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General TV Discussion and Thread for Shows Without A Thread Thread General TV Discussion and Thread for Shows Without A Thread Thread

07-05-2014 , 03:13 PM
Not sure, but I really enjoy it. Tight cast and they're obviously having a blast. And Brigga is SOOOOOO HOT!!!!!!

I don't think the decision has been made yet. It seems cheap enough, so that might buy it another season.
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07-05-2014 , 03:53 PM
I caught a few minutes of it last week while I was in between DVR watching, and no, it's not cheap. It's right in the style of nearly every high quality NBC sitcom. Its ratings are bad, 0.8 in the 18-49 demo, and it would be completely dead any time but the summer. Because it's not doing gawdawful in comparison to some other summer shows, if they decide to bring it back next summer it could happen. However, it's highly unlikely they will do that, so yeah, it's most likely a big burn off.
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07-05-2014 , 04:12 PM
Why would it be so costly? Mostly unknown cast and only 2 main sets.
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07-05-2014 , 04:32 PM
It still looks good, and looking good means you spent money in post, camera choices, possibly the directors, and production design (compare CBS multi-cam sitcoms to see the differences). The show is literally no cheaper than something like Guys with Kids or Sean Saves the World (again, I only saw a couple of scenes, but it's definitely not in a low brow shooting style and looked much better than About a Boy and Growing Up Fisher to me). The Office and Parks and Recreation were cheap shows when they started. Stuff like this isn't any cheaper than any sitcom they're trying to make work, outside of actor cost. I really actually hate all the new crappy sitcoms that NBC puts out that obliterate the great NBC house style that was featured even in a terrible show like Whitney, and the only not awful Are You There, Chelsea? NBC has always stood out on sitcoms, with their look and production value, and it's only when garbage like Up All Night and The Michael J. Fox show come in that it ruins everything in regards to the NBC style, since they're just doing whatever they want.

The Pilot was directed by this guy:

Production Designed by this guy:

Shot by this guy:

Edited by this guy:

I couldn't find who mixed it, but a friend of mine did the ADR mixing.

The show wasn't given any kind of a short shrift. They wanted it to make it, but evidently didn't feel it was good enough to try in the normal season. They probably should have used it instead of Welcome to the Family, but NBC isn't exactly known for making good decisions with both good and bad shows.
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07-05-2014 , 06:18 PM
The thing with Undateable, I never once saw a commercial for it, my wife had it on in the bedroom when I went to bed and I decided to record it. They have been doubling the episodes since perhaps the beginning, can't they give it a bit more time to develope.

It does look good and it doesn't have that cheap feel to it, I just can't believe the material cost makes it that expensive since the actors have to be getting paid almost nothing.

Oh well.
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07-05-2014 , 06:57 PM
I never said it was an expensive show, I said it wasn't a cheap show. It fits probably a little lower than Guys with Kids, because there are a couple fewer main locations/sets to deal with according to DC. That said, every summer NBC trots out stuff they don't think will work, and it all gets the exact same ratings against no competition. Until something breaks the 1s, it will just always be this way. I think the networks would love to be able to do viable summer programming, but sitcoms just don't ever seem to be it. NBC has two more big chances this summer, and then it will probably just go back to the way it's always been if neither of those hits above a 1.0 on average.
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07-05-2014 , 09:42 PM
This show sucks! My love for Bianca Kajlich made me watch and I just can't make myself like the two male leads. Justin's singing and Danny's "baby bird" make me cringe every episode.

But damn, Susan Sarandon's daughter is smokin!
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07-06-2014 , 06:45 PM
Watching the first episode now. I really wish laughter tracks were like subtitles, where you could choose to turn them on or off.
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07-06-2014 , 08:46 PM
Originally Posted by thethethe
Watching the first episode now. I really wish laughter tracks were like subtitles, where you could choose to turn them on or off.
I think Undateable is live studio audience.
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07-06-2014 , 09:10 PM
Live studio audiences are still always sweetened.
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07-07-2014 , 10:59 AM
Here's a way to get me to watch a show:

I was flipping channels and came across a show named "Botched." Here was the description:

"Two doctors try to help patients who underwent plastic surgery with undesirable results in this reality series, which begins with the case of a woman with a uniboob."
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07-07-2014 , 03:08 PM
Originally Posted by rjoefish
Also, Girl Meets World started tonight.
...with all the terribleness and unwatchability we've come to expect from non-animated Disney television.
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07-07-2014 , 07:04 PM
fargo was good but only cuz of Martin Freeman and Malvo. The 2nd season must be with new characters. Molly is one of the most annoying characters i ve ever seen due to the 300 lbs Allison Tolman. I mean every scene with her disgusting 4 chins made me cringe.

also whats the deal with their language. its like they only know two words in Minnesota... "fella" and "heck" , are they like canadians or smth?
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07-08-2014 , 01:41 AM
Molly was great.
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07-08-2014 , 02:31 AM
Originally Posted by Ashington
...with all the terribleness and unwatchability we've come to expect from non-animated Disney television.
Yea, it was somehow worse than expected. The nerdy spaz type character was quite possibly the worst actor/casting ever.
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07-08-2014 , 02:52 AM
Originally Posted by R_Webb18
Molly was great.
Agreed, I thought she was very good.
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07-08-2014 , 02:56 AM
Originally Posted by filthyvermin
i watched episode 2 of Last Ship. just terrible. not even lolterrible like the first episode. just plain bad boring waste of time
I kinda like that show so far
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07-08-2014 , 04:47 AM
Originally Posted by filthyvermin
i watched episode 2 of Last Ship. just terrible. not even lolterrible like the first episode. just plain bad boring waste of time
Episode 3 was a step in the right direction.
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07-08-2014 , 06:03 AM
I also liked Molly most of the time.

are they like canadians or smth?
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07-08-2014 , 07:18 AM
The Last Ship has just epically bad dialogue.
I turned to hate watching it as soon as
they revealed the Russian spy. the terrorists did not disappoint either

had to quit tyrant mid 2nd episode. has the wife never heard of google? she has no idea what kind of country she's visiting?
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07-08-2014 , 10:24 AM
Originally Posted by rjoefish
Yea, it was somehow worse than expected. The nerdy spaz type character was quite possibly the worst actor/casting ever.
I always assume that a sizeable % of those kids are nieces and nephews of producers and what not. Maybe not the leads but certainly some of the extras. It is clear that most of them have no business on television and will have no careers at all once their bad shows are finally cancelled.

The (lack of) writing is what kills me though. I am convinced that the posters itt could collaborate and come up with a better episode that what gets churned out weekly on those shows. I get that their target demo is easily entertained but **** that **** is terribad. It's almost as though it's intentionally bad.
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07-08-2014 , 12:02 PM
Originally Posted by NhlNut
had to quit tyrant mid 2nd episode. has the wife never heard of google? she has no idea what kind of country she's visiting?
To be fair, the image of that country would probably be very well protected on google. Even the U.S. Ambassador (think that's what he was) thinks (was bribed to think?) the leader was doing an amazing job for his people, despite some terrorist cell wanting to kill the whole family. Any time a country has giant posters of the leaders on its building walls, that's never a good sign for human But that show easily has some of the most annoying characters I have ever seen on TV.
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07-08-2014 , 03:56 PM
sic semper tyrannis
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07-09-2014 , 10:15 PM
I'm usually a "give them a few episodes before reaching judgement" kinda guy, and I've found redeeming features in some shows others have hated, but wow, Extant was bad.
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07-09-2014 , 10:21 PM
Really? I haven't read anything about yet, but I'm sure the internet will be flooded tonight. I've been 50/50 about whether I'm watching it or not, but I don't think I'll bother.
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