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06-11-2013 , 02:26 PM
Originally Posted by Nandos v2
Has anyone noticed that the two big Sansa reveal moments this season (learning she has to marry Tyrion, and learning about the death of her family) have both been done off-screen, and we've just had a teary aftershot on both occasions.

They must really have no faith in her acting abilities.
Shae tho
06-11-2013 , 02:37 PM
She's good at crying though.
06-11-2013 , 03:02 PM
Originally Posted by cookieb
I'll go with Joffrey getting killed in some way by Varys, not directly but he plans it. Varys does it to protect Tyrion.
I like this and I wonder why it never crossed my mind. Varys has always talked about protecting the realm, and what better way to do that?
06-11-2013 , 03:14 PM
Also, what if Varys learns that Joffrey is the one LF was talking about wrt Ros? Enough personal motive for the kill?

EDIT: Essence of Nightshade FTW

Last edited by Our House; 06-11-2013 at 03:17 PM. Reason: just a few extra drops pls, GM Pycelle
06-11-2013 , 03:15 PM
I thought Sansai was really like able when she was talking with Tyrion last episode.
06-11-2013 , 03:18 PM
It was her face. It got more beautifuller for the finale.
06-11-2013 , 03:21 PM
Varys is imo also quite certain to live through season 4. Throughout the series his main goal seems to be "protecting the realm" and he hasnt yet shown what he is capable of. He could very well betray the Lannisters some way, killing Joffrey or even Tywin makes some sense. It was also revealed in season 1 that he is still loyal to Targaryens, so when Dany invades, it is likely he'll do something to weaken the regime.
06-11-2013 , 03:37 PM
Originally Posted by shakalakashakaboom
Joffrey has no heirs. Robert had no true heirs. Stannis was the rightful heir. So not only do we have a clear example of this on the show, but this would be the line of succession in the corresponding European era.
But the realm thought Robert had a rightful heir. The only reason we know better is because we have information they don't.
06-11-2013 , 03:45 PM
Originally Posted by leo doc
In those times, I'd imagine that you'd just constantly leak urine at the rate your kidneys produced it thru your now-severed urethra. Who knows, maybe Theon will become the inventor of Depends.

In today's world, you'd likely get a permanent suprapubic catheter if you didn't elect to have penile reconstructive surgery. (Yes, they can make a functional* penis from your forearm and thigh skin and the inside lining of your cheek.)

*functional = something to aim when you're taking a piss; penile impant would be added later if you need it for penetration.
lol pecker specialist in the thread.

is there going to be an episode 11? or is that it for season 3?
06-11-2013 , 03:55 PM
Originally Posted by EnglishLad72
I was only speculating because as soon as Stannis heard about their threat he was like "ok, change of plans"
He only changed his plans after Melisandre told him to.
06-11-2013 , 04:06 PM
Well guys gonna de subscribe for now cause this thread is making me sad I have to wait 9 months... It was a lot of fun to read cya in breaking bad thread lol
06-11-2013 , 04:08 PM
Originally Posted by cilderr
Varys is imo also quite certain to live through season 4. Throughout the series his main goal seems to be "protecting the realm" and he hasnt yet shown what he is capable of. He could very well betray the Lannisters some way, killing Joffrey or even Tywin makes some sense. It was also revealed in season 1 that he is still loyal to Targaryens, so when Dany invades, it is likely he'll do something to weaken the regime.
Am I forgetting something, or is the complete opposite true? IIRC, Jorah was one of Varys spies, if Varys had his way, Dany would be dead right now.

Originally Posted by Happy_Fish
But the realm thought Robert had a rightful heir. The only reason we know better is because we have information they don't.
But Ned was convinced that Joffrey wasn't a Baratheon. That's why he wanted to put Stannis on the throne, because if none of Cersei's kids were Baratheons, the rightful heir would be Stannis. Therefore, we know that since Joffrey has yet to have any kids, should he die his brother would be next in line, the lines of succession have been made very clear.
06-11-2013 , 04:16 PM
Originally Posted by Rex Banner
If Tommen actually is next in line (which I don’t get from the show but people in this thread seem to have agreed is the case) then would it be such a stretch to see Tywin kill Joffrey off to give himself an easier puppet to handle?

Tywin kills Joff via poison: The Tyrells would love it as Marg wouldn’t have to marry the psychopath, it’d be a dream come true for Tyrion + all of KL, LF/Varys would treat it as status quo. Nobody with any real power but Cersei would care if it happened.
Marg would NOT love it. She WANTS to marry him because she WANTS to be THE Queen.
06-11-2013 , 04:17 PM
Originally Posted by Dudd
Am I forgetting something, or is the complete opposite true? IIRC, Jorah was one of Varys spies, if Varys had his way, Dany would be dead right now.
I thought this too. If anything, Varys has ties to Pentos, not the Targs.
06-11-2013 , 04:21 PM
Originally Posted by BobboFitos
Marg would NOT love it. She WANTS to marry him because she WANTS to be THE Queen.
Or she could just marry whoever takes over as King, even if it's just an 'acting' king like Tywin.

I could see it now, "I will marry this girl because it's what. we. do. It's what we, as Lannisters, have always done!"...

("Plus she's hotter than anyone I've ever met before, and I'd have no shot otherwise. But really, it's the Lannister stuff above.")
06-11-2013 , 04:21 PM
Gents: (And ladies?)

I'm going to do the official Game of Thrones: Marry, ****, Kill Tournament.

It will include 27 GoT women, broken down into 9 subgroups. People will vote on who they would want to marry, who they want to kill, and who they just want to ****. Each individual winner from each group gets paired w/ the other winners, until we have narrowed down the perfect M, F, K from GoT.

Get excited! Will be typing up all the entries. Will begin it later tonight.
06-11-2013 , 04:23 PM
Originally Posted by Chilltown
I feel like war hammers would be a terrible weapon to wield for giant battles.

Bludgeoning type weapons, historically, are great even vs armored men. Since everything is force related, war hammers had better kill ratios than swords.

Vs footsoldiers wearing leather, though, swords are far better. They are lighter, quicker, and more lethal.
06-11-2013 , 04:24 PM
Originally Posted by uradoodooface
How much does it weigh? Does it fee like you could crush a man's skull with it?
Depends if its a direct blow. But yeah. Generally head shots w/ any weapon (if they don't have a helm) is gonna be a KO.
06-11-2013 , 04:26 PM
Originally Posted by Pokerlogist
You have to wonder about an author that writes so such much castration into his books.
Castration was used quite often up until even the early 1900's in some cultures especially in Asia.
06-11-2013 , 04:29 PM
Originally Posted by BobboFitos
People will vote on who they would want to marry, who they want to kill, and who they just want to ****.
Do they have to be alive right now? Also, does each kind have to be a different person?

For example, suppose I want to marry Joffrey, then Kill him and **** his corpse. Is that cool (in the game)?
06-11-2013 , 04:35 PM
Originally Posted by Our House
Do they have to be alive right now? Also, does each kind have to be a different person?

For example, suppose I want to marry Joffrey, then Kill him and **** his corpse. Is that cool (in the game)?
Yeah, will have to be 1 paired to each. You'll see. It's going to include any character alive or dead through S3
06-11-2013 , 04:37 PM
were there even 27 females in this season?
06-11-2013 , 04:39 PM
Originally Posted by RollWave
were there even 27 females in this season?
To be fair, Brienne and her hot tub body double each count as 10 women.
06-11-2013 , 04:39 PM
What is a Marry, ****, Kill Tournament?
-It's up to you to decide your own answer. Largely, it is the woman you would want to be with most, the woman you desire most, and the woman you dislike (or, hate) most. But some people have other reasons for answering M, F, K.

Will it include men?
-I may throw a few curveballs, (depending on which 27 I come up with) but this will likely be limited to the women. Sorry.

How does each person "advance"?
-After the initial vote consensus, the M, F, K go into their own 9 person sub tourney. Once broken down, ONLY the respective M, F, K will advance, while the others go in a separate bin. This will enable us to reach the "perfect" emblematic M, F, K.

How will this be conducted?
-I don't want PMs to swarm my box, so a simple write-in for each bracket is fine. There is no rush since we're in a deep wait until next season, so will probably do 1 group/day. Maybe more if there's a mad amount of interest. (Maybe 3, since that makes sense, too)

If your favorite fringe character is not included, what should you do?
-Well, respond once I've released the 27! It's subject to change.
06-11-2013 , 04:41 PM
Originally Posted by Our House
To be fair, Brienne and her hot tub body double each count as 10 women.
i was thinking there were about 10 female characters, then we'd have to fill in the other 17 with the fugly daughters and granddaughters that were introduced in the wedding episode.
