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Jim Jefferies - Legit ,   First season starts January 17 Jim Jefferies - Legit ,   First season starts January 17

01-08-2013 , 12:51 AM
Im quiet exited about this one.
I love me some Jim Jefferies

short trailer:
Jim Jefferies - Legit ,   First season starts January 17 Quote
01-08-2013 , 03:59 PM
one of my favorite stand up comics. saw him last year. definitely looking forward to this.
Jim Jefferies - Legit ,   First season starts January 17 Quote
01-08-2013 , 05:02 PM
I didn't know he was getting a show, good for him. I Swear to God and Alcoholocaust are two of my very favorite stand-ups; I've been looking for more from him ever since seeing those two. pretty funny trailer lol
Jim Jefferies - Legit ,   First season starts January 17 Quote
01-08-2013 , 05:19 PM
check out fully functional. aired a few months back, think it's on netflix now? saw it live at the edinburgh festival, v good.
Jim Jefferies - Legit ,   First season starts January 17 Quote
01-09-2013 , 02:37 AM
Yeah, huge fan of Jim Jeffries so I'll watch this show until it gets cancelled. Considering they reordered shows from Russell Brand and W Kamau Bell, I don't see how this show doesn't hit 5 seasons.
Jim Jefferies - Legit ,   First season starts January 17 Quote
01-09-2013 , 02:54 AM
Don't know anything about this show, but this dude's stand-up is pretty damn solid. Will look forward to this.
Jim Jefferies - Legit ,   First season starts January 17 Quote
01-09-2013 , 02:58 AM
i'm usually not a huge fan of standup comedy but i stumbled across one of his specials recently and ended up watching the whole thing. he is really funny so i'll definitely check out this show
Jim Jefferies - Legit ,   First season starts January 17 Quote
01-09-2013 , 03:06 AM
What is his style of standup? I think I tried to watch one once but didn't really get that into it. I only gave it a few minutes at the beginning of one, so I don't have much to go on. I've got a standup collection that rivals my music collection, so am I missing anything not having him in it?
Jim Jefferies - Legit ,   First season starts January 17 Quote
01-09-2013 , 03:33 AM
Originally Posted by DC11GTR
What is his style of standup? I think I tried to watch one once but didn't really get that into it. I only gave it a few minutes at the beginning of one, so I don't have much to go on. I've got a standup collection that rivals my music collection, so am I missing anything not having him in it?
It's been a while since I've watched it, but I remember his style resembling a sort of beer-fueled story-telling. Anybody feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.

It seemed fairly genuine and yet fairly acerbic and biting. Also, Australian.
Jim Jefferies - Legit ,   First season starts January 17 Quote
01-09-2013 , 03:36 AM
he tells stories about being drunk, doing drugs, liking slutty chicks, an anti religion bit, some stories from his childhood...
Jim Jefferies - Legit ,   First season starts January 17 Quote
01-09-2013 , 03:47 AM
If he's telling stories that are funny, then I'm in. If he was just drunk and telling drunk jokes, I'd leave it alone.

Thanks for the info. Picking a couple up tomorrow.
Jim Jefferies - Legit ,   First season starts January 17 Quote
01-09-2013 , 11:54 PM
he starts one of this stand ups with this bit, it's one of my favorite parts

Jim Jefferies - Legit ,   First season starts January 17 Quote
01-09-2013 , 11:56 PM
his opie & anthony appearances are hilarious too

here he tells a home invasion story:

there is also one where hes on mdma and porn actress justin jolie is in studio... so funny
Jim Jefferies - Legit ,   First season starts January 17 Quote
01-10-2013 , 05:29 PM
Oh man I just found out about this, I'm quite excited. I'm a big jeffries fan, so I really hope this wont be bad. FX has a pretty good track record of giving their comedy shows free creative reign, so my hopes are high.
Jim Jefferies - Legit ,   First season starts January 17 Quote
01-10-2013 , 06:05 PM
Is this a show or a talk show type show?
Jim Jefferies - Legit ,   First season starts January 17 Quote
01-10-2013 , 10:40 PM
I imagine it'll be something like Louis CK's show... (a show)

I just watched 'I Swear to God' again, doesn't really get old for me. DC11GTR, if you're amused by religion being made fun of, check it out. If not, stay away.
Jim Jefferies - Legit ,   First season starts January 17 Quote
01-10-2013 , 10:42 PM
That's one of my favorite comedic targets.

I just picked up that special too. If it's good, I'll get the rest right away.
Jim Jefferies - Legit ,   First season starts January 17 Quote
01-11-2013 , 05:11 PM
So I love Jim Jefferies as a comedian and think this show will likely be funny, but my biggest worry is this is just going to be a stage to reformat old jokes of his. So far the little that I have seen from the show seem to basically just be the visualization of a couple of his better stories/jokes. Obviously that isn't something bad by itself, but I was hoping the show would be more of an original idea and not just 'this guy is funny, lets give him a show'
Jim Jefferies - Legit ,   First season starts January 17 Quote
01-12-2013 , 07:37 PM
Originally Posted by Buff Disciple
So I love Jim Jefferies as a comedian and think this show will likely be funny, but my biggest worry is this is just going to be a stage to reformat old jokes of his. So far the little that I have seen from the show seem to basically just be the visualization of a couple of his better stories/jokes. Obviously that isn't something bad by itself, but I was hoping the show would be more of an original idea and not just 'this guy is funny, lets give him a show'
Well, Louie is also like this and people seem to enjoy it. I only watched the first season, but i've seen All his specials and lots of scenes from the show are old jokes. One that I can remember is the one where he's waiting in the bathroom line, an idiot walks by, says "hey, *******, get out of the bathroom" and leaves.
Jim Jefferies - Legit ,   First season starts January 17 Quote
01-13-2013 , 03:30 AM
Wow. Jefferies is legit. Finally got to watch I Swear To God and really liked it. There wasn't a lot of build up to the good stuff either, just right off the bat. I was worried there would be a bit of random dirty jokes to warm the crowd up, then he'd launch into the main material. NOPE!!
Jim Jefferies - Legit ,   First season starts January 17 Quote
01-13-2013 , 10:46 AM
Originally Posted by DC11GTR
What is his style of standup? I think I tried to watch one once but didn't really get that into it. I only gave it a few minutes at the beginning of one, so I don't have much to go on. I've got a standup collection that rivals my music collection, so am I missing anything not having him in it?
Kinda reminds me of a young, Aussie version of Doug Stanhope. Basically **** on the same things and love drinking and other degeneracy. They are both a blast to listen to.
Jim Jefferies - Legit ,   First season starts January 17 Quote
01-13-2013 , 01:32 PM
I've only watched the one special so far, but I'd put him up as a young Aussie version of Artie Lange or Jim Norton (minus the drinking/drugs). Stanhope is way too important of a voice to demote him to that level. Not like that was your intent, I'm just saying.
Jim Jefferies - Legit ,   First season starts January 17 Quote
01-14-2013 , 04:56 AM
I watched his third special yesterday, and maybe I was too tired when I watched it but didn't think it was nearly as good as his first two. Thoughts? Hopefully, he doesn't get worse as time goes on, but I'm pretty sure it goes I Swear > Alcohol > Fully

I'm gonna see if I can find any of Doug Stanhope, never heard of him, but he sounds worth checking out. What's his best show?
Jim Jefferies - Legit ,   First season starts January 17 Quote
01-14-2013 , 03:05 PM
Go in this order:

Something To Take The Edge Off - CD only
Deadbeat Hero - CD/DVD
No Refunds - CD/DVD
Oslo: Burning The Bridge To Nowhere - CD/DVD
Before Turning The Gun On Himself - CD/DVD

The first is his best and probably one of the better standup CD's of all time. No Refunds is probably his most accessible. The last two are similar, but there is a dark progression in his stuff that makes everything he's released recently and whatever he'll release eventually well worth checking out.

There are no differences between the CD's and the DVD's, but I have both and listen more then I watch these days.
Jim Jefferies - Legit ,   First season starts January 17 Quote
01-18-2013 , 11:21 AM
the pilot aired yesterday. i thought it was funny and well made but when you have seen his stuff you are probably familiar with the story of the episode. anyway i'm in for the season.
Jim Jefferies - Legit ,   First season starts January 17 Quote
