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06-13-2011 , 03:04 AM
Dinklage is crushing this show aniec.
06-13-2011 , 03:10 AM
Originally Posted by fsoyars
Really? Dany and Jorah definitely seem like they could be diplomatic. And even Drogo has shown the ability for compassion (his tenderness and love of Dany) and level-headedness (letting the witch woman heal him). Considering the "my enemy's enemy is my friend" line of thinking, I could see them allying with the North... at least until the Lannisters are defeated. Then I'd imagine all bets are off. But that's how the game of thrones is played, right?
Drogo was beginning to play the game, all bets off now with his fate up in the air. Even if he lives there seems to be a lot of internal strife in camp Dothraki. They don't respect blood, as was said. Drogo needs to be strong at all times - they don't seem super unified behind him specifically. As a group the Dothraki look solid but the leadership aspect seems like it is in flux and there isn't much politics involved. If that makes sense.
06-13-2011 , 03:18 AM
holy sh*t that was insane/awesome/intense.
i can't even begin to guess how they top that in the finale but i'm guessing they do.

also big props to all the actors in this series as they all do an amazing job, but that tent scene with the imp was amazing.

there was one tiny little look that tyerion shot braun when he was refilling his wine glass that was just so awesome.

just kindv a ohsh*timabouttogetalotmorewastedtheniexpected look that was so fleeting but so good.
06-13-2011 , 03:40 AM
OtakuAssemble is pissssssssssssed.
06-13-2011 , 03:44 AM
oh also, does anyone else feel like all this sh*tstorm is catelyn's fault?
had she not so impulsively snatched tyerion i doubt everything plays out as it did.
that seemed like a ridic stupid and shortsighted play iyam.
06-13-2011 , 03:44 AM
06-13-2011 , 03:47 AM
"he's on the cover of the ****ing book!".
06-13-2011 , 03:48 AM
Originally Posted by riverboatking
oh also, does anyone else feel like all this sh*tstorm is catelyn's fault?
had she not so impulsively snatched tyerion i doubt everything plays out as it did.
that seemed like a ridic stupid and shortsighted play iyam.
She def put Ned in a ****ty situation, to which he responded terribly. Starks don't seem too bright.
06-13-2011 , 03:50 AM

and, uhhh, he mad
06-13-2011 , 03:52 AM
Originally Posted by vixticator
She def put Ned in a ****ty situation, to which he responded terribly. Starks don't seem too bright.
too bad ned had a bastard instead of a dwarf.
06-13-2011 , 03:54 AM
In the book, Tyrion fights in the battle, and IIRC, he actually kills a few men.
06-13-2011 , 04:09 AM
lol that video is awesome, is he actually that pissed?

I love the unexpected
06-13-2011 , 04:48 AM
OtakuAssemble confirmed furious.

I love this guy.
06-13-2011 , 05:12 AM
argh what happens next
06-13-2011 , 07:29 AM
I didn't nec expect Ned to die this season but eventually I figured he would lose (this season). He's not good at the game at all. I wasn't sure if he would just wind up being a long term political prisoner or what. Thought he was more likely to survive than not because that was the Lannisters best move - Cersei is expert. But then her son let the situation get the best of him (he has SOME Robert in him, if not genetically). Not a good play by Joffrey.
06-13-2011 , 07:45 AM
I can't wait to get this on DVD. There's been so many scenes that seemed just filler/whatever at the time that ended up being crucial that I think even ones that at the end of the season still don't seem important will be in the long long run. I don't think we've seen a show this meticulously crafted before. Please HBO don't pull the plug lol. When it is all finished I have a feeling it'll be an unbelievable achievement. One time!
06-13-2011 , 07:58 AM
Id be surprised if HBO is the reason this show ends before doing all the books unless the ratings drop off a cliff for some reason (which i doubt). Id be shocked if it got cancelled whilst holding the current viewing numbers, let lone increasing them which it seems to be doing week after week.

I think actors wanting to move on to other projects would be a bigger killer unless they are all in ridic air tight contracts that they cant.
06-13-2011 , 08:09 AM
Originally Posted by vixticator
Jamie is a dead man walking. I don't see how he has much value. Robb was smart not to kill him but when he learns of his father things change. He's not going to trade Jamie for Sansa or w/e. Oh and talk about awkward position. Sansa is dead too, right? She only has value as a wife to the king if the Starks and the north can come to peace.

A détente would be nice sooner or later between these two families but it seems so far off or even completely impossible. Robb depserately needs to get some allies before his rebellion is crushed. Or, try to lure the Lannisters up north now that he has Jamie. It seems like he is still an underdog.
I think he has huuuuge value. if Tywin Lannister started a war for the imp, logically he would do whatever it took to get the kingslayer back. I don't really see how the war ends, are the Starks going to just say okay truce when the King Joff beheaded their head of house? I guess they only have like 20kish soldiers.

Drogo is as good as dead imo, the khalasar is going to eat itself in a power struggle. Dani going to need a miracle to stay alive.

Huge wtf the old blind guy was a Targaryan.
06-13-2011 , 08:09 AM
I doubt they're in air tight contracts: Sean Bean said he didn't even realise that Ned died in the first season until he was half way through filming. Obviously they were never going to offer Ned a seven season contract but you'd think he'd have a vague idea what his co-stars were doing.

I'm more worried about what happens to the children if they age faster than the books want them to. This is less of a problem than it could have been though as most the children are a lot older in the series than in the books (I think Dany was meant to marry Drogo at age 13 or whatever in them).
06-13-2011 , 08:21 AM
No way HBO would've committed to doing it at all if they weren't in for the whole series right? Treme, of all things, got a third season. They don't have to abide by standard ratings rules, as long as people aren't unsubscribing en masse. All you pirates better go buy the dvd!

I will tell everyone I know to buy or rent it when it comes out. I bet season two will start with a much larger audience, and by 3 or so it'll hopefully be a cultural sensation. It's just that good, er assuming the other books are the same or higher quality. Been so expertly crafted to this point a decline would be unexpected.
06-13-2011 , 08:40 AM
Originally Posted by shawnhunter
Drogo is as good as dead imo, the khalasar is going to eat itself in a power struggle. Dani going to need a miracle to stay alive.
Zero percent chance Dany is in danger imo (for real, zero) because the ENTIRE sidestory would have been useless. Killing Ned off makes sense narratively in that it makes Robb, Jon, Cat, Theon, etc, richer potential characters. With Dany there is nobody.

Now, this doesn't mean Drogo will live, but given that Dany will live - if you buy my premise - they aren't going to start her off next season back in exile looking for an army. I mean, not impossible but very doubtful. But I think its entirely possible that Drogo dies... which means Dany will somehow, in a way I have no idea, maintain her power within their/her clan.
06-13-2011 , 08:44 AM
Originally Posted by vixticator
Zero percent chance Dany is in danger imo (for real, zero) because the ENTIRE sidestory would have been useless. Killing Ned off makes sense narratively in that it makes Robb, Jon, Cat, Theon, etc, richer potential characters. With Dany there is nobody.

Now, this doesn't mean Drogo will live, but given that Dany will live - if you buy my premise - they aren't going to start her off next season back in exile looking for an army. I mean, not impossible but very doubtful. But I think its entirely possible that Drogo dies... which means Dany will somehow, in a way I have no idea, maintain her power within their/her clan.
I don't think you need Dany to live for the storyline to make sense, but you need one of Drogo, Dany or Mormont to live. The former or the latter have revenge as a motive for invading, say. Mormont already beat one of Drogo's lieutenants, maybe he's capable of leading them - they decide who's in charge by who fights the best.
06-13-2011 , 09:05 AM
Originally Posted by Sciolist
I don't think you need Dany to live for the storyline to make sense, but you need one of Drogo, Dany or Mormont to live. The former or the latter have revenge as a motive for invading, say. Mormont already beat one of Drogo's lieutenants, maybe he's capable of leading them - they decide who's in charge by who fights the best.
Excellent show.

Yeah, I'm thinking that if Drogo dies, Dany will win a power struggle with Drogo's apparent successor, possibly with Mormont's help.

The Dothraki seem like a combination of the historical 13th century Mongol warriors and Klingons.
06-13-2011 , 09:05 AM
Originally Posted by Sciolist
I doubt they're in air tight contracts: Sean Bean said he didn't even realise that Ned died in the first season until he was half way through filming. Obviously they were never going to offer Ned a seven season contract but you'd think he'd have a vague idea what his co-stars were doing.

I'm more worried about what happens to the children if they age faster than the books want them to. This is less of a problem than it could have been though as most the children are a lot older in the series than in the books (I think Dany was meant to marry Drogo at age 13 or whatever in them).
I think this is why they went for the upper end scales with most of them playing characters much younger than they are in real life. Emilia Clarke is 23 playing a mid to high teenage Dany, Sansa is 15 irl and 13 in the story Robb is 25 irl playing i guess high teens to low 20s, Joffrey is 20 irl and mid to high teens in the story.

The only children who could grow up and pull a "that black kid from Lost" are Arya, Bran, Rickon and i think they could possibly recast Bran and could easily recast Rickon and get away with it.
06-13-2011 , 09:05 AM
Originally Posted by Sciolist
I don't think you need Dany to live for the storyline to make sense, but you need one of Drogo, Dany or Mormont to live. The former or the latter have revenge as a motive for invading, say. Mormont already beat one of Drogo's lieutenants, maybe he's capable of leading them - they decide who's in charge by who fights the best.
The ONLY way I can see Dany dying is if Drogo, Jorah AND her child lives. But I put this as very unlikely as Drogo dying would be more interesting. I think she will live. It's plausible Jorah even fights to gain power and they respect/follow him. I'm not sue who his allies in the clan are though whereas Dany is beloved. Dany nerds Jorah and vice versa. Between them they may have enough power to rule the Dothraki.

I think this is what will happen somehow: Drogo dies, Dany winds up in charge with help from Jorah and any Dothraki who take her side. She's been very involved with their culture, I think she might have just enough favor to end up on top.

Plus, we need a powerful female character who we don't hate, lol. This is the girl.
