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05-30-2011 , 08:55 PM
Why did Barristan Selmy the most honorable/righteous knight allow the coup to happen without lifting a finger. He is the LORD COMMANDER of the Knightguard, he should be having the most power military-wise. He read the final words of the king and knows that Ned should be the guardian of the realm, but to allow the Queen and LF to take control of the realm and slaughter his guards is ridiculous.
Might have had something to do with the spears going throgfh the hearst of the people trying to protect Ned. Also Cercei gave him the out of "you serve the king. My son is the king now therefore...".
05-30-2011 , 08:59 PM
There's only 13, no one hurt any of them during that scene, and their only job is to guard the king, hence the name. They are like the secret service.
05-30-2011 , 09:10 PM
The secret service does a lot more than protect the president. True story.
05-30-2011 , 09:39 PM
The Kingsguard is only 7 knights, and the lord commander is in charge of little aside from the Kingsguard (this is not fact btw, just what it appears to be) and his top priority always is to protect the king and the royal family, of which Ned is neither.

Last edited by Count Chocula; 05-30-2011 at 09:46 PM.
05-30-2011 , 09:43 PM
The people in the hall with swords were:
The Hound (who alone probably matches him)
~10 Lannister house guards
~20 City Guards loyal to Cersei via Littlefinger
~10 dead Winterfell house guards who just got murdered by the City Guards (who wont be helping ldo)

Its not like he could single handedly fight them all and his job is to protect the King (Joffrey) not to question or advise him.
05-30-2011 , 09:50 PM
I guess the real question is whether Ser Barristan accepts Joffrey as King. He doesn't know about the incest, so I don't see why he wouldn't.

Seems like a mistake for Ned to not do some mass publishing on the incest thing, I think he would get a lot of people on his side with that, especially those just looking for an excuse to get rid of the Lannisters.
05-30-2011 , 09:54 PM
Originally Posted by JuntMonkey
I was re-watching Dany's first scene in episode 1 (nevermind why). She gets into the hot tub and a servant says "my lady, it's much too hot!" but she's fine with it. At the time I thought it was just her being "emotionally numb" or whatever from her abusive brother and the fact that she's about to meet her future rapist, but it's clear now what it was.
In retrospect, they did a poor job of selling just how hot the water was supposed to be.
05-30-2011 , 09:58 PM
Originally Posted by always_sunni_
When did Jorah inform Illyrio of something? I don't remember that part.

Jorah receives messages from Varys. Before the wine scene remember the little spy boy? He passed on the message, "The Spider sends his greetings and his congratulations. *Passes scroll to Jorah* A royal can go home now."
In a scene from an earlier episode when Jorah is told that Dani is pregnant, he says..."I have to go and tell so-and-so, I'll catch up with the hoard" or words like that...I think (and it might have been alluded to in this thread already) that is how the information got passed to Illyrio and then Varys.
05-30-2011 , 10:03 PM
Have they shown us anything about a Jorah-Illyrio relationship yet, and how well they know each other? I don't recall them ever having a conversation.

It seems more like they just happen to be in the same place, unless Varys sent Jorah to Illyrio.
05-30-2011 , 10:11 PM
Originally Posted by JuntMonkey
I was re-watching Dany's first scene in episode 1 (nevermind why). She gets into the hot tub and a servant says "my lady, it's much too hot!" but she's fine with it.
Originally Posted by Dids
In retrospect, they did a poor job of selling just how hot the water was supposed to be.
I just assumed the servant girl was talking about Dany's ass.
05-30-2011 , 10:24 PM
Maybe because I watched it ahead of time, but episode 7 seemed to have a bit of a time push forward (possibly to increase the pace of the story?). I'm going to have to watch it again.
05-30-2011 , 10:37 PM
Originally Posted by JuntMonkey
I was re-watching Dany's first scene in episode 1 (nevermind why). She gets into the hot tub and a servant says "my lady, it's much too hot!" but she's fine with it. At the time I thought it was just her being "emotionally numb" or whatever from her abusive brother and the fact that she's about to meet her future rapist, but it's clear now what it was.
I still think it was there to signify her numbness and despair, and it just serves the dual purpose of being a nice piece of info related to the unfolding backstory of her dragon lineage.
05-30-2011 , 11:54 PM
Originally Posted by shaniac
In a scene from an earlier episode when Jorah is told that Dani is pregnant, he says..."I have to go and tell so-and-so, I'll catch up with the hoard" or words like that...I think (and it might have been alluded to in this thread already) that is how the information got passed to Illyrio and then Varys.
It is plausible that I serves as the intermediary between J and V, but I'm pretty sure there hasn't been an explicit connection established between J and I.
05-31-2011 , 12:44 AM
Originally Posted by RacersEdge
yes, I'm curious exactly what Jorah did to that point - just get Dany to the wine merchants at a certain time or what. These are the kind of things I hope the book will clear up.
Originally Posted by Dids
In retrospect, they did a poor job of selling just how hot the water was supposed to be.
They show you the servants burned hand when she tries to help Dany.
05-31-2011 , 01:10 AM
Shouldn't Daenerys and Viserys have known through oral tradition that being a dragon meant being resistant to burns? They could have tested themselves in their youth to see if they were dragons, but no, they waited until now. Viserys always claimed he was a dragon (what was all that talk about unleashing the dragon?).

Also, I'm conflicted as to when exactly Daenerys discovered she is a dragon. Was it during the egg scene in Vaes Dothrak (she seemed to be testing her power), was it at the bath scene in Pentos (she seemed to know the water wouldn't burn her), or was it before that?

My guess is egg scene, since it fits with her initial actions to protect her brother (she thought he was a dragon and the rightful ruler of the realm?), but it doesn't make sense that the Targaryens didn't know what it meant to be a dragon. Them not knowing that dragons can't be killed by fire seems equivalent to a Lannister not knowing that a Lannister always pays his debts.

Last edited by always_sunni_; 05-31-2011 at 01:14 AM. Reason: maybe it's not a power dragons have from birth
05-31-2011 , 01:11 AM
Originally Posted by Omar Comin
They show you the servants burned hand when she tries to help Dany.
Dids was referring to the hot bath at Pentos, not the hot dragon's egg at Vaes Dothrak.
05-31-2011 , 01:15 AM
That scene between Luwin and the captured wench was great. This episode was better after watching it 2x.
05-31-2011 , 01:18 AM
Originally Posted by always_sunni_
Shouldn't Daenerys and Viserys have known through oral tradition that being a dragon meant being resistant to burns? They could have tested themselves in their youth to see if they were dragons, but no, they waited until now. Viserys always claimed he was a dragon (what was all that talk about unleashing the dragon?).

Also, I'm conflicted as to when exactly Daenerys discovered she is a dragon. Was it during the egg scene in Vaes Dothrak (she seemed to be testing her power), was it at the bath scene in Pentos (she seemed to know the water wouldn't burn her), or was it before that?

My guess is egg scene, since it fits with her initial actions to protect her brother (she thought he was a dragon and the rightful ruler of the realm?), but it doesn't make sense that the Targaryens didn't know what it meant to be a dragon. Them not knowing that dragons can't be killed by fire seems equivalent to a Lannister not knowing that a Lannister always pays his debts.
Both are dragons in the sense they are both full blood Targaryans. She wasnt really speaking literally, as in "he isnt a true Targaryan cos he died to having molten gold spilt on his head".

This is a slight spoiler on past history and wont change anything in the future; but its so small it doesnt deserve to be deleted and im gonna spoil tag it incase:
Some of the Targaryans were resistant to heat, some werent. Its not really a significant thing in terms of Viserys being the first in line to the throne as the eldest sibling, but Dany is neither the first of her family to be heat resistant and its not a requirement. She wouldnt be considered unique for the ability if her family hadnt all been killed.
05-31-2011 , 01:27 AM
Thanks, that was relevant to my interests.
05-31-2011 , 01:28 AM
Phil htf do you know all this if you haven't read the books?
05-31-2011 , 01:35 AM
I've read all four books and I've never seen anything about heat-resistant Targaryens. I guess I missed something?
05-31-2011 , 01:35 AM
As ive said before ive read some background history to the story on one of the wikis. Ive accidentally spoilered myself on a few things, like i know some BIG stuff that will close out this season, but kept away from future events as much as possible.
05-31-2011 , 01:36 AM
Originally Posted by JuntMonkey
She gets into the hot tub and a servant says "my lady, it's much too hot!"
Originally Posted by Dids
In retrospect, they did a poor job of selling just how hot the water was supposed to be.
05-31-2011 , 03:48 AM
Originally Posted by [Phill]

If you wanted to bet on it id take the side of random Wildling being the former owner of the hand over Benjen every time. It was found a couple miles from the wall and Benjen would have been scouting far far further north i assume. Its also unlikely the WWs have been as far south as the heart tree.

Also on the same note we dont know what happened to Benjen (also singular uncle, Ned has no other living brother) and being killed by Wildlings is probably more likely than being killed by White Walkers.
I took the manner in which the hand was severed as a direct reference to the 1st scene of the show, and a message that the WW were only a few miles north of the white wall. (hence the excitement well be seeing more of them in the very near future)

Do wildings just sever bodies into several parts cleanly like that?
05-31-2011 , 03:55 AM
Originally Posted by always_sunni_
It is plausible that I serves as the intermediary between J and V, but I'm pretty sure there hasn't been an explicit connection established between J and I.
It's difficult to read this post using 1 initial to identify a character fwiw...

But um yeah, I was just saying that the king's council became aware of Dani's pregnancy as a result of Jorah's information being passed to Varys via Illyrio.
