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05-20-2013 , 01:56 PM

Beric: Not true .
05-20-2013 , 01:58 PM
Show Dario's appearance is my first major beef the more I think about it. Was it really that hard to give the dude some blue hair and a gold tooth or whatever? I realize the TV only audience (esp women) wouldn't like him as much but she's a lady with three dragons - her love interest having some exotic outer appearance just fits well imo.
05-20-2013 , 02:00 PM
blue hair is hard to make look good irl.
05-20-2013 , 02:02 PM
Hello, ladies.

05-20-2013 , 02:19 PM
No one should be able to guess LR=J from what is on the show. Snap call shenanigans regardless of history.

Daario not having blue hair and a gold tooth should bother approximately zero people let alone it be a "major beef". WTF guys, priorities, someone's hair colour means literally nothing and blue hair would likely just look dumb on TV anyway.
05-20-2013 , 02:21 PM
I'm more upset over shireen's hair since that provides a major plot hole (the baratheon seed is strong)
05-20-2013 , 02:22 PM
so far my biggest beef is maester aemon
05-20-2013 , 02:23 PM
why, BGP?
05-20-2013 , 02:30 PM
i feel like him and ghost are in a competition for least screen time. hopefully they fix that soon.
05-20-2013 , 02:32 PM
Originally Posted by Kirbynator
i disagree that we shouldve seen balon die.

That would make robb's death sooooooo obvious after the leech burning.

Hope they show him dying after.
iirc Stannis named the leeches in order of Robb, Balon then Joffrey.

Originally Posted by Gizmo
Cotton hill is a mouth breathing disgusting perv. Meh.
But he killed fitty men!
05-20-2013 , 02:43 PM
some things that sound cool in books look dumb as hell irl. blue hair and a gold tooth would be two those things.
05-20-2013 , 03:24 PM
I'm 99% sure this is why tumblr was created

I was dying during Olena talking to Loras and Margery
05-20-2013 , 03:31 PM
Originally Posted by Bluegrassplayer
i feel like him and ghost are in a competition for least screen time. hopefully they fix that soon.
WTF do you expect the show to do with him? Every couple of eps since the start of the great ranging they flash back to Castle Black to see Aemon feeding some ravens with his stewards or telling a story about dunk and egg?

He is a minor character in general, but he is non-existent at this point in the story both in the books and the show because he has no use. He is about to soon when Jon returns.

Originally Posted by Gizmo
I'm more upset over shireen's hair since that provides a major plot hole (the baratheon seed is strong)
That is the exception to the rule about raging on someone's hair colour being different to the books is dumb, for sure.
05-20-2013 , 03:33 PM
Originally Posted by DatFirefly
I'm 99% sure this is why tumblr was created

I was dying during Olena talking to Loras and Margery
That scene was awesome.

The show did Olenna so much better than the books just by having her around more.
05-20-2013 , 03:35 PM
Originally Posted by Dean Manifest
BTW I'm surprised so many dislike Daario. "Now there was a man who could rape a woman with his eyes". I hope he dominates Dany in the sack.
Daario's relationship with Dany managed to make me hate both of them simultaneously.

Originally Posted by Bluegrassplayer
no clue how he possibly could have come to that conclusion from the show
I don't see how it's possible, there isn't even a tower of joy scene in the show. You must have extra info, from somewhere. Probably from discussions with other people. R+L=J is one of the most common asoiaf spoilers out there, now that Ned is already dead it's probably the most likely thing to get spoiled on. Even though it's only a theory.

Originally Posted by KansasCT
I'll just post this on both threads because I'm really impressed on how good she looks IRL
jeepers. She is gorgeous.
05-20-2013 , 03:39 PM
Originally Posted by [Phill]
Aemon feeding some ravens with his stewards and telling a story about dunk and egg
I see it now. Episode nine starts out in the far north. You see the wall and think the story will be going to Jon or Bran. But no, its Aemon and the stewards. Aemon tells all the stewards that he's a Targ and they're like, cool story bro. But he's like, if you thought that story is cool wait till you hear this one. And the rest of the episode is him retelling "The Hedge Knight".
05-20-2013 , 03:41 PM
Originally Posted by Gizmo
I'm more upset over shireen's hair since that provides a major plot hole (the baratheon seed is strong)
Secret Targaryen?
05-20-2013 , 03:49 PM
Out of morbid curiosity - why do people hate Dany's relationship with Daario so much?
05-20-2013 , 03:51 PM
Originally Posted by KansasCT
Biggest surprise tonight: we were able to see dany's boobs again.

Originally Posted by StimAbuser
When he said " my father used to say " she replied with " no one cares about what your father used to say "
I can't wait to see Joff and his mommy get theirs.

Originally Posted by Kirbynator
davos is such a great character.

really like him with stannis.

Damn I dont even wanna know melisandre's age she looks stunning.
Agreed on all 3. Do you think Davos saved Gendry's life for good or is he still at risk (esp since those leeches are going to go 3 for 3.)

Originally Posted by prizminferno
Daario is a massively unlikable douche in the books. Don't really like his pretty boy looks in the show either already. And don't like that Dany is gonna bang him.
I remember liking Daario. Did he kill the captains like that in the books? I don't remember.

Originally Posted by Dean Manifest
I remain terrified that they're going to screw this up somehow.

My theory is that Selmy will meet the Champion outside Meereen in place of Strong Belwas. It's disappointing that Belwas was cut, but he was one of the few expendable options. They've gotta cut what they can, which is why combining the Second Sons with the Stormcrows made sense. (I did like the The Titan's Bastard though, that actor was terrific. Too bad he's gone already.)

However, killing Mero is what led to Selmy's reveal in the books. (He whips Mero's ass with a staff, then Jorah and Dany are like- "seriously wtf are you??"). They're going to have to find another way to make Dany pissed enough at him to send him through the ****-filled sewers of Meereen with Jorah (who Selmy outs as the man who betrayed Dany to Varys). FWIW I never thought what Jorah did was that big a deal. He agreed to help Robert be rid of the Targs before he met Dany. Once he got to know her he took her side and foiled the assassination plot. Meh, no big deal IMO. Selmy didn't do anything wrong either. He fought for Rhaegar and the King, then they both died. What's he supposed to do, he's basically just an employee of the realm...

BTW I'm surprised so many dislike Daario. "Now there was a man who could rape a woman with his eyes". I hope he dominates Dany in the sack.

Well, he does say Valar Morghulis, which viewers will primarily associate with Jaqen Hagar, who wants to take Arya back to Braavos with him. And he also sounds just like Jaqen and Syrio ( another Braavosi).

Originally Posted by Dean Manifest

If they have Jon escape in episode nine then they can conclude the season with the battle at Castle Black and Ygritte's death. I really don't think they should leave that hanging. Jon's relationship with Ygritte and all it symbolizes was a key development in season three, and it should come to an end in season three as well IMO, nice and neat.

Originally Posted by thedinergetsby
LOVED the "I see a big battle in the snow" throwaway foreshadow line.
Me too!!

Originally Posted by KansasCT
I'll just post this on both threads because I'm really impressed on how good she looks IRL
Way better irl.

Originally Posted by [Phill]
No one should be able to guess LR=J from what is on the show. Snap call shenanigans regardless of history.

Daario not having blue hair and a gold tooth should bother approximately zero people let alone it be a "major beef". WTF guys, priorities, someone's hair colour means literally nothing and blue hair would likely just look dumb on TV anyway.

Originally Posted by Gizmo
I'm more upset over shireen's hair since that provides a major plot hole (the baratheon seed is strong)
Also agreed. #nit
05-20-2013 , 03:52 PM
because there has always been that stereotype of girls falling for "bad boys" even though they say the only want a nice guy

and daario is pretty much that bad boy exactly

plus he sucks.
05-20-2013 , 03:53 PM
did i say he should be involved more at this very moment?
05-20-2013 , 03:55 PM
doonicolo is the worst poster ever. Did he just multiquote like 10 people just to say +1 and agree?

go back to finding where whores go
05-20-2013 , 04:28 PM
Originally Posted by Count Chocula
doonicolo is the worst poster ever. Did he just multiquote like 10 people just to say +1 and agree?

go back to finding where whores go
You're just mad he didn't quote any of your posts
05-20-2013 , 04:32 PM
Originally Posted by Aaronk56's Son
I see it now. Episode nine starts out in the far north. You see the wall and think the story will be going to Jon or Bran. But no, its Aemon and the stewards. Aemon tells all the stewards that he's a Targ and they're like, cool story bro. But he's like, if you thought that story is cool wait till you hear this one. And the rest of the episode is him retelling "The Hedge Knight".

Was greatly entertained by tyrion's drunkenness. Daario sort of likeable on tv which is weird cause **** him in the books (don't remember why though).

Posters in the other thread consistently referring to the Other as a wight is killing me.
05-20-2013 , 04:37 PM
i think it's because we relate to jorah a lot more, it sucks seeing dany just go bang new random dude.

Gizmo probably doesnt see this, because she relates to dany. Etc.
