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Idiotic Jeopardy wagers (no spoilers before 6 EST) Idiotic Jeopardy wagers (no spoilers before 6 EST)

05-28-2014 , 01:32 PM
She's no Pam
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05-28-2014 , 01:49 PM
Chubby wubby
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05-28-2014 , 03:09 PM
Originally Posted by Tyler Durden
I am having trouble figuring out if Julia Collins is cute or not. Help? I think she is certainly cute but hard to say beyond that.
She has "cute potential" but isn't quite there as of yet.
Idiotic Jeopardy wagers (no spoilers before 6 EST) Quote
05-28-2014 , 03:19 PM
I think she qualifies as cute. But give me Larissa instead (looks and J performance).
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05-28-2014 , 03:30 PM

No, she is not.
Idiotic Jeopardy wagers (no spoilers before 6 EST) Quote
05-28-2014 , 03:34 PM
Originally Posted by El Diablo

No, she is not.

Maybe if she Rutters herself we can reevaluate
Idiotic Jeopardy wagers (no spoilers before 6 EST) Quote
05-28-2014 , 07:53 PM
way to keep that dude in the game for no reason
Idiotic Jeopardy wagers (no spoilers before 6 EST) Quote
05-28-2014 , 07:59 PM
Haha yea, would've made hardly any difference to bet 2k more there. In her defense, she likely thought that time would run out (Trebek had called "less than a minute" a few clues prior).
Idiotic Jeopardy wagers (no spoilers before 6 EST) Quote
05-28-2014 , 08:07 PM
She knew exactly what she was doing on that last DD. Another day another runaway for Julia. Winning streak now up to 18, seven days more than Chu.
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05-28-2014 , 08:14 PM
Is Julia the Phil Hellmuth of Jeopardy?
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05-28-2014 , 08:23 PM
Originally Posted by j555
She knew exactly what she was doing on that last DD. Another day another runaway for Julia. Winning streak now up to 18, seven days more than Chu.
I thought she only bet enough to cover him if the dude didn't get the answer right. Shouldn't she have bet 4k more.
Idiotic Jeopardy wagers (no spoilers before 6 EST) Quote
05-28-2014 , 08:23 PM
Originally Posted by PocketInfinities
Haha yea, would've made hardly any difference to bet 2k more there. In her defense, she likely thought that time would run out (Trebek had called "less than a minute" a few clues prior).
She would have had to bet $4000 more to take the final question out of play. If she got it wrong, the guy in second would have been able to wager nothing, and win a triple stumper. I think her bet was correct.
Idiotic Jeopardy wagers (no spoilers before 6 EST) Quote
05-28-2014 , 08:26 PM
Originally Posted by Wampeter
She would have had to bet $4000 more to take the final question out of play. If she got it wrong, the guy in second would have been able to wager nothing, and win a triple stumper. I think her bet was correct.
That makes sense I guess
Idiotic Jeopardy wagers (no spoilers before 6 EST) Quote
05-28-2014 , 08:35 PM
Julia 16,600
Dude 9,400

She bet 2300, so we at least have to give her props for a (temporary) lockout bet. Of course, she had plenty of room to bet 4300 to ensure the lockup and still keep the lead at 12,300 in case she missed (technically she could wager 4201).

So interesting in that her missing, her bet left him at <2/3, necessitating FJ to be WR, where if she bets the lockout amount (4300) and misses he is at >3/4, then he can bet $0, and hope she misses in FJ.

Frequency of WR is 19%, lets call it 20%, 1st place is about 53% to be right, but lets give Julia 60%.

Lets also give her 60% to be right on the DD. Lets ignore the last clue other than to determine the size of the lockout bet on the DD. (wasnt it bible kin which no one was even ringing in on above $800).

If she bets 2300:
So 60% she gets it right and gets the lockout (with some risk of losing it on the final clue). If she gets it wrong, she still wins ~80% of the time. 40% wrong DD x 80% FJ=32% for total of 92%.

OR she bets 4300
60% she gets it right and gets the lockout. If she gets it wrong, then she still wins 60% of the time on getting FJ right. 40% x 60%=24%, for a total of 84%.

Again assuming the final clue is not answered, its actually slightly positive to not ensure the lockout???? (Just got back from the gym so maybe I botched something?)

Even if we give dude a 20% chance of spoiling the lockout on the final clue, he earns a 20% chance of winning FJ, so another 4% in his favor--still 88 vs 84 in favor of the smaller bet (essentialy it evens out at ~40% dude spoiling the lockout).

Of course, she factored in only "what score gives me a current lockout lead).
Idiotic Jeopardy wagers (no spoilers before 6 EST) Quote
05-28-2014 , 08:36 PM
Originally Posted by Wampeter
She would have had to bet $4000 more to take the final question out of play. If she got it wrong, the guy in second would have been able to wager nothing, and win a triple stumper. I think her bet was correct.
Only 2000 more, she could have simply set down her buzzer and not wrung in. That would have been completely under her control.

IGNORE THIS, WAMP is correct.

Last edited by danspartan; 05-28-2014 at 08:54 PM.
Idiotic Jeopardy wagers (no spoilers before 6 EST) Quote
05-28-2014 , 08:45 PM
2000 for the final question give an extra 2000 to wager on final.

Idiotic Jeopardy wagers (no spoilers before 6 EST) Quote
05-28-2014 , 08:51 PM
Originally Posted by Wampeter
2000 for the final question give an extra 2000 to wager on final.

Gotcha, that makes the cost of a miss on the bigger bet even more potential severe,
16600-6200, that drops her low enough to put the lead at risk going into FJ.

The 2300 is looking pretty damn optimal. (The >3/4 and <2/3 still works)
Idiotic Jeopardy wagers (no spoilers before 6 EST) Quote
05-28-2014 , 08:54 PM
If she wasn't going for the lockout bet, she should have wagered enough for the lock tie and then set her buzzer down hoping he'd be smart enough to do the same. Get the best of both worlds there, still keep the 2/3rds in play when you're wrong, lock it up a high percentage of the time when you're right. Still, that guy didn't deserve to win anyways, his little 3k coward bet when down ~6k/12k in that really easy new phrases category was turrible and I'm glad it came back to get him, and then not throwing out a random Biblical name on the final question was just sad.
Idiotic Jeopardy wagers (no spoilers before 6 EST) Quote
05-28-2014 , 09:06 PM
Originally Posted by Dudd
If she wasn't going for the lockout bet, she should have wagered enough for the lock tie and then set her buzzer down hoping he'd be smart enough to do the same. Get the best of both worlds there, still keep the 2/3rds in play when you're wrong, lock it up a high percentage of the time when you're right. Still, that guy didn't deserve to win anyways, his little 3k coward bet when down ~6k/12k in that really easy new phrases category was turrible and I'm glad it came back to get him, and then not throwing out a random Biblical name on the final question was just sad.
I think this is correct. I do think that 90% of the time that he does know the final answer, he rings in anyways, just because, but it's still beneficial for those few times he realizes whats going on. Plus you get to bring him back tomorrow.
Idiotic Jeopardy wagers (no spoilers before 6 EST) Quote
05-28-2014 , 09:27 PM
Originally Posted by Dudd
If she wasn't going for the lockout bet, she should have wagered enough for the lock tie and then set her buzzer down hoping he'd be smart enough to do the same. Get the best of both worlds there, still keep the 2/3rds in play when you're wrong, lock it up a high percentage of the time when you're right. Still, that guy didn't deserve to win anyways, his little 3k coward bet when down ~6k/12k in that really easy new phrases category was turrible and I'm glad it came back to get him, and then not throwing out a random Biblical name on the final question was just sad.
I agree. By not at least trying to guess any name he gave her the final.

For these people on Jeopardy to be smart a lot of them seem to be really stupid.
Idiotic Jeopardy wagers (no spoilers before 6 EST) Quote
05-28-2014 , 09:35 PM
it made me sick how unaware all 3 players were in the jeopardy round.

They get to the final category, with the DD not yet been discovered, the guy chooses the 200$ clue, the other girl gets it right and then chooses $400, and then Julia gets that right and chooses $600 (where she binks the DD, even though its always going to be less likely there in 600 than 8 or 1k)

All 3 players chose wrong, with the first 2 just being ridiculous. I understand some people don't "Hunt" for daily doubles a-la arthur chu early in a round....but when you get to that point....come on!
Idiotic Jeopardy wagers (no spoilers before 6 EST) Quote
05-28-2014 , 10:49 PM
Originally Posted by Dudd
not throwing out a random Biblical name on the final question was just sad.
You guys are a little over my head with your wagering analysis, or perhaps my reading comprehension isn't great, but at least I do know that Manuel not ringing in on that last clue is asinine. You have less than 1/2 of the leader's total. YOU LOSE 99% OF THE TIME IF YOU DON'T GET CLOSER THAN THAT (allowing 1% for Julia head explosion where she mistakenly wagers too much and gets it wrong, because anything is possible). If you're not going to give yourself a shot on that clue, why even show up for the game?

I wonder if the pace and pressure of the game has a significant impact on players' ability to do simple calculations on the spot...because that was just dumb.
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05-28-2014 , 11:47 PM
Yeah I was surprised he didn't try to answer something there, because it looked like he totally understood his position after Julia's DD.

I'm kind of liking her more and more. You could genuinely see her wheels turning trying to figure out the math, and then being really happy with herself when she said "$2300".
Idiotic Jeopardy wagers (no spoilers before 6 EST) Quote
05-29-2014 , 12:14 AM
Jesus that 2nd place guy was a disaster.
his DD wager was absurd and then not even guessing "alex trebek" on last question is beyond unforgivable.

Idiotic Jeopardy wagers (no spoilers before 6 EST) Quote
05-29-2014 , 12:20 AM
In his defense, isn't there a probability > 0 that Julia buzzes in, with her smug overconfidence, with the incorrect answer?
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