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Making a Murderer Making a Murderer

02-21-2016 , 07:40 AM
Originally Posted by eddymitchel
she doesnt have them, and to my knowledge she had to ask for some tests to be performed last week
She's going to get his dna all over everything and then he's going to fold
Making a Murderer Quote
02-21-2016 , 07:49 AM
Zellner is playing Dominoes. Going after Hillegas first. If he doesn't cooperate, she's gonna hit Mike Halbach next, if that doesn't work, then Mantiwoc County. She has to hit the weak first to see if they will spill. Worst case scenario is attacking Lenk and Colburn and the Department because their trap is shut.
Making a Murderer Quote
02-21-2016 , 07:50 AM
Originally Posted by Gabby Hayes
Zellner tweeted she has the killer.
This isn't true
Making a Murderer Quote
02-21-2016 , 07:51 AM
What's not true about it? According to her, she thinks she has the perp.
Making a Murderer Quote
02-21-2016 , 07:52 AM
Originally Posted by Gabby Hayes
What's not true about it? According to her, she thinks she has the perp.
Where's this phantom tweet?
Making a Murderer Quote
02-21-2016 , 07:55 AM
Originally Posted by housenuts
Where's this phantom tweet?
Fair enough, pretty sure she had tweeted it, but it's deleted now

Around the same time Steve Avery wrote the letter that it's obvious who did it...

Btw when Avery said it was obvious who did it, I think he was referring to Manitowoc County Sherrifs, that set him up forever. Not Hillegas, who should have been a suspect.
Making a Murderer Quote
02-21-2016 , 07:59 AM
She hinted it multiple times
Making a Murderer Quote
02-21-2016 , 08:02 AM
But the problem is she can't prove MCSD did it, so she has to use Hillegas as another line to prove reasonable doubt for Avery.
Making a Murderer Quote
02-21-2016 , 08:15 AM
It's so ****ed up that we know the MCSD framed him again, and yet to legally get him out of jail we can't accuse them. She needs to find another path of investigation to exonerate the guy. Crazy. The evidence has to come from another place besides the obvious answer that Sheriff's Dept set his ass up. Which Strang and Buting proved. The key on the 7th search, sitting on the floor. The accessibility of the blood vial. The bullet/shell casings in the garage, months later. But what about the bones in the burn pit? The most damning evidence that SA is guilty. Strang and Buting said it best, the bones were moved. Oh, and how did the RAV4 get on the property? Parked in the corner with branches covering it, gtfo. If someone was sneaking the car in the property, that has to be the easiest spot to put it, seriously.

Last edited by Gabby Hayes; 02-21-2016 at 08:23 AM.
Making a Murderer Quote
02-21-2016 , 08:28 AM
If you watch SA interviews when Theresa goes missing, that is not the demeanor of a man happy about murder, like the other psychos, SA is genuinely like what the ****, really? I have to fight for my life, AGAIN!?
Making a Murderer Quote
02-21-2016 , 08:52 AM
So if SA is guilty, he put THs body in the back of the RAV4, drove it to most obvious place in his junk yard, parked it there, took her out, put her in the bonfire, and was like okay I'm going to take a vacation while my family gives you permission to search the whole lot while I'm gone.

But you can't accuse me again, I already got off on false rape charges.
Making a Murderer Quote
02-21-2016 , 09:15 AM
I like others ITT believe most MCSD officers were just following the facts as they new them.
So what facts do we know to be undisputed?
1. The Body was cremated & 2 bullet holes in the head. (Imo=Professional hit.)
But that does not mean that it was done by the same person.

2. Why Move the Body from the burn pit before it has been documented?

Again see 1, Which imo means that the LEAD investigators new that the firepit was not the murder scene. NO BULLETS found ON or around Fire Pit is WHY i get to vote NOT GUILTY on SA( someone had to have dug those .22 bullets/9mm out of TH body if they were not found in fire pit)
Did she die from shots fired/TBH WE DON'T KNOW.

3.Bones in quarry mixed in with animal suggest that they were placed there so I can count that spot out as murder scene.
Coroner barred from crime scene= BIG RED FLAG'S & IF NO OTHER CORONER TAKES THE INVESTIGATION UP = IMO THAT THE COPS BURNED TH. ( did A ROUGE COP kill TH). Consider the fact of extreme jail terms for AMERICAN'S & that once you are convicted for a felon & jail term of +10yrs your life as a american citizen is OVER then murder is not out of the question. So DID a rouge cop owe someone a favor to A certain Sheriff or already done a favor for.

UNFORTUNATELY for SA the MCSD is so deep in **** here that even a Prosecutor from Calumet is willing to bend/break rules/morals to get a conviction.

Now enter Krantz on the 5th NOV being on SA property & the set-up begins. Krantz EMAIL after he was found out about the sexting is telling IMO of guilt in the SA SET-UP

Once Sheriff Harman gave the order ALL hands on deck, the RAV4 is found on SA property it does not need ANYONE ELSE to question-investigate.( The thin blue line).
"Do we have a body yet, is SA in custody"

With very few ppl outside LE believing that SA committed murder even after the bones found on SA property IMO is also very telling, until that BD confession HIT THE HEADLINES.

I mentioned long jail terms (drug war) because mantiowoc just like any other county has its fair share of drug use & is so DRUG'S HE'S ON DRUGS(USA) that people have & will continue to do horrific acts of violence to cover for drug use/dealing it is mind boggling. ( I am not saying that this is THE reason, but it needs addressing )

Sorry for politard derail. BUT
Like Microbet said earlier ITT about how american TAX $ are spend on locking citizen's up (children also railroaded) ,drug war etc I hope MaM CAN HELP expose the fact that hard working american $$ are wasted every year to prop up a PRISON SYSTEM/DRUG WAR/attacks ON THE poor that THOSE WASTED tax $ (imo) does NOTHING to help society as a whole except promote a police state.
I'd bet that if american's spend a quarter of the drug war bill alone on education/public schools that in 10 yrs max the rest of the world could agree that #1USA truly was the greatest country on earth. #education #Ban the drug WAR #Don't fight addiction/mental Health with PRISON.
Rant over lol.

p.s THANKS to the mantiowoc 3 I won my bet of 5-1 that all 3 of you could not take 5 days of the thread. THANKS GUYS.
Making a Murderer Quote
02-21-2016 , 09:31 AM
Originally Posted by housenuts
Her tweets bug me, but...

Fifth trip to Steven Avery. Collected samples for new tests. The inevitable is coming--he was smiling so were we. #MakingAMurderer #Science+
Originally Posted by smacc25
KZ. Tweets...18/2

Killer would not reduce body to bone fragments to destroy evidence but leave car intact w/his blood. #makingamurderer

If SA was killer why burn body just use crusher. SA uses crusher on 11/3 2005 so had access--clearly killer did not. #makingamurderer

With these latest tweets & the last few it seems like KZ has a suspect in mind, got to say even if you had nothing to do with TH death & were a close (male) friend I'd guess it is time to get you're fact straight between 31st Oct & 4th Nov.

Interesting Fact? Timothy Halbach is a Circuit Court Commissioner....And on the Calumet County Bar.
I'm not 100% But is this TH other brother?
Originally Posted by Gabby Hayes
Fair enough, pretty sure she had tweeted it, but it's deleted now

Around the same time Steve Avery wrote the letter that it's obvious who did it...

Btw when Avery said it was obvious who did it, I think he was referring to Manitowoc County Sherrifs, that set him up forever. Not Hillegas, who should have been a suspect.
Did you mean 1 of these tweets Gabby?
Making a Murderer Quote
02-21-2016 , 09:59 AM
I think we are on the same side smacc
Making a Murderer Quote
02-21-2016 , 10:04 AM
But I think Zellner is also setting the stage for Hillegas as the killer. And if he's not the killer, he still has a bunch of info he is keeping secret that she will extract out of him.
Making a Murderer Quote
02-21-2016 , 10:06 AM
Originally Posted by Gabby Hayes
I think we are on the same side smacc
Warning Gabby Do not read on a full stomach.!conferences/f1uzr
Making a Murderer Quote
02-21-2016 , 10:11 AM
I wish we had some professional opinion on most LE who testified at Avery's trial, for me 90% of them looked super unconfident when i watched MAM, arent those guys supposed to be used to go to court and talk about their job, most of them are sweating a ton and look like like ****
Making a Murderer Quote
02-21-2016 , 10:21 AM
Which makes you think if the LEO was clearly bull****ting, how did the jury convict this poor bastard.
Making a Murderer Quote
02-21-2016 , 10:24 AM
The worse part about this whole thing is it makes you think how many people have been railroaded by trigger happy Prosecutors trying to make a name for themselves.
Making a Murderer Quote
02-21-2016 , 10:27 AM
How many Hicksville counties have a Prosecutor tallying wins to become a judge?
Making a Murderer Quote
02-21-2016 , 11:15 AM
The seed of doubt was planted into the minds of many people around the world of which many have probably only watched the "Making a Murderer" documentary. We all know it was heavily biased in favor of the defense and Steven Avery.

It wouldn't surprise me if Zellner's whole plan of attacking this case is now to just ride that wave of blind support in favor of Steven's Avery innocence all the way to the bank. Just finger pointing at every possible alternative scenario other than her client actually committing the murder in hopes that the pressure from his supporters overwhelms the state into giving him a new trial or letting him go free.

Her twitter account already reads like a conspi****** journal. I'm hoping she proves me wrong as it would be epic if she actually found real solid evidence pointing towards another suspect or found evidence pointing towards Steven Avery's innocence but until then I'm just going to believe it's all a bunch of tricks to gain more "blind" support for her client.
Making a Murderer Quote
02-21-2016 , 11:53 AM
Originally Posted by 5ive
I meant that you're secretly a card-carrying member of TeamPoorshillz, that's all.
Making a Murderer Quote
02-21-2016 , 12:10 PM
Originally Posted by cneuy3

It wouldn't surprise me if Zellner's whole plan of attacking this case is now to just ride that wave of blind support in favor of Steven's Avery innocence all the way to the bank. Just finger pointing at every possible alternative scenario other than her client actually committing the murder in hopes that the pressure from his supporters overwhelms the state into giving him a new trial or letting him go free.
Tell us more about how Avery's supporters potentially overwhelm the state into overturning his conviction.
Making a Murderer Quote
02-21-2016 , 12:19 PM
Originally Posted by 5ive

The blood was found on the 8th. TH was reported missing on the 3rd. They did not purse anything in these 5 days.
This is not true, everyone that lived on the salvage yard was interrogated and given dna tests.
Making a Murderer Quote
02-21-2016 , 12:21 PM
In other words, SA was always the lead suspect because he was the last person to be seen alive with her, but other suspects were being looked into. After it was confirmed that his blood was in her car, there are no other suspects to look into. The police already know who did it.
Making a Murderer Quote
