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Deadwood Appreciation Thread Deadwood Appreciation Thread

08-30-2012 , 02:02 PM
McMustache does carry the show though. Bad guy from Die Hard 4 does not bring much to the table.

I'm about halfway through season 2 now and episode 1 was just a fluke I guess. They're back to being enjoyable.

Last edited by lonely_but_rich; 08-30-2012 at 02:08 PM.
Deadwood Appreciation Thread Quote
08-30-2012 , 02:51 PM
Almost done my re-watch and been watching with commentaries, and it makes me so so sad to hear the actors talk about how the show is over, but at least they'll get to make a couple movies to wrap it up. Knowing that it's never going to happen is just brutal. Sigh
Deadwood Appreciation Thread Quote
08-30-2012 , 05:28 PM
I always thought Olyphant's acting on this show was over-rated, too. But after several rewatches, I didn't mind it so much, and for some reason, on this latest rewatch, I thought he was excellent. Weird.
Deadwood Appreciation Thread Quote
08-30-2012 , 09:21 PM
i just finished watching this series for the first time, really enjoyed it overall

i had no idea that there wasn't a real ending, so that was disappointing - that's part of the reason i wait a while on a lot of shows to pick them up.

i had to watch with subtitles on and several times had to pause and look words up because i had no ****ing idea what they were talking about even in context.

olyphantastic didn't really stand out to me, but i think that's just the way the character was written rather than who was playing him.

i grew really tired of farnum by season 3, and i was completely bored by every scene involving the theater people.

i have no problem with cursing, but there were times when i was like "ok, that's enough, can't we have just one sentence without F or CSer". i don't think trixie ever pulled that off.

swearengen had an amazing voice and presence, show suffered to me quite a bit when he was down for about the first half of s2. ed o'neill taking his role as glen, manager of stan mikita's donuts, back a century would've been endlessly hilarious to me, but the dad from hot rod definitely killed it - even when a scene would be just him talking to a severed head in a box.

charlie utter and george hearst had great voices as well, but tolliver's constantly menacing tone was a little over the top for me.

lots of great side characters - wild bill, wu, blazanov, richardson, doc cochran, etc.

i got a lot of good laughs out of this show, which is something i wasn't at all expecting going into it
Deadwood Appreciation Thread Quote
08-31-2012 , 02:42 AM
Oh man, Farnum was favorite character from Day One till the end.

And you know the "profanity = literary device" speech, right?
Deadwood Appreciation Thread Quote
08-31-2012 , 08:57 AM
Originally Posted by lonely_but_rich
Just started watching this. I finished season 1 and it was great but I started season 2 and the first episode is terrible.
Just watched S2ep1 and don't know how you can come to this opinion.
Deadwood Appreciation Thread Quote
08-31-2012 , 11:48 AM
Originally Posted by RichGangi
Seriously? I really don't know what to say.

Welcome to ****ing Deadwood!
It can be combative!
Deadwood Appreciation Thread Quote
08-31-2012 , 01:55 PM
Originally Posted by electricladylnd
Just watched S2ep1 and don't know how you can come to this opinion.
Like I said, the actors seemed uncomfortable to me. I watched 13-14 episodes (however many it was) back to back and the difference in quality in that episode was noticeable but like some have suggested I'm actually kind of stupid so maybe it was great and I just didn't get it. I don't think you can argue that it has the same feel anyway(S) (What's with them saying "anyways" in every episode!??? is that a literary device thing?) as the previous season.
Deadwood Appreciation Thread Quote
08-31-2012 , 05:40 PM
IMO, if the actors seemed uncomfortable in that ep, that's a good thing, not a bad thing. It's called "A Lie Agreed Upon", and lying is SUPPOSED to make you uncomfortable. Bullock lying about letters he never sent to his wife, the wife lying by assuring him that he received them, Alma (dressed in scarlet, no less) pretending she hasn't been banging this guy for weeks, Miss Isringhausen pretending that it's perfectly natural to conduct her lessons in a restaurant, while paint flakes flutter down from the ceiling...and that's just off the top of my head.

If you noticed their discomfort, then they did their jobs quite well, imo.
Deadwood Appreciation Thread Quote
08-31-2012 , 05:55 PM
Yeah, that's bull**** and you know it lol.
Deadwood Appreciation Thread Quote
08-31-2012 , 06:16 PM
What a type you must consort with, that you not fear beating for such an insult!

You say "uncomfortable" in the context of that ep, and all I can think of is Alma's ill-conceived visit to the hardware store. The scene DRIPS with discomfort from everybody, even Merrick trying to figure out the best way to hold hats.

Last edited by youtalkfunny; 08-31-2012 at 06:17 PM. Reason: I really wanted to put an Al Michaels "Ill-conceived, ill-designed, and ill-executed" in there, but resisted
Deadwood Appreciation Thread Quote
08-31-2012 , 09:13 PM
Originally Posted by lonely_but_rich
Like I said, the actors seemed uncomfortable to me. I watched 13-14 episodes (however many it was) back to back and the difference in quality in that episode was noticeable but like some have suggested I'm actually kind of stupid so maybe it was great and I just didn't get it. I don't think you can argue that it has the same feel anyway(S) (What's with them saying "anyways" in every episode!??? is that a literary device thing?) as the previous season.
I watched the episode with this in mind and still don't know where you are coming from. Youtalkfunny is spot on in his post.
Deadwood Appreciation Thread Quote
08-31-2012 , 09:38 PM
Your unbiased analysis of the episode has convinced me that maybe I was just in a weird mood that day. That exhausts my supply of ****s to give.
Deadwood Appreciation Thread Quote
08-31-2012 , 09:59 PM
perhaps you should try the Deadwood unappreciation thread
Deadwood Appreciation Thread Quote
08-31-2012 , 10:11 PM
I really like this show, that's why it stood out to me.
Deadwood Appreciation Thread Quote
09-05-2012 , 04:03 PM
YTF, did Sepinwall blog about S3? I can't seem to find anything....
Deadwood Appreciation Thread Quote
09-05-2012 , 05:15 PM
All the folks like me who have followed his Season One and Two "Rewinds" the past two summers, spent the last couple of weeks lobbying him pretty hard to do Season Three next summer. I mean, the first two were so popular, how could you not finish the job? Even Jim Beaver teased that he's got some more stories to tell, especially about his last episode, and he's saving them for the Season Three rewind, so that by itself should be enough to make sure it happens.

Oh, and since I happened into this thread today: I guess the title of "Biggest DW Fan on 2+2" is up for grabs, as I switched my vote to Breaking Bad this week for my favorite tv show ever. I had been on the fence about this all season, but these last two episodes pushed me over the edge, and I made the plunge. I still love you, DW, but I cannot, in good conscience, call myself the biggest DW fan in the world if I can't even call it my favorite show any more.

Yeah, this feels like breaking up, I really hate to do it. Weird, huh?
Deadwood Appreciation Thread Quote
09-05-2012 , 06:17 PM
Dude, that's a deep cut. I was not impressed with the last episode of BB and spent all day today wishing I had just watched more Deadwood last night.

I just don't find BB very convincing.

Had to get my two cents in.
Deadwood Appreciation Thread Quote
09-06-2012 , 04:27 AM
You have a lot of company in the BB thread. But I don't watch nor read fiction to be convinced of anything, so that's not a problem for me.
Deadwood Appreciation Thread Quote
09-06-2012 , 09:06 AM
I saw your post in that thread, and my reaction was the same then as it is now. I think you will change your mind after rewatching BB. It, in my opinion, will not come close to having the rewatchability of Deadwood. It is good, maybe even great. Just not quite in the same league as The Wire, Sopranos, Deadwood, etc. Just my 2c.

Sepinwall needs to get on it! I'm already on to S3.....
Deadwood Appreciation Thread Quote
09-06-2012 , 03:10 PM
BB is very different but it's in the same tier, imo.
Deadwood Appreciation Thread Quote
09-06-2012 , 04:23 PM
Originally Posted by RichGangi
I saw your post in that thread, and my reaction was the same then as it is now. I think you will change your mind after rewatching BB. It, in my opinion, will not come close to having the rewatchability of Deadwood. It is good, maybe even great. Just not quite in the same league as The Wire, Sopranos, Deadwood, etc. Just my 2c.

Sepinwall needs to get on it! I'm already on to S3.....
Hell, forget rewatchability, how about quotability? Deadwood is littered with amazing uses of language - Breaking Bad, while well-written, isn't exactly overflowing with quotes besides things like 'I am the danger!' and 'Just because you killed Jesse James don't make you Jesse James'.

'I am a sinner who does not deserve forgiveness. But I am not a government official'
Deadwood Appreciation Thread Quote
09-06-2012 , 07:02 PM
my only problem with BB on rewatch is the tension just isn't there. The cinematography is better, but the detail isn't.
Deadwood Appreciation Thread Quote
09-09-2012 , 10:58 AM
Just got done with my first ever re-watch of Deadwood. I think I rated Deadwood #4 in the recent all-time best shows list (after The Wire, Sopranos, and GoT) and while I struggle to say its overall better than The Sopranos, on an episode by episode, scene by scene basis, it is. So we'll call it a tie there. The Wire is still better because it's so damn fun, and I suspect GoT will end up being better for me too.

In terms of ambition and just pure talent on display in the writing and acting of Deadwood, I don't think anything beats it though.

In the years since my first re-watch I was of the opinion that the Deadwood ending was strong, largely because there was never a downswing in the show's quality. Also the final scene/line is pretty perfect. But while I was re-watching, it bummed me out that the show ended so early. In the first season most episodes were an hour long, but in the final season they were in the 45-50 minute range. There were several episodes that ended and I was like, "what, it's over already?" The time just flies by with this show.

I will definitely re-watch again down the road. There's a few things I didn't understand entirely. Like what's going on between Langrishe and his wife (or something, the lady with the sketchbook) who shows up in Deadwood. I also couldn't figure out if Mose Manuel lost his entire 200k roll gambling at the Bella Union, or if he had some left over and just chose to loaf around as the school bodyguard.

Also, of all the shows in my top five, Deadwood is the one that made me laugh the most.

Last edited by dankhank; 09-09-2012 at 11:08 AM.
Deadwood Appreciation Thread Quote
09-10-2012 , 12:48 AM
Mose definitely blew his wad at the BU.

Can't help you with Langrishe and his women. For some reason, I haven't rewatched Season Three nearly as much as the first two.
Deadwood Appreciation Thread Quote
