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Dexter: S4 Dexter: S4

12-01-2009 , 08:23 PM
Originally Posted by Showshone
hmmz, not gonna be watchin season 5, THATLL TEACH THEM TO TURN GREAT SHOWS INTO CRAP!
Well, aren't you edgy and controversial...
Dexter: S4 Quote
12-01-2009 , 08:40 PM
anybody have the willpower to wait two weeks and watch both eps at the same time?

im gonna try...but im sure by monday afternoon i'll crack.
Dexter: S4 Quote
12-01-2009 , 08:49 PM
Originally Posted by traz
Good episode as usual. Reporter is so goddamn hot. They were obviously alluding to last weeks late night meeting, where lithgow boned her I guess. That's kind of disturbing, I wish they would have touched on their relationship more.

The biggest thing that bothered me was we've already seen a similar plotline with Deb/ITK. I feel like it was kind of lazy to rehash the whole thing with Quinn/Reporter.
I'm perplexed every time someone in this thread finds similarities in previous seasons and deems it "lazy writing"

Like when people speculate about Quinn or someone being suspicious of Dexter its Doakes all over again and lazy writing. Its a show about a serial killer who works in a police department. People are going to get suspicious of him and find things out.

As for the reporter/Quinn thing being Deb/ITK all over again. Its a show about a serial killer and a police department going after bad guys. The cops are going to know some of the bad guys and hell a couple of the bad guys have had relationships with the cops.
Dexter: S4 Quote
12-01-2009 , 08:50 PM
Originally Posted by keepitreal
anybody have the willpower to wait two weeks and watch both eps at the same time?

im gonna try...but im sure by monday afternoon i'll crack.
Dexter: S4 Quote
12-01-2009 , 09:02 PM
Originally Posted by keepitreal
anybody have the willpower to wait two weeks and watch both eps at the same time?

im gonna try...but im sure by monday afternoon i'll crack.
dexter is the only happy part about sunday

oh, and 60 minutes
Dexter: S4 Quote
12-01-2009 , 10:27 PM
Originally Posted by sbfoosball
I'm perplexed every time someone in this thread finds similarities in previous seasons and deems it "lazy writing"

Like when people speculate about Quinn or someone being suspicious of Dexter its Doakes all over again and lazy writing. Its a show about a serial killer who works in a police department. People are going to get suspicious of him and find things out.

As for the reporter/Quinn thing being Deb/ITK all over again. Its a show about a serial killer and a police department going after bad guys. The cops are going to know some of the bad guys and hell a couple of the bad guys have had relationships with the cops.
I understand what you are saying here, but there needs to be diversity in how they play out each storyline. For example every season we've been introduced to a villain that gets built up then Dexter kills them at the end of each season, I find this being a bit repetitive and hope that they don't go down that road this season like they seemingly are.

On a unrelated note, I might be mistaken but wasn't a major part of Dexter's code at the beginning of the series was that the people that he would kill be untouchable by law enforcement? Whereas now he's constantly trying to kill before the department gets to them.
Dexter: S4 Quote
12-01-2009 , 10:46 PM
The drop in quality has a lot more to do with a limited premise getting stale than bad execution.
Dexter: S4 Quote
12-01-2009 , 11:04 PM
Originally Posted by tmfs
I understand what you are saying here, but there needs to be diversity in how they play out each storyline. For example every season we've been introduced to a villain that gets built up then Dexter kills them at the end of each season, I find this being a bit repetitive and hope that they don't go down that road this season like they seemingly are.

On a unrelated note, I might be mistaken but wasn't a major part of Dexter's code at the beginning of the series was that the people that he would kill be untouchable by law enforcement? Whereas now he's constantly trying to kill before the department gets to them.
you have to look at both sides of the argument.

instead of them finishing up the seasons nice and cleanly would you rather them leave clifhangers and make you wait till the next season to finish it up?

Yes, its a little repetitive, but none of them have been straight villians like trinity. ITK was his brother, had deeper relationship. Lila started out as a friend turned enemy, and Miquel was almost like a partner then enemy. This is the first straight up head to head enemy we've had of Dexter.

Would you still rather Lila be around and them dragging this out?

They still make is suspensful and the seasons move along very quickly and you don't really need to worry about huge clifhangers. I like it
Dexter: S4 Quote
12-01-2009 , 11:56 PM
Originally Posted by burkoboy
you have to look at both sides of the argument.

instead of them finishing up the seasons nice and cleanly would you rather them leave clifhangers and make you wait till the next season to finish it up?

Yes, its a little repetitive, but none of them have been straight villians like trinity. ITK was his brother, had deeper relationship. Lila started out as a friend turned enemy, and Miquel was almost like a partner then enemy. This is the first straight up head to head enemy we've had of Dexter.

Would you still rather Lila be around and them dragging this out?

They still make is suspensful and the seasons move along very quickly and you don't really need to worry about huge clifhangers. I like it
I agree that I much prefer the season ending with no loose ends, and I also understand that the villains have to go. I was just saying maybe other means of that, idk maybe they will try that with trinity. But I still enjoy the show.
Dexter: S4 Quote
12-02-2009 , 12:58 AM
I agree that Dexter getting found out and having to cover himself will be the most interesting part of the show if the writers are willing to go there.

This season has been strange overall. The acting has been amazing and there have been so many great ideas, like Dexter's wife being unfaithful, Trin's family watching as Dexter almost kills him, Trin's daughters "Black Widow" personalities, the subtle hints at sexual abuse between Trinity-His sister-His daughters... but at the same time, all of the plot holes acknowledged in this thread are overwhelming. They just throw crazy, bizarre storyline out there with no consideration whatsoever for the audience's senses.

It'll be interesting to see how they spin/show the circumstances around Trinity's previous relationship that spawned his daughter.
Dexter: S4 Quote
12-02-2009 , 01:00 AM
Originally Posted by Pudge714
The drop in quality has a lot more to do with a limited premise getting stale than bad execution.
No, I disagree. Its just been lazy writing.
Dexter: S4 Quote
12-02-2009 , 01:44 AM
Originally Posted by sbfoosball
As for the reporter/Quinn thing being Deb/ITK all over again. Its a show about a serial killer and a police department going after bad guys. The cops are going to know some of the bad guys and hell a couple of the bad guys have had relationships with the cops.
Yes of course it could happen again in reality. That doesn't make it any less lazy. The tv series only has to a show relatively small finite portion of what happens in the world of dexter. To have a main killer date one of the few main cops twice is too much for me. I'm sorry you disagree.

Could it happen? Yes. Should they have made it happen? In my opinion, no.
Dexter: S4 Quote
12-02-2009 , 04:38 AM
I'm absolutely loving this season. The Angel/Laguarta plot makes me want to break my TV and I don't like much of the Rita moments (but she's hot, so OK), but the main plot is awesome. I know there are plot holes, some moments of lazy writing and a few other things that might diminish the quality, but I'm so caught up in the main plot that I don't care. Anything with Dexter and Trinity is gold and that plot alone is shaping this season up to be one of my favorites of any show I've seen. Almost The Wire Season 4 level. And that trailer.....f*cking christ that was intense.

I'm thinking Trinity will be around next season and at very much the same level. Maybe he gets killed early on, but I think this plot is going to carry over till late next season and possibly the whole thing. They are quite a few places to go with it. I wonder if they decided that in the beginning of the season, or saw how well it was working and rewrote the story. Could explain some of the plot holes in that they were working fast to redo the end of this season and weren't able to fill those holes.
Dexter: S4 Quote
12-02-2009 , 05:39 AM
highly doubtful trin makes it past this season imho. which is a drawback of the show in terms of its predictability.
Dexter: S4 Quote
12-02-2009 , 08:50 AM
MCH/Lithgow scenes are amazing. This ep. seemed rushed to me, I did enjoy it tho.
Dexter: S4 Quote
12-02-2009 , 09:36 AM
Originally Posted by ProfessorPain
highly doubtful trin makes it past this season imho. which is a drawback of the show in terms of its predictability.
Speculation, not spoiler, but he could be arrested - meaning that next season Dexter has to deal with the constant sword of Damocles with Trinity in prison with his trial coming up and also Deb closing in on his past despite not having the CI file that he destroyed and Quinn will still have his grudge against him which will be born out more as he comes to terms with him feeling inadequate at not realising what the reporter was.

There is no way that Trinity can be free after the end of this season, but there is a very real and very interesting trapdoor if he is arrested.

It also has the huge bonuses that Lithgow stays and it takes the show in a new direction.

Ive really loved this season but this could be a refreshing change of direction it needs to stay fresh.
Dexter: S4 Quote
12-02-2009 , 03:26 PM
Hot Reporter turning out to be Trinity's daughter made it a much better revelation than greed.

Really like how this season turned it around after a kind of bad start.
Dexter: S4 Quote
12-02-2009 , 04:21 PM
Would love to see Trinity arrested and preserved till next season, Dexter under that pressure would be A+ tv.

Someone mentioned to me theyre confused why trinity killed "kyle butler" when he knows what dexter looks like. My guess is he wants to send a message? We'll have to see whether the writers blew it or its legit.
Dexter: S4 Quote
12-02-2009 , 04:34 PM
Someone mentioned to me theyre confused why trinity killed "kyle butler" when he knows what dexter looks like. My guess is he wants to send a message? We'll have to see whether the writers blew it or its legit.
he probably manipulated his daughter into killing the real kyle butler. she wouldn't know that kyle = dexter. so she probably thought she did it right.
Dexter: S4 Quote
12-02-2009 , 04:53 PM
Originally Posted by augie_
he probably manipulated his daughter into killing the real kyle butler. she wouldn't know that kyle = dexter. so she probably thought she did it right.
idk, or he was angry that hes been being played
Dexter: S4 Quote
12-02-2009 , 08:46 PM
Originally Posted by burkoboy
idk, or he was angry that hes been being played

my guess is that's it's dark and he doesn't find out that it's not dexter until he turns the lights on
Dexter: S4 Quote
12-02-2009 , 09:12 PM
Don't read this if you don't know what's going to happen:

My source on the show says Trinity dies at the end of the next episode due to a heart attack in bed at home in his sleep.

Last edited by econophile; 12-02-2009 at 09:47 PM. Reason: spoiler
Dexter: S4 Quote
12-02-2009 , 09:21 PM
Originally Posted by Hendricks433
Someone mentioned to me theyre confused why trinity killed "kyle butler" when he knows what dexter looks like. My guess is he wants to send a message? We'll have to see whether the writers blew it or its legit.
Spoiler tags for spoilers.

My reply:
If you think its possible that Trinity is randomly killing Kyle Butlers like some Terminator kill spree you give beyond zero credit to the people who write, edit, direct, act, produce, operate the lighting and even the guys who bring tea to the more important people in the show.

Its either a message to Dexter or its a manifestation and extension of the way he kills representations of people from his life.
Dexter: S4 Quote
12-02-2009 , 10:06 PM
Originally Posted by traz
They were obviously alluding to last weeks late night meeting, where lithgow boned her I guess. That's kind of disturbing, I wish they would have touched on their relationship more.
Another person who needs to start watching the show without any distractions.
Dexter: S4 Quote
12-02-2009 , 10:49 PM
i didnt get any read of anything sexual between trinity and the reporter...
Dexter: S4 Quote
