Originally Posted by fraleyight
There exists no place the blood could have came from but Steven,
Yes, Steven's blood would be expected to come from Steven's body at one time. Some of Steven's blood eventually made it to the Wisconsin crime lab though he was never there, either. Unless you are suggesting Steven Avery snuck into the lab?
there was no edta in the blood,
No EDTA was detected in the blood by the test invented just for this case in a big hurry by the FBI. True enough.
it wasn't applied using an applicator because there is a long dripped stain on the door frame
Assuming that this was not a contact deposit, blood (being liquid) can be dropped from an applicator in exactly the same way blood could drop from a bloody finger. Capiche?
and similar stains are found in averys own grand am.
In the same sort of illogical random locations?
There is no other reasonable explanation to this evidence so instead of actually addressing the very damning evidence against Steven you demand that more evidence should be available.
That is textbook fallacious reasoning.
The planting of evidence is a reasonable explanation since it is A) physically possible, B) has been known to happen as a matter of history, C) people with means, motive, and opportunity are in full possession of the RAV4 when this blood was allegedly 'found'.
Since we have blood where it has no logical reason to be by the state's theory, and none where we would expect it to be by the state's theory, the state's theory fails on both counts of scientific rigor.
I am only demanding the state's theory explain the evidence we do have and explain why we don't have the evidence its theory would require if it were anywhere near the truth.