his accusations had any validity and just straight up lied.

What a feckless ****.

CV shoots himself in the foot every time he posts.
Making a Murderer Quote
12-18-2018 , 06:10 PM

Sorry you guys broke up.

Maybe stand outside his house with a boombox playing some Gabriel?

Your hearts are aching - never give up!
Making a Murderer Quote
12-18-2018 , 06:12 PM
Originally Posted by krolik
Evidence like the testimony of his co-defendant who described in great detail how his fat ass Uncle was sweating like a pig and how they took turns on the innocent woman then burned her up?
Yes, discounting fan fiction made up by detectives and put in mouth of kid who thought if he told them what they wanted to hear they would let him go.
Making a Murderer Quote
12-18-2018 , 07:03 PM
Originally Posted by corpus vile
They didn't even attend his trial.
That does not mean they did not support him.

It's blatantly dismissing the grief of the Halbachs & obscenely disrespectful to them.
Ok ok you win, Stevens mum did abuse the H family. Clap clap, well done.

I only blame Avery & Dassey & rubbing salt in the victim's family's wounds leaves anyone open to critique.
I ain't looking through your posts to find where you said "mamma & pappa bear"

You'd lose that bet. You still haven't shown where I've called Dolores mama bear or attacked her as opposed to giving valid critique- they abandoned their nephew & Dolores disrespected the Halbachs with her absolutely tactless bs.
But you do win on Stevens mum, who like most all mothers will defend her son until the death. Well done bro, you found the hysterical +60 year old crying foul.
Making a Murderer Quote
12-18-2018 , 07:20 PM
Originally Posted by krolik
Did the detectives feed him info about Steve lifting the hood? No.

Yes, actually:

'Did he look at the engine - did he raise the hood?'

He came up with that. Then they checked and, lo and behold, they found his DNA there.
Funny thing about this DNA - like 10X what a person would leave by touching the latch.

Good job the coaches leading Brendan to guess what they wanted him to say, so they can get dubious DNA finding.

They didn’t know she was shot in the garage, Dassey gave them that.
Funny how the cops had to tell Brendan Teresa was shot. Then had to sift through guesses where this allegedly happened until they asked 'where in the garage Steven shot Teresa'.

Then zero evidence produced that anyone was shot in the garage. Sad.

He volunteered a ton of info they previously had no idea about.
Get your head out of the sand or your ass or wherever it is.

Making a Murderer Quote
12-18-2018 , 09:05 PM
Originally Posted by krolik
Except for a bullet with the victims DNA on it. Man you are dumb.
Dumb is when Sherry 'Burp, excuse me!!! Culhane avoids her supervisor's approval, Dumb is contaminating evidence & covering it up, Dumb is listening to MTSO'ers to put T.H. in the garage, Dumb is drinking in the Job, and that's just some of the Dumb stuff Mrs Culhane has been proved of doing.
Making a Murderer Quote
12-18-2018 , 09:18 PM
Originally Posted by smacc25
Dumb is when Sherry 'Burp, excuse me!!! Culhane avoids her supervisor's approval, Dumb is contaminating evidence & covering it up, Dumb is listening to MTSO'ers to put T.H. in the garage, Dumb is drinking in the Job, and that's just some of the Dumb stuff Mrs Culhane has been proved of doing.
Dumb is putting much faith in any forensic findings coming from that corrupt, incompetent boob.

Making a Murderer Quote
12-19-2018 , 04:43 AM
[QUOTE=smacc25;54597745]That does not mean they did not support him.

Yes it does.

Ok ok you win, Stevens mum did abuse the H family. Clap clap, well done.
Yeah she did which leaves her open to valid critique, glad you finally get it.

I ain't looking through your posts to find where you said "mamma & pappa bear"
Yeah because you wouldn't find any because I didn't say it. Stop making sh** up, doesn't help your case.

But you do win on Stevens mum, who like most all mothers will defend her son until the death. Well done bro, you found the hysterical +60 year old crying foul.
She dismissed a family's grief & an actual murder her own son committed- again this leaves her open to valid critique...see how that works? Nor is murder a game with winners & losers, pity you can't see that.
Making a Murderer Quote
12-19-2018 , 04:52 AM

Still hasn't come up with anyone here 'attacking' the Halbach family while justifying his own attacks on the Avery family.

What a low life.
Making a Murderer Quote
12-19-2018 , 05:45 AM
Originally Posted by smacc25
Bring it.
Not sure if it will actually amount to much tbh, but hopefully will bring more attention to the deceptive, dishonest tactics of MAM when engaging in their innocence fraud.
Making a Murderer Quote
12-19-2018 , 05:55 AM
Decided to view loudtrollz latest pavlovian response to my post.

Oski accused Teresa's brother of the murder in cahoots with LE, which was already highlighted itt both by him when he posted & then by either Frayley or Poorskillz (I forget precisely who) when they quoted his victim denigration. That's an attack from someone here on the Halbachs. Loudz simply doesn't regard it as such, murderer groupie & unintelligent cabbage that he is. Nor have I attacked the Avery family & the comparison to the Halbachs isn't remotely apt anyway, this is the same crap Amanda Knox groupies used to justify their attacks on the Kerchers & calling everyone familiar with the case "haters", yawn. Groupies gonna group.

I expect another obsessive semi stalkerish post from him for this & indeed any other post I may make itt, Oswald style nutjob that he is (who he also probably worships & considers railroaded by evil authorities.)

Last edited by corpus vile; 12-19-2018 at 06:01 AM.
Making a Murderer Quote
12-19-2018 , 04:11 PM
Originally Posted by corpus vile
Decided to view loudtrollz latest pavlovian response to my post.

Oski accused Teresa's brother of the murder in cahoots with LE, which was already highlighted itt both by him when he posted & then by either Frayley or Poorskillz (I forget precisely who) when they quoted his victim denigration. That's an attack from someone here on the Halbachs. Loudz simply doesn't regard it as such, murderer groupie & unintelligent cabbage that he is. Nor have I attacked the Avery family & the comparison to the Halbachs isn't remotely apt anyway, this is the same crap Amanda Knox groupies used to justify their attacks on the Kerchers & calling everyone familiar with the case "haters", yawn. Groupies gonna group.

I expect another obsessive semi stalkerish post from him for this & indeed any other post I may make itt, Oswald style nutjob that he is (who he also probably worships & considers railroaded by evil authorities.)
Pretty funny post coming from a person who is obsessed by the paranoid thought that he is being stalked even though there's zero evidence of such a thing.

Very odd that the corpse violator comes into a thread, posts things addressing other posters, puts them on ignore, then claims people who respond to comments directed at them by name is 'stalker' behavior.

You couldn't make this stuff up - no one would believe anyone in real life would act so insane in public.
Making a Murderer Quote
