This 11-part series is set to broadcast in about 10 days. It is from the same team that created the documentary Planet Earth. This special will focus on all aspects of life--from plants to mammals and everything in between.
The UK version was written and narrated by David Attenborough, who pretty much ****s on all other narrators ever to be born (yes, even you, Morgan Freeman). The US version, unfortunately, was narrated by Oprah. It's better than Sigourney Weaver, but I don't understand the apparent need for a different narrator in the US.
The first episode, "Challenges of Life" is set to premiere on 3/21 at 8PM on Discovery & Discovery HD.
Kicking off Life, this episode provides an overview of the extraordinary strategies our planet's animals and plants have developed to stay alive as individuals and as species
I wouldn't even waste your time if you don't have discovery HD, as that is the only way to see something like this. Wait for the BR to come out in June if that's the case.
The Discovery channel webpage has some incredible clips from the various episodes which you can watch to get pumped up for the premiere
Episodes with previews
The BluRay is set to release on June 1st, shortly after the series is done with broadcast.
The UK version of the show (10 episodes, which takes out the Making Of episode) has already been broadcast and the BluRay came out this past November.
I debated whether I should put this in the TV forum or not but thought it would enjoy much broader appeal than the people who like to discuss/trash their favorite shows every week. Also, there has been very little hype surrounding this series and many people probably don't even know it's starting. Let's face it--half the people here don't even realize OOTV exists.
Here is the
Wikipedia article on the series
*EDIT* mods obviously please move this if you want to keep 100% of TV in OOTV