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05-17-2012 , 06:04 AM
Originally Posted by dibbs
Think it's kinda funny how they chose to cut the Qartheen dress tradition because it would "distract from the dialogue" or whatever when most of the dialogue over there is Daxos repeating his bull**** over and over and Dany being self righteous.

And they had a chance to tighten things up but their twist is just awkward, Daxos says yea I was in on stealing your dragons and Dany/Jorah just kinda stand there for a while like they're waiting for something to happen, that whole thing was just really awkward and cheesy how they pulled it off. Smart move in spirit though.
Yet in other places they added unnecessary sex scenes while relevant dialog from the book was happening.
05-17-2012 , 06:52 AM
Originally Posted by Bluegrassplayer
My last post on Alton =/= Cleos: Here is the summary of Cleos(where does the ' go?)
Cleos' summary
05-17-2012 , 11:00 AM
Originally Posted by Bluegrassplayer
Anyone have any guesses as to what is going to happen to Rickon? Would be kind of strange if he just wanders off with a character we haven't even met yet. Would be even stranger if he goes with Bran imo.
Well, allegedly the showrunners got an outline of everyone's plotline. If the Rickon on Cannibal Island plotline doesn't go anywhere important(which is likely imo) they can just have him stick with Bran.

Or they can stash him with some rando "friendly family" to forget about him.
05-17-2012 , 12:47 PM
Cannibal Island??? Wha?
05-17-2012 , 12:55 PM
Originally Posted by THEBIGYELLOWJOINT
I just hope they cut out Reek completely. If they go that route Theon looses his penis. Theon banging scenes are my favorite part of the television series.
Is it confirmed that he did in fact lose it? The line I remember is something like, "he took three of my fingers, and that other thing...." Did I remember correctly?
05-17-2012 , 01:02 PM
Originally Posted by Bluegrassplayer
Very unlikely that Reek is introduced, I'm pretty sure the first mate is his replacement. Reek is already with Theon by this point, and his role is already filled by someone else.

Cassel's death in the show was unfortunate, I think it's much better done in the book. Actually the whole WF story is far far better in the book, and I don't see why it had to be changed at all. It's soooooooo obvious that they're not dead in the show. I much preferred Osha and the boys coming out of the crypt after Theon had given up the chase, makes a lot more sense. In the show it looks like Theon just gave up after 15 minutes.
Yep, Cleftjaw is taking on a lot of other characters' roles in much the same way that Osha seems to be.

And I agree that the WF story has been rushed and the show has suffered for it. The child-murder in particular has been badly botched.
05-17-2012 , 01:12 PM
Just finished the 5th book. Need a new book or series....anyone have any ideas?
05-17-2012 , 01:40 PM
lol, I'm pretty sure Team Joffrey stole that tournament idea from somewhere else on the internet because I've seen it before, I think even with those exact pairings.

Last edited by nath; 05-17-2012 at 02:01 PM. Reason: but a quick search of my other GoT reads couldn't find it. maybe it came to me in a dream.
05-17-2012 , 02:39 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
Well, allegedly the showrunners got an outline of everyone's plotline. If the Rickon on Cannibal Island plotline doesn't go anywhere important(which is likely imo) they can just have him stick with Bran.

Or they can stash him with some rando "friendly family" to forget about him.
The leading theory is just they send Bran and Hodor north with Coldhands and Rickon and Osha go north east to Skagos but given the way they are happy changing entire portions of story who knows how the show will work at this point.

I think however that Osha is going north of the wall again because of the way she knew of the three eyed crow which makes me wonder if even Coldhands will be in the show, he doesnt have a big part to play in Bran going north but he does have a pretty big part to play with Sam and Gilly getting south of the wall.

My personal theory is that they all go north of the wall without Coldhands who I reckon is a mostly irrelevant character anyway like the Night King (he isnt Benjen imo), Bran and Hodor gets dropped off with the Children and Three Eyed Crow then Rickon is escorted south by Osha and is stashed at Castle Black, then they just need to tweak slightly how Davos going to Whiteharbor works with Davos telling them they have Rickon safe and the story meshes pretty well. Meanwhile Sam and Gilly make it back more or less how it happened only they dont fall behind the main group and get seperated. Sam kills the Other White Walker along the way but only witnessed by Edd (or whoever it was in the book) and everything seemingly meshes back up with the book with no problem. We get to skip the entire magic door under the wall which was dumb and wouldnt work on TV and streamline the story.

Originally Posted by Dominic
Cannibal Island??? Wha?
The island of Skagos. Though we havent actually seen him there, just Davos sent there to retrieve him in either book 4 or 5, but with the Frey Pies it is logical to assume he is sitting safely in Whiteharbor right now. Or GRRM did what he always does and stashed him safely in the swamps at the neck like every other single thing he doesnt want to deal with but may need later.
05-17-2012 , 02:52 PM
I've read these damn books twice now, and I have absolutely no recollection of Rickon going to Skagos.
05-17-2012 , 02:55 PM
Originally Posted by Dean Manifest
Yep, Cleftjaw is taking on a lot of other characters' roles in much the same way that Osha seems to be.

And I agree that the WF story has been rushed and the show has suffered for it. The child-murder in particular has been badly botched.
completely agree with this. the WF story was awesome in the book and just ok in the show
05-17-2012 , 03:06 PM
I looked it up, its in A Dance With Dragons:

The mute flipped the dagger, caught it, then flung it end over end at the sheepskin map that adorned Lord Wyman's wall. It struck quivering. Then he grinned.

For half a heartbeat Davos considered asking Wyman Manderly to send him back to the Wolf's Den, to Ser Bartimus with his tales and Garth with his lethal ladies. In the Den even prisoners ate porridge in the morning. But there were other places in this world where men were known to break their fast on human flesh.

[end of chapter]
So it doesnt mention Skagos by name but from the previous Davos chapter:

The galleys Oldedo and Old Mother's Son had been driven ontot he rocks of Skagos, the isle of unicorns and cannibals where even the Blind Bastard had feared to land;
The two Davos chapters put together solidly indicate that is where he went.
05-17-2012 , 03:51 PM
Will be pretty disappointed if Rickon has been doing for 4 books.
05-17-2012 , 05:06 PM
Originally Posted by Dean Manifest
Just finished the 5th book. Need a new book or series....anyone have any ideas?
if you want unpredictable characters dying kind of action go for farseer:

if you want epic world go for wheel of time:

if you want some modern fantasy try stormlight:

other good reads are feist - magican (tons of books), rothfuss - kingkiller chronicle
05-17-2012 , 05:24 PM
Originally Posted by heltok
if you want unpredictable characters dying kind of action go for farseer:

if you want epic world go for wheel of time:

if you want some modern fantasy try stormlight:

other good reads are feist - magican (tons of books), rothfuss - kingkiller chronicle
From someone who LOVES A Song of Ice and Fire, couldn't get through the first Wheel of Time book (I'm open to giving it another shot, though), and flat out did not like Gardens of the Moon by Steven Erikson (way too much magic), I really, REALLY recommend Patrick Rothfuss' books (he's writing the third of his first three-book series).
05-17-2012 , 05:36 PM
Originally Posted by Dean Manifest
The child-murder in particular has been badly botched.
What do you think their goal was with this that's been "botched".

I don't think the show is making any pretense that we're supposed to believe it's Bran and Rincon. That story isn't about the Stark kids as much as it's about Theon, and I think it did a good job of doing that.
05-17-2012 , 06:21 PM
Originally Posted by Dids
What do you think their goal was with this that's been "botched".

I don't think the show is making any pretense that we're supposed to believe it's Bran and Rincon. That story isn't about the Stark kids as much as it's about Theon, and I think it did a good job of doing that.
I think it's the near impossibility that bran and rickon were actually the ones killed. The book did a much better job with it, despite what some of you think.
05-17-2012 , 06:29 PM
I don't think they screwed that up though- maybe they didn't tell the story you expected them to tell, but I think the story that's on screen is exactly what they wanted to do.

I think it's very intentional that we don't believe it's the kids. We're not supposed to be shocked that B&R are dead, we're supposed to be shocked that Theon would kill two innocent kids to make a point.

I think that's also why we didn't see a big fight at Winterfell, why Rodrick's death was different. Everything about the Winterfell storyline is all Theon.
05-17-2012 , 06:38 PM
Originally Posted by Hey_Porter
From someone who LOVES A Song of Ice and Fire, couldn't get through the first Wheel of Time book (I'm open to giving it another shot, though), and flat out did not like Gardens of the Moon by Steven Erikson (way too much magic), I really, REALLY recommend Patrick Rothfuss' books (he's writing the third of his first three-book series).
I've spent too much time reading fantasy.

Lord of the Rings (The classic. Probably more slower moving than many modern ones.)
The Wheel of Time (I love this series and it's soon to be finished but it does drag in the middle portion of the 13 book series. Final volume out soon.)
The Stormlight Archive (Great start but only the first one of ten written so far)
The Kingkiller Chronicles (Two books out so far. Fantastic writing but not on the epic scale of many of the others so far.)
The Farseer (Decent rather than great, IMO. Many people like it a lot though)
Chronicles of Thomas Covenant (A lot darker than other series. The second trilogy runs out of steam.)
Memory, Sorrow, Thorn (Loved these when I read them. Can't remember much but they may be a bit slow.)
Magician (A classic. Light fantasy. Many follow ups but the first few are the best.)
Mistborn (Decent. High on action and magic.)
Crown of Stars (Starts off well but begins to fade later in the series.)
Dark Tower (The first 3/4 books in this are great. Much better than most of King's work.)
Saga of Recluse. (Light Fantasy. Decent start, but the books got stale later on.)
Wayfarer Redemption (Light. Good start but I tired of them quickly.)
Dune (Not my cup of tea, I only read the first)
Black Magician/Age of the Five (Good reads. Nothing special.)
The Deed of Paksenarrion (Got stronger near the end of the trilogy.)
Sword of Swadows. (Well written but slow)
Book of Words. (Good)
Shannara (Bring the popcorn.)
Pern novels (Great if you love dragons. Alright otherwise.)

Who else is there? Goodkind--I hated them. Gemmell--decent heroic fiction. Most of his books are similar to each other. Eddings--Very light. I liked them when I was younger. Prachett--Comedy masterpieces but a different genre from what we are talking about. Dragonlance--Some of the originals by Hickman/Weis are surprisingly decent. Paolini--awful

I haven't read Erikson's Malazan books, just bought the first recently. Supposed to be a steep learning curve but hopefully I'll get into it.

Last edited by ValarMorghulis; 05-17-2012 at 06:54 PM.
05-17-2012 , 06:40 PM
I'm a big fan of Dragonlance from enjoying it as a kid, but I tried to re-read recently and I think "surprisingly decent" is pushing it.
05-17-2012 , 06:53 PM
Originally Posted by Dids
I'm a big fan of Dragonlance from enjoying it as a kid, but I tried to re-read recently and I think "surprisingly decent" is pushing it.
I just remember there was tonnes of them and I always assumed they were crap, someone said that the Hickman and Weis originals were actually good and I remember finding them to be alright. It's been a while now.

What I enjoy has changed a lot over the years though. I loved Magician, read it as a late teen, but wouldn't risk re-reading. Fantasy as a genre has grown along with my tastes, so there's a good chance I'd find a lot to be critical with it now.
05-17-2012 , 06:58 PM
htf did Dune get in there

I just bought Name of the Wind based on recommendation & well-written Kindle preview.
05-17-2012 , 07:10 PM
The first three Dragonlance books were the least crappy- that's true- but beyond nostalgia (I own the Dragonlance board game!) I wouldn't really suggest them as a good follow up to GoT.

The Icewind Dale books aren't super horrible if you want schlocky fantasy fiction in that vein though.
05-17-2012 , 07:17 PM
Originally Posted by Dean Manifest
Just finished the 5th book. Need a new book or series....anyone have any ideas?
You could like Witcher, I think 2 books have been translated to English so far.

I always liked Death Gate-series by Weis & Hickmann. These are something I enjoyed while I was younger, not sure how good I'd find them now:

Homeland (R.A. Salvatore) (I think the rest of the books in the series are quite bad, but I always really liked the first one)
Well of Darkness (Weis & Hickmann) (again, I only recommend you read the first book)
Dragonlance was ok, I especially recommend The Doom Brigade which tells about monstrous draconians trying to settle down and have life after war.
The Amulet of Samarkand was also quite good.

Also if you haven't read them yet, check out Neil Gaiman's Sandman.
05-17-2012 , 07:28 PM
Just found this site Seems to have some good lists. I especially enjoyed the worse fantasy books list where he has Goodkind/Brooks/Paolini and many other bestselling authors.

The guy recommends Fevre Dream by GRRM as the best vampire book so maybe that might be another option for a next book.
