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I must be dreaming. Steven Seagal: Lawman on A&E I must be dreaming. Steven Seagal: Lawman on A&E

12-03-2009 , 02:53 PM
They make it look like Seagal has the sixth sense and that he's some super cop on some elite tactical police unit.

I was kind of excited to watch this because I thought it would have a different spin than COPS, but it doesn't.
I must be dreaming. Steven Seagal: Lawman on A&E Quote
12-03-2009 , 04:38 PM
Originally Posted by LFS
Bump. Premier is next week, December 2. I cannot ****ing wait. It's Cops, except Steven Seagal is one of the cops. Insanity.

My wife was like "Is that real? Is that a joke?" And like a second later in this clip a totally serious Steven Seagal answers her question.
hahaha seagal totally did his girl run there
I must be dreaming. Steven Seagal: Lawman on A&E Quote
12-04-2009 , 12:15 AM
The genius part of this show is that they like took the fattest, oldest and most incompetent cops and put them together as part of a team that drives around in Suburbans and "fights crime."

It's unintentional comedy gold.

The only thing that can make this show better is to have Officer Shaq team up with Deputy Seagal and have them drive around fighting crime. I'd probably pay to watch that show.
I must be dreaming. Steven Seagal: Lawman on A&E Quote
12-04-2009 , 05:12 AM
Originally Posted by AntonHeat
I wonder if he snaps anyone's neck.?
I'm really hoping for at least one late-80's/early-90's style gratuitous arm-breaking.
I must be dreaming. Steven Seagal: Lawman on A&E Quote
12-04-2009 , 12:14 PM
This show was amazing. Steven Seagal has "studied the martial arts" isso.
I must be dreaming. Steven Seagal: Lawman on A&E Quote
12-05-2009 , 02:06 AM
Originally Posted by esad
The genius part of this show is that they like took the fattest, oldest and most incompetent cops and put them together as part of a team that drives around in Suburbans and "fights crime."

It's unintentional comedy gold.

The only thing that can make this show better is to have Officer Shaq team up with Deputy Seagal and have them drive around fighting crime. I'd probably pay to watch that show.
I'd immediately buy any cable channel that promised 20 episodes of this show.
I must be dreaming. Steven Seagal: Lawman on A&E Quote
12-05-2009 , 12:23 PM
Originally Posted by Pudge714
Pretty disappointing imo. I can only watch so much of Seagall being a douche and I don't feel like watching people breaking up drunken **** talking or fat cops failing to catch kids with guns. This show would be a good satire and how a ton of policework is bull**** and how many resources they waste doing stupid things, but that's now what they are going for.
I agree. I'd rather watch COPS
I must be dreaming. Steven Seagal: Lawman on A&E Quote
12-05-2009 , 12:43 PM
Originally Posted by edfurlong
I enjoyed the challenging point blank target shooting.
I thought they were shooting at about 20 feet, which is pretty standard.

Here is range qualifications to get a concealed carry permit in Texas.
3 yard line - 20 shots:

1 shot in 2 seconds, 5 times
2 shots in 3 seconds, 5 times
5 shots in 10 seconds, once

7 yard line - 20 shots:

5 shots in 10 seconds, once
1 shot in 3 seconds, 5 times
2 shots in 4 seconds, once
3 shots in 6 seconds, once
5 shots in 15 seconds, once

15 yard line - 10 shots:

2 shots in 6 seconds, once
3 shots in 9 seconds, once
5 shots in 15 seconds, once
I must be dreaming. Steven Seagal: Lawman on A&E Quote
12-07-2009 , 08:18 PM
I like how he kept referring to himself as a Zen Master.

I like how obviously upset his partner was driving the car and having to listen to all of Seagal's bull****.

I don't think this show is going to make it very far.
I must be dreaming. Steven Seagal: Lawman on A&E Quote
12-21-2009 , 02:10 AM
I seriously laughed and laughed when they had the cocked .44 in the back of the SUV and Seagal is telling the other cop, okay now let the hammer down gently. Like this poor cop needs a Hollywood actor telling him how to safe a gun!

And then there's his rank? He's a damn Deputy Chief and he's riding with a Colonel, with a Sergeant thrown in the back seat I presume to do anything where actual police work is required. God it's just so absurd!

Also the PD of Jefferson Parish are the ones who wouldn't let any of the Katrina victims cross the bridge into their town after the hurricane was over and made them wait on the bridge for the federal authorities. Probably half of them should be in jail for civil rights violations, and would be if anyone in Louisiana had the guts to stand up for those poor people imo.
I must be dreaming. Steven Seagal: Lawman on A&E Quote
12-21-2009 , 06:25 AM
I love how he slips into a a slave accent/ebonics whenever he's talking to black people.

"You da maama? Dem kids be faaast boy, u gotta watch dem"
I must be dreaming. Steven Seagal: Lawman on A&E Quote
12-21-2009 , 10:38 AM
hahah yes. i don't think slave accent is the appropriate term..more of like a Louisiana drawl i dont know.. but it's funny to watch him talk to black people.

this show is full of win.

The old geezer cops he rolls with. The way he's wearing like a Teflon bulletproof vest while all the other cops are just wearing tshirts.

The way he gets that spidey sense when driving the beat. He can hear/see/smell someone flick something out of their hands 20 miles away. the way he directs orders at other cops/paramedics. lol.

There was that one guy where the cops were on the ground arresting him. he was pretty much just laying there allowing to be cuffed, then about 5 seconds later Seagal comes running tazer tazer and jumps on him lol.

Stevens the man!
I must be dreaming. Steven Seagal: Lawman on A&E Quote
