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Making a Murderer Making a Murderer

09-02-2016 , 07:30 AM
Originally Posted by lostinthesaus
When your purpose is to sell books.
Trying to sell this book?

Griesbach had no direct involvement in the Halbach case (despite randomly claiming to had prosecuted it himself moments before claiming otherwise). He admits this book is based on a few months of research following Making a Murderer. As such, he is nothing more than another "armchair detective" using the available public documents and information to formulate his opinion on the case. He has already made multiple errors in his claims while showing his bias just from the little available information we have from his writings and commentary.
PoorSkillz maybe should take up more honest work, like helping Nigerian Princes getting their money out of frozen bank accounts.
Making a Murderer Quote
09-02-2016 , 08:39 AM
Originally Posted by PoorSkillz
Unless you know for sure how to properly read the records, you can't say this is 100% true.
Now you're just being obtuse.
Making a Murderer Quote
09-02-2016 , 08:41 AM
Originally Posted by lkasigh
The evidence that there is a mistake on the document is that the car was found by a search party on Nov. 5.

If it was found on Nov. 3, logged into evidence on Nov. 3, then taken out of evidence and moved to Avery's lot before Nov. 5, this process would have involved multiple persons engaged in committing and covering up criminal acts, i.e., by definition a conspiracy.
You are going down the semantic rabbit hole with proudfootz, it's not worth it.

It is clear to anyone with a shred of common sense that if the car was really impounded by the police on Nov 3, and "found" half-hidden on Avery's property on Nov 5, that the police had to plant it there and that it had to involve several people. He is trying to claim there are other possible explanations but of course there aren't, and that's OK because the police frame-job conspiracy is what he believes anyway.
Making a Murderer Quote
09-02-2016 , 08:57 AM
Originally Posted by yeotaJMU
Now you're just being obtuse.
No, I'm actually not.
Making a Murderer Quote
09-02-2016 , 09:01 AM
Yeah. That's what was weird about poorskillz. He was linking some weird websites aswell 6 months ago that's why most regular here think he definitely is a shill account.
I would love that our investigators itt find if poorskillz is posting in the Steven avery is guilty subreddit
Making a Murderer Quote
09-02-2016 , 09:22 AM
The state will not appeal. If they appeal, there's the threat of a retrial. If there's a retrial, everyone involved is going to be ripped apart. As KZ said, it's over.
Making a Murderer Quote
09-02-2016 , 10:56 AM

Making a Murderer Quote
09-02-2016 , 11:31 AM
Originally Posted by eddymitchel
I would love that our investigators itt find if poorskillz is posting in the Steven avery is guilty subreddit
lOl Eddy, Skillz was the 1st to post links to the guilty site's, that's another sure bet you got there pal.
I think I know but won't post as he has not posted mine.
Making a Murderer Quote
09-02-2016 , 01:15 PM
pm me your guess i d like to see if he is suspisciously shill like on reddit aswell.
Making a Murderer Quote
09-02-2016 , 03:56 PM
Bushnell is off to set other innocent convicts free!

Here she talks about other irons she has in the fire:
Making a Murderer Quote
09-02-2016 , 06:27 PM
Originally Posted by proudfootz
Bushnell is off to set other innocent convicts free!

Here she talks about other irons she has in the fire:
Making a Murderer Quote
09-02-2016 , 07:01 PM
Originally Posted by smacc25
Nice! A promotion.
The Midwest Innocence Project’s board of directors has appointed legal director Tricia Bushnell as its executive director. As executive director, Bushnell will be responsible for development, communications, events and administration.
Making a Murderer Quote
09-02-2016 , 08:08 PM
Originally Posted by eddymitchel
i d like to see if he is suspisciously shill like on reddit aswell.
Originally Posted by smacc25
lOl Eddy, that's another sure bet you got there pal.
Making a Murderer Quote
09-02-2016 , 08:58 PM
so have the police stated whether that paper was legit or not or commented? how did that not come up in the trial?
Making a Murderer Quote
09-02-2016 , 09:29 PM
Originally Posted by OmgGlutten!
so have the police stated whether that paper was legit or not or commented? how did that not come up in the trial?
I assume the correct play is to see if the person who typed it in is still alive & can the time stamp be altered, sorry fixed, oops again is correct.
That may take some time.
Making a Murderer Quote
09-02-2016 , 09:58 PM
Withdrew or was replaced?

Attorney Steven Richards specializes in.

Federal Crimes
If you have been charged with a federal crime in Wisconsin, you will need to hire a Wisconsin Federal Crimes Lawyer. Examples of Federal Crimes include, but are not limited to:
Federal Civil Rights Violations
Includes hate crimes, Color of Law/Police Misconduct, Involuntary Servitude/Slavery (ISS) and Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE).
Public corruption crimes
Typically involves law enforcement officers accepting money to protect or facilitate drug-trafficking and organized criminal activity.


"It is a crime for one or more persons acting under color of law willfully to deprive or conspire to deprive another person of any right protected by the Constitution or laws of the United States. (18 U.S.C. §§ 241,
Intentional false arrests, or the intentional fabrication of evidence resulting in a loss of liberty to another.
Making a Murderer Quote
09-02-2016 , 10:19 PM
The cops Dindu Nuffin
Making a Murderer Quote
09-02-2016 , 10:58 PM
Ay'e Teh we ****ers got skelped & sti'l dingheid us, Uh we'l Teh get a doin soon enuf.
Making a Murderer Quote
09-02-2016 , 11:46 PM
Originally Posted by PoorSkillz
No, I'm actually not.
OK, so you are alleging you know how their records work?

And also I assume, would be able to find other documents that were logged before they were discovered? Such as the key?
Making a Murderer Quote
09-03-2016 , 12:46 AM
I love how you guys spend hundreds of pages on how incompetent the entire police department was, but when it comes to a date on a form the only possible explanation is the cops secretly had the car 2 days before it was found. Because using the reported missing date, or simply making a typo, is just not possible for the highly trained clerical professional who types these things up.
Making a Murderer Quote
09-03-2016 , 01:06 AM
Cause a typo would much more likely be post dated and not pre dated. And everyone agree it could be a typo but that's still something huge to check since proving it's a typo is not that hard unless it wasn't a typo where the explanation have to match other paperwork and database entry.
Making a Murderer Quote
09-03-2016 , 02:02 AM
OK I am going to try and talk sense which means it will undoubtedly fall on deaf ears.

This date you are all arguing about is from a summary report of the investigation. It is not some form used to check in evidence to the station as it arrives. It is not an impound log. It was prepared after Avery's arrest.

The top of the summary report lists the basics of the case. Case #, witnesses, arrests, property, etc. The rest of the report is made up of narrative statements from the investigators.

In the top section, under property, is listed the Rav4 as "Code 6 - EVIDENCE/SEIZED".

So... this is a car that was evidence in the case. It now has the status of "seized" - since as of the time of the writing of the summary report, it had been seized by the police. The date is listed as Nov 3, which is the date the case was first reported (Nov 3 is listed at the very top of the report as "Reported Date" for the case). Nowhere does it state the car was seized ON Nov. 3rd - only that it is evidence in the case dated Nov 3rd, and now has a status of seized.

Interestingly enough, the only other "property" listed on the summary report, is "Teresa Halbach kidnapped" - also listed under the date Nov 3rd. I don't know if that is just a note, or if it refers to her remains, or other personal property of hers that was found.

Last edited by revots33; 09-03-2016 at 02:08 AM.
Making a Murderer Quote
09-03-2016 , 02:12 AM
Nobody give a **** about yours or anyone theory. That's a significant detail that require an official explanation and that explanation better be rock solid. And they might have a credible explanation and it's possible that they just ignore common paperwork practice because paperwork is boring.
Or it might not be a typo and someone not involved in a framing process might have logged the car properly.
No one outside of LE will be able to answer that until it's investigated.
Making a Murderer Quote
