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In which Dids suggests that you should DVR "Life" In which Dids suggests that you should DVR "Life"

02-17-2009 , 12:51 PM
In case you are unware (as was I) new eps of actually really good TV show "Life" are back on...

... at 9 PM on Wed aka Lost time.

So you won't watch it live. You probably didn't before because it was burried on Fridays and other ****ty times. So I'm making a PSA thread so that you can see good TV. Watch this instead of Heroes or something.

You can watch eps of it OnDemand for 99 cents (or on HULU for free)

In short- Life is about a cop who was framed and sent to jail for 12 years, was set free, and sued to get a butload of cash and his old job back. Now he solves mysteries with his hot as balls partner, and is trying to figure out who framed him.

It stars Damian Lewis aka Winters from Band of Brothers, Sarah Shahi who is hot as balls and played a hot as balls lesbian on The L Word, Adam Arkin, the dad from Grounded for Life, Garret Dillahunt who owns in everything, and more of your favorite bit players.

To me, this is one of the better shows on TV right now. There's a good over-arching mystery, lots of hot chicks, it's hilarious, they like to cast lots of people who used to be on Deadwood.
In which Dids suggests that you should DVR "Life" Quote
02-17-2009 , 01:01 PM
Haven't watched an episode yet, but I like the lead guy from Band of Brothers.

I thought this thread was going to be about once you get a DVR, you start to come across other aspects of your life where the DVR capabilities would be useful.

Last edited by 27offsuit; 02-17-2009 at 01:14 PM.
In which Dids suggests that you should DVR "Life" Quote
02-17-2009 , 01:05 PM
Questionable taste, IMO.

Then again, it does promise to be two hours of laughter.
In which Dids suggests that you should DVR "Life" Quote
02-17-2009 , 01:15 PM
In which Dids suggests that you should DVR "Life" Quote
02-17-2009 , 02:30 PM
Originally Posted by Dids
with his hot as balls partner, and is trying to figure out who framed him.

It stars Damian Lewis aka Winters from Band of Brothers, Sarah Shahi who is hot as balls and played a hot as balls lesbian on The L Word, Adam Arkin, the dad from Grounded for Life, Garret Dillahunt who owns in everything, and more of your favorite bit players.
You know all the rest of these random actors names but Donal Logue gets this shabby treatment? For shame, Dids, for shame.
In which Dids suggests that you should DVR "Life" Quote
02-17-2009 , 02:41 PM
In which Dids suggests that you should DVR "Life" Quote
02-17-2009 , 02:45 PM
I've watched it a few times. It was meh. Just another standard cop show.
In which Dids suggests that you should DVR "Life" Quote
02-17-2009 , 02:57 PM
Originally Posted by TheNoodleMan
You know all the rest of these random actors names but Donal Logue gets this shabby treatment? For shame, Dids, for shame.
Seriously -- Donal Logue being in this thing is a significant enough fact to tilt me towards watching it!

Thank you though, Dids, for the recommendation.

You guys got any other DVR recs outside of the standard ones? Actually, maybe there are some standard ones I'm missing (right now I've got Office, 30 Rock, Idol, Top Chef, FoTC, uh honestly nothing else coming to mind haha this is sad for someone who works in TV).

I started watching Trust Me -- I like Eric McCormack but I sort of hate the guy from Ed and overall it's not so great.

Joker started a thread on Lie to Me which is weirdly entertaining but I think it will get old really fast (though I've enjoyed the 2 episodes I've seen so far).

I heard Secret Life of the Teenager is great.

In which Dids suggests that you should DVR "Life" Quote
02-17-2009 , 03:43 PM
I saw a couple of episodes of this show, wasn't really sold on it at all. I will agree that the lady cop is really attractive, though.
In which Dids suggests that you should DVR "Life" Quote
02-17-2009 , 03:49 PM
Originally Posted by Quadstriker
I've watched it a few times. It was meh. Just another standard cop show.

The formula is very similar to a lot of cop shows- but it is much better written, acted, cast, etc than your avg cop show. Hence this thread. It's much better than NCSI:Without A Cold Case Miami and shows of that ilk.


I don't know if they're your speed, but I think Gossip Girl and One Tree Hill are fantastically entertaining trash. They are not good shows, but they're fun to watch.

Chuck is always fun, also frequently a bit too silly.

Shows not to watch:

I caught a couple eps of Leverage this weekend and was not impressed.

Chopped asks people to make food that probably won't taste good and feels like it's filmed in Ted Allen's (stylish ldo) basement. Do Not Want.
In which Dids suggests that you should DVR "Life" Quote
02-17-2009 , 03:52 PM
WRT Logue-

He's not nearly as well used in this as in other things. He took over this season when for some reason they pushed Robin Weigart (Calamity Jane)'s character to a part time role. He's very solid- but he doesn't shine like the others do imo. (I also would consider him more random than Arkin, and maybe less than Dillahunt- but Dillahunt has just killed every role I've seen him in).
In which Dids suggests that you should DVR "Life" Quote
02-17-2009 , 04:41 PM
Thanks for the tip. I think I will watch this if I ever do not have a life.

Last edited by High Time John; 02-17-2009 at 04:43 PM. Reason: That was just dripping with irony.
In which Dids suggests that you should DVR "Life" Quote
02-17-2009 , 04:51 PM
I agree Dids...This show is getting the shaft. It was in the perfect time slot for it to start the season. Monday after Heroes. Got moved by that horrible Christian Slater show to Fridays against Numbers (another pretty good cop show). Then got moved a 2nd time to Wednesdays at 9 pm. It's gonna get it's ass handed to it by Lost and American Idol (I think Idol is playing for 2 hours on Wednesdays for a while).

I agree that it is a very good mystery cop show, with interesting characters, and excellent dialog. The underutilized Sarah Shahi may be the hottest chick on regular TV. It's too bad NBC has moved it around so much and decided to sacrifice it to the TV gods on Wednesdays. Probably going to get cancelled too soon because NBC failed at finding it a home.

Dids, thank you for saying what I've been thinking for a while.
In which Dids suggests that you should DVR "Life" Quote
02-17-2009 , 04:56 PM
Numbers is ****ing asscock. Every time I've watched that show the "math" has just been insulting to even somebody with my limited understanding of math/stats. Trying to shoehorn everything into that premise is ****ing painful. It's too bad, because it's got a sick cast, but such a dumb premise.


I have played blackjack with OOT mods and you have not. You may want to consider this before you kinda become the guy who unfunnily trolls my threads in OOT.
In which Dids suggests that you should DVR "Life" Quote
02-17-2009 , 04:57 PM
Originally Posted by Dids


I have played blackjack with OOT mods and you have not. You may want to consider this before you kinda become the guy who unfunnily trolls my threads in OOT.
Oh hai Dids. You may want to get a sense of humor before you grow up.
In which Dids suggests that you should DVR "Life" Quote
02-17-2009 , 05:07 PM
A sense of humor is only really helpful when the jokes at which I'm supposed to laugh are funny.

I don't mind being trolled, I mind that you've gayed up two of my threads in the least funny way possible. There is only ass, no smart, and mos def no extraordinaire.
In which Dids suggests that you should DVR "Life" Quote
02-17-2009 , 05:11 PM
Didsthreads' titles suck ass.
In which Dids suggests that you should DVR "Life" Quote
02-17-2009 , 05:13 PM
Originally Posted by Mcbrag
I agree Dids...This show is getting the shaft. It was in the perfect time slot for it to start the season. Monday after Heroes. Got moved by that horrible Christian Slater show to Fridays against Numbers (another pretty good cop show). Then got moved a 2nd time to Wednesdays at 9 pm. It's gonna get it's ass handed to it by Lost and American Idol (I think Idol is playing for 2 hours on Wednesdays for a while).

I agree that it is a very good mystery cop show, with interesting characters, and excellent dialog. The underutilized Sarah Shahi may be the hottest chick on regular TV. It's too bad NBC has moved it around so much and decided to sacrifice it to the TV gods on Wednesdays. Probably going to get cancelled too soon because NBC failed at finding it a home.

Dids, thank you for saying what I've been thinking for a while.
fwiw, the 12/17 episode of life (which didn't have lost as competition) had ~5.2m viewers. the show then took a break until 2/4 where the return episode had ~6.76m viewers when going up against lost

ive been watching this show since the pilot and highly recommend it as well
In which Dids suggests that you should DVR "Life" Quote
02-17-2009 , 05:17 PM
Originally Posted by Los Feliz Slim
Didsthreads' titles suck ass.
I would be letting my fans down if one didn't at this point. It's what makes me me!
In which Dids suggests that you should DVR "Life" Quote
02-17-2009 , 05:23 PM
Dids, this guy is trolling you to get attention. Why give it to him? Just ignore him and/or get him banned behind the scene (please do this).
In which Dids suggests that you should DVR "Life" Quote
02-17-2009 , 06:37 PM
Originally Posted by Dids
Sarah Shahi who is hot as balls and played a hot as balls lesbian on The L Word
Her role is going to be changing soon, as she gots herself knocked up. The main dude should be getting a new partner, which I would assume would be another hot chick.
In which Dids suggests that you should DVR "Life" Quote
02-17-2009 , 07:04 PM
Originally Posted by Dids

The formula is very similar to a lot of cop shows- but it is much better written, acted, cast, etc than your avg cop show. Hence this thread. It's much better than NCSI:Without A Cold Case Miami and shows of that ilk.


I don't know if they're your speed, but I think Gossip Girl and One Tree Hill are fantastically entertaining trash. They are not good shows, but they're fun to watch.

Chuck is always fun, also frequently a bit too silly.

Shows not to watch:

I caught a couple eps of Leverage this weekend and was not impressed.

Chopped asks people to make food that probably won't taste good and feels like it's filmed in Ted Allen's (stylish ldo) basement. Do Not Want.
Thanks Dids, I actually DVR Gossip Girl, forgot bout that one -- I caught up on the 1st season over past couple months, think it's better than 2nd season, but this season is still solid television imo.

I should DVR Friday Night Lights.

I can't bring myself to watch Chuck because the on-air promo makes it look horrible... but the chick in it appears to be quite hot.

Chopped is bad huh? That's good to know -- but I doubt I'd watch it anyway, I'm probably one of the few that thinks Ted Allen is not entertaining on any level, although he does add a bit more value than that horrible British dude we are left to deal with on Top Chef.

Gail >>> all (except Collichio and Ripert when he guest judges)

In which Dids suggests that you should DVR "Life" Quote
02-17-2009 , 07:13 PM
Oh yeah- FNL. I just caught up on all of this season over the weekend. God the football in it is so dumb. It's almost insulting how dumb it is. The rest is for the most part- pretty good.

Some of Chopped is OK. Ted is very bad, his best attributes as a judge don't come through at all, and he just sounds pompus and over-rehearsed. He doesn't judge- he just hosts and it is not his forte. The judges have actually been pretty good.

Mostly though- the show fails because the premise "make something using all of the stuff in this box" doesn't invite them to cook good food, it asks them to make something tolerable with a mismatched set of ingrediants. The only way that format would be interesting is if we cared about the chefs, but they're just a bunch of no-names who for the most part have been painfully annoying. It's just weird that this thing even got off the ground.

Chuck is much better than the promos. NBC just cuts really terrible promos for their shows. To me, it's a lot like the movie Ocean's 11 in that it basically just gets by on vibe and charisma, and it's very fun to watch, but you should avoid thinking too much about it. The eye candy and the bit players (up until this season, where I think they've made some mistakes) have been excellent as well.
In which Dids suggests that you should DVR "Life" Quote
02-17-2009 , 07:24 PM
Originally Posted by Dids
Oh yeah- FNL. I just caught up on all of this season over the weekend. God the football in it is so dumb. It's almost insulting how dumb it is. The rest is for the most part- pretty good.

Some of Chopped is OK. Ted is very bad, his best attributes as a judge don't come through at all, and he just sounds pompus and over-rehearsed. He doesn't judge- he just hosts and it is not his forte. The judges have actually been pretty good.

Mostly though- the show fails because the premise "make something using all of the stuff in this box" doesn't invite them to cook good food, it asks them to make something tolerable with a mismatched set of ingrediants. The only way that format would be interesting is if we cared about the chefs, but they're just a bunch of no-names who for the most part have been painfully annoying. It's just weird that this thing even got off the ground.

Chuck is much better than the promos. NBC just cuts really terrible promos for their shows. To me, it's a lot like the movie Ocean's 11 in that it basically just gets by on vibe and charisma, and it's very fun to watch, but you should avoid thinking too much about it. The eye candy and the bit players (up until this season, where I think they've made some mistakes) have been excellent as well.
The last 2 episodes of Chuck have pissed me off. 2 episodes ago they blew a perfectly good opportunity for a couple of hottie villainesses to strip down and instead had them strip Chuck down. The same thing last night. Instead of Jenny McCarthey stripping down, they had her handcuff Chuck to a bed in his boxers. What a waste.

Of course, seeing Yvonne Strahvski in 3D crawling on Chuck in a black babydoll kind of makes up for it.
In which Dids suggests that you should DVR "Life" Quote
02-17-2009 , 08:14 PM
Would it kill you to title your threads like everyone else?
In which Dids suggests that you should DVR "Life" Quote
