just caught up on the show, haven't yet read the books but plan on it
season four seemed really unnecessary, whole thing seemed pointless, h
- just so dumb
so upset that a character i hated
- just brutal
hated amos in the early seasons, didn't understand it, felt like he was just granted badass status without ever doing anything to earn it, he was also this mindless drone who just did whatever naomi told him - also it's been a while, but in the early seasons i don't recall him ever appearing ripped, more just big boned and yet people would refer to him as this hulking brute and it'd just be like wtf he's same size as everyone else just chubbier
he makes a lot of development towards being both a character worth following and as superficial as this sounds, he does improve his physique later to actually physically represent the character but then they send him on his trip back home
and then we learn
- still though, he's best character on the show now, can't wait for him to bang the secretary general on the regs, they've been foreshadowing that for ages and now she's freshly single so i want to see it
and now that journalist who is kind of weird looking like someone took a razor and cut off any angular part of her face but in like a sexy way
like wtf
and why is everyone in this dark look, i kind of like it but the casting director clearly has a type as most women are pretty similar in facial structure and all given the same dark dark dark hair and makeup treatment
still love the show, just kind of at a loss on what it's been doing last few seasons, also really hate marco and the belter accent in general is just unbearable, was cool in small doses in early seasons and then went crazy
what i really wish they did was just make a long running belter detective show starring thomas jane, that would be the nuts - genuinely wish they just stuck with that instead of progressing the plotline
Last edited by rickroll; 03-28-2021 at 02:12 PM.